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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Well here's a question: 1. Can I hold my attention on something I have no interest in? 2. And why would I pay attention to something if I have no interest or desire to hold my attention there? 3. Or why would I hold my attention on something if I see no value in doing so? In my understanding. The focus of energy/attention goes only to those places that are perceived as valuable/of interest/of benefit. I don't know if I'm missing something here. But so far it looks like solid and perfectly logical position.
  2. Here's an interesting thought. @Osaid Where desire goes, there attention follows aswell. If one had no desire to serve the ego. That one would have zero attention on the body. Because ego is the identity with the body/belief that the body is "me". So without any desire to serve the ego, attention would be sucked away from the body into infinity (also called samadhi where one zones out of existence for a while in infinity) . And the pain of 50years of sitting he would have no special importance that would require attention. And what you pay no attention to, you don't register its existence even into your awareness. (For example when I used to play video games in cross legged. I wouldn't register the pain/numbness in my legs (and other simptoms associated my body) because I would be so absorbed in gaming.) Just something I was contemplating and wanted to share.
  3. Ok, tcare Have a wonderful day
  4. Haha. Lol I always imagined myself like this tho:
  5. @bebotalk 🥱 there's no need to be so mean... lol. Nice. I'm happie (happy-pie) for you
  6. Maybe "tired of spiritual gibberish that people speak on the forum" haha But real spirituality is forevermore exhilarating I believe. At least for me. If it's not invigorating, then it's probably fake. And the spirit of truth is absent in that material. After all, truth is the most invigorating thing there is. Your eyes and soul should set on fire upon encounters with different expressions of truth. That's how you know you're on the right track.
  7. Okay it's enough chatting for me. I'm going to sleep. Was nice to participate in this talk:) 👋✌️
  8. Gheesh. Lol. Well... You have to agree with me when I say these are quite gigantic claims. I'm not gonna question if it's true or not tho. But probability wise, it's very very hard to believe imo
  9. Whaaaaaat. Lol what kind of logic bending gymnastics is this I don’t know how you were able to dodge the question so eloquently lol. But let me get this straight. You're claiming you can sit for 50years with absolutely no sense of restlessness or impatience?
  10. @Osaid I want to hear your thoughts on this
  11. I like this part. And this. But not this but I don't have the energy to disagree anymore
  12. I would be able to sit with eyes closed for 50 years and not even notice it. Now you see the size of weight of claiming to have transcended impatience?
  13. @Osaid the problem is, some people are completely oblivious to their inner conditions and they always think they are "fine" when in reality they are "far from fine". I'm not saying it's you. But in general. Many people are quite blind to the levels of misery that lives deep deep inside them. Often would even say they are happy to others with a big smile on their face lol.
  14. @Osaid @Osaid the realization might be simple according to you. But the elimination of misery has so many layers... That is what I wonder if you truly appreciate the depths of it by saying you have ended all of it... Big statements... Big big big statements.... Super gigantic statements right there.
  15. @Osaid @Osaid well... I wonder if you realize the weight of claiming to have escaped all misery that gets generated by the ego. A part of me thinks there's probably lack of self awareness and lack of appreciation in you of how many subtle layers of unpeace can there be. But it's just my gut feeling. But good for you if it's true:)
  16. @Osaid What if. My response to everything is love while situations are keep changing. Wouldn't that prove that my response is not dependent on the situation?
  17. Hmm. That's quite a big claim : D Well... If you say it's true I'll take your word for it. Tho normally I would find it hard to believe. To say there are no more insecureties and impatience is a really really big claim to me that only very few in a 1000years are able to achieve.
  18. Idk, in my understanding emotions are not situational. Emotion is a response to a situation. And you will respond to a situation depending on what you wish to serve. The little me or The whole. And if you are only interested in serving The Whole because you know that you are actually serving yourself and everything is one. Then... It's a different world altogether.
  19. I sort of agree. In my understanding the desire shifts from serving the ego to serving the whole. And serving THE Whole is pure love. And the more you serve the whole the more love you feel. So every action that eminates out of you becomes just pure expression of love at that point that is not ego centric anymore. Actions are no longer in service to the "little me" would be another way of saying it.
  20. @Osaid I grant you that there are some exceptions when the body's intelligence recognizes danger and gives you a signal to avoid something which is different than ego generated misery. But leaving that aside. To keep things simple. Leaving the special cases rare cases aside. Simply living life. If there's stress, anxiety, attachment, lememting, maybe lust can be included, impatience etc (everything that is not peace and love basically) . Simple miseries like that. The first point I would try to make is that all of these are a product of desire to serve to ego. And by simple logic enlightenment (realization that ego doesn't exist) would mean the end of that.
  21. Damn we were so close to finishing this. Here are my closing thoughts and I'm leaving this. 1. Desire to serve the ego, the little self rather than The Whole is what causes all the misery. 2. Realization that ego and separation is an illusion removes all desire to serve the ego (you admitted this to be true @Osaid ) 3. By simple logic it follows: enlightenment (experiencial knowledge that ego doesn't exist) = all removal of misery and is replaced by perfect love and peace that never fades. 4. If the third point doesn't seem to be the case in one's experience, if there is even a speck of misery in one's mind being generated. It can only mean the belief in ego and desire to serve the ego is still active and thus that one has not fully realized the unreality of the ego yet. Aka, not enlightened. .... So. That's where I was trying get to. I hope this will sound logical and perfectly reasonable for you. ciao