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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. @Sugarcoat Sorry for yelling at you previously in another thread (lol). But please take it to heart the when I say no action is automatic or out of your control. All actions are run on desire. And you're 100% responsible for what desires you chose to give importance to and follow upon. But listen carefully, there is one desire in particular inside you that is the strongest desire of all. The desire to become free from internal conflict. The desire for love, healing, truth and peace. This desire is god's given desire to you that will pump in your veins ceaselessly until that becomes your only reality. Once you consciously surrender to that desire fully. When that desire becomes the only motivating factor in your life. That desire will organize your body, mind and spirit to function for one purpose and one purpose only. There will no longer be any random chaos activity of the ego. To deny this is to cling to suffering. I'm wishing you reflect on it sincerely and make wise conclusions. .... @Schizophonia πŸ™
  2. This is not true. You value only that which serves you. If you take yourself to be the ego and body that is going to die one day, you will value survival because ego is all about the fear of death. And your desire will be to avoid death. If you're the Truth, you will value, love, joy, freedom, peace, brotherhood, purity, wisdom etc. You will value to be the servant of the Truth. An expression of the Truth. Your desire will be to be The Truth in every moment.
  3. What you do is the result of your desire. Desire is what drives all actions. Nothing happens in life without desire. There is a place in you that desires to be free from this internal conflict. If you put all your attention on that desire. Your mind, body, emotions and energy will all align itself perfectly to fulfill that state of conflict free existence. And that way it will stop all the compulsive chaos in you. It is my heartful suggestion you consider giving full attention to the prayerful desire that is in you already to be free and witness how that impacts your entire system from the very fundamentals and brings about great transformation and healing on all levels.
  4. This is not true. Every human has a value and desire for happyness, truth, freedom no matter what experience you go through.
  5. Steven Hawkins. That's probably why he's so smart. Edit. I didn't realize until now he is no longer alive. My mistake.
  6. To be of service is to follow your heart. And once you live in surrender to the heart, life will bring you many opportunities to be of service. That's the only purpose you're given. And it's the only true way to live life. To allow love to be expressed, to allow love to create through you. And the more you allow, the greater the wings of joy become. A great deal can be learnt from this lady πŸ‘‡on how to follow your heart and act from the source instead of ego
  7. Buy some stocks in this company.
  8. lol. Indeed I'm known for my ability touch the buttons sometimes Awww. πŸ₯Ί
  9. It's an ego game. Ego compares and contrasts itself to others to derive its value and sense of worth. Whereas love has no competition. It just is. And where there is no competition. There is no conflict. And where there is no conflict there is freedom and peace.
  10. That's why i sayed there are many layers of willingness and without awareness and honesty we unconciously value/cling to judgment and believe it has value. This unconcious belief that judgment has value is the only reason it persists. And because we are unaware of how ridicilous the whole thing is fully. We can't let go of it fully. We can only let go of it to the extent we have realized its futility. And the journey to letting go of it fully has many layers of deeper awareness, deeper honesty, deeper openess and willingness. I think Im just repeating myself now. I actually agree with what you wrote above. It doesn't contradict anything i wrote really imo. Love and prayer. Illumination through deep meditation and the light of awareness. Allowance and surrender to be guided by the intelligence and grace beyond the personal egoic mind. Also i know her personally for quite some time. We are actually good friends lol. But bs has to go. It's long overdue.
  11. Yes because misery is also a call for help. And a genuine call for help will always give good fruit. It works to the extent one is willing to make a new choice. The problem is that willingness has many layers. And we often lack awareness of all the layers where ego is still clinging and sees value in insanity. Without this awareness and willingness it is indeed difficult to go beyond it. But pointing out the insanity and where the attachment is can help people to drop at least one layer of self hatred at a time.
  12. Self whipping has no sanity behind it. And the pain is your own doing. It's your own whipping that is causing it. And you always have the freedom to make a new choice to let go of it. It's not the response you wanted but it's the response you need. Enough ego pampering. Let's become real. Let's become honest about what is really going on. And how insane it is. This honesty is key and the way out of this mess. Whether you wish to become honest and sincere about how self hate doesn't serve you and is utterly insane will show how seriously you want to become free of internal conflict and be at peace. Same old self-hate. An insane attempt to find peace. An ancient method born of ego. The voice of fear. It's one thing to sincerely reach out and look for a solution. It's another thing to play victim to receive kind words and then continue crying as a strategy for attention. I'm not saying that's what you do. But I encourage you to reflect and become super honest about it and find the answer for yourself. Well congrats on making this far. But it's time to go further. Some more things need to be cleared and get rid of to get to the other shore. That's the whole point of me confronting some of the things you unconsciously hold onto. Protecting insanity with so much attachment and value given to it. The game of victimhood that all egos like some much. To bring all this nonsense to surface and confront it with awareness and honesty.
  13. No amount of self beating is going to process any pain. Self beating is the pain. This need to play victim of yours is just an ego trick to receive pampering and attention. And it sometimes works. So you figured if you play victim someone will come and say nice words to you. While an actual solution is something you don't sincerely want. It's time to go beyond it. These fake sorries and crocodile tears and need to play victim and seeing value in beating yourself. It's all ego, and it's all insane. All of it you are free to throw into a trash bin where it belongs and begin to make a new choice. The choice to real sanity, real sincerity and conflict free existence.
  14. @Schizophonia @Yimpa@brakingthewall I saw your comments. Sorry for ignoring haha πŸ™
  15. The only distance you have to walk from suffering to freedom is the distance of a but. To be wholly willing to let go of all the buts and say, "from this point onwards, there is no more but. I will no longer beat myself, criticize myself, judge myself, attack myself in any way, I accept myself as God created me to be. Wholly loved and holy, radiant and free. And as you decree it will be so. For that is your inherence and your true light"
  16. That's why I sayed. If you were sincere to find the solution. You would've dropped the whip long ago. But you keep saying but but but
  17. There is no way to understand insanity. Yet you cling to poison like it's so precious to you. Always saying... Yea but.. Yea but yea but. There is no but. You are inventing this but to maintain suffering and you think that's what you need.
  18. Yes a part of you still believes there's benefit to self-whipping. That's why you do it. Failing to see utter nonsense of it. It takes absolutely no effort to stop it. It takes tremendous effort to maintain this habit tho. That's why it's exhausting.
  19. If you truly realized how insane and stupid it is to whip yourself. You'd never do it ever again. And guess what. All your problems would be over.
  20. You are the one whipping yourself. You're free to stop it any moment.