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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. The only way you can live in alignment with Vegan values is if you're living naked in a jungle. Because guess what, the moment you're using your phone, car, city comforts. It's all participating in destruction and cruelty in some shape or form. Just for you to have your phone people are slaving and poisoning themselves mining cobalt and you're using those products.
  2. Okay but it's yet to be invalidated. You guys are just running circles calling what I say bs and saying nothing of substance.
  3. You're yet to say something that would invalidate any of my points.
  4. Killing is killing. Once you've justified killing even a microbe, knowingly or unknowingly you've justified killing to live in general. My points were: 1. Killing is unavoidable in order to live. 2. Eliminating meat entirely is not practicable. 3. It's good to avoid unnecessary killing. Your input makes no difference to these points.
  5. Okay I was under the impression that RFK had the same level of qualifications and quality of research as other experts giving him an equal weigh in the opinion.
  6. The thing is, even the highest level experts and scientists have differences in opinion on different subjects. How can you possibly know who's right when you're yourself not a scientists or an expert in those fields? And even if you were an expert, your opinion would still not have more weight than any other opinion from other experts that disagree with you.
  7. "all those experts are retarded also, he he he, check mate "
  8. You're clearly blessed with a profound insight into all things my friend 💪
  9. I will reflect on that. Thank you. 🌟🌸🦋
  10. Because the problem is not the perception of the world that people have. It's the condition of the perceiver itself that is either in alignment with truth and integrity or is actually clouded with shadow aspects of the ego. And that is where correction is actually meaningful. Because perception of reality is often just a reflection of the condition of the perceiver. So bringing awareness to the perceiver is most foundational and important and can bring nothing but positive changes since self awareness always aligns the perceiver closer to truth. The opinions people chose to hold is not really my concern. Everyone have always and will always have different opinions on different things. That's normal.
  11. "Let's come together and ridicule people we don't like even more. He he he. What satisfaction. Mm " Edit. Due to lack of vigilance to be self-aware my ego energy got involved into this last reply. Sorry. But the observation of the forum’s bahvior here still holds value I believe so I'm gonna leave the comment.
  12. It's constructive only if it brings value to the table. Unless your nice words help others broaden their perception, it amounts to verbal abuse only.
  13. And what are people going to achieve by complaining about it? And worse then that, extensively deregating and trash talking them? I understand constructive critism can be valuable. But that's not what I see here.
  14. Then of what value is it to trash talk con artists?
  15. "The coming together to criticize people you don't like does not amount to constructive critism, it just amounts to verbal abuse"
  16. And what motivates you people to do that? Like I said already "The coming together to criticize people you don't like does not amount to constructive critism, it just amounts to verbal abuse."
  17. It looks to me that most of you would prefer to see Trump administration end up doing lots of damage to America rather than good just so you could say in the end: "see? I was right all along, he he he". But that's such a lame motive to have. It would be better to focus on bringing something positive on the table. The coming together to criticize people you don't like does not amount to constructive critism, it just amounts to verbal abuse.
  18. One of the best meditation practices I've ever done is probably Silent Witness. I couldn't live without this practice. It's great because it does not require for you to stop your mind to do this practice and it's great for deepening self-awareness. "Silent Witness Practice The Practice of the Silent Witness is a practice of merely observing mental-emotional states, and all of the thoughts and feelings-emotions that arise, without any judgment or attachment and aversion. One simply wishes to watch what is happening, inwardly and outwardly, without identifying oneself with anything that is transpiring. So long as we remain identified with what is arising in consciousness we are powerless to make any real change, but if we can remove our self-identification with thoughts and emotions, and even events in life, we become empowered to make changes. Likewise we discover that often by merely letting go of self-identification with mental-emotional phenomena and events of life, and bringing what is happening into the Light of Awareness, most problems are naturally and spontaneously dissolved. Basically, the Silent Witness is an exercise in self-knowledge and the cultivation of self-awareness - what we call the Presence of Awareness. At any time, anywhere, just let go and let be, and become the Silent Witness of all that is transpiring within and all around you. Become aware of your body and with your awareness scan your body. Notice its posture and all of the sensations in the body, including any tensions or stresses. Then shift your focus to the feeling-emotions underlying the bodily sensations, allowing yourself to become conscious of your feelings and emotions. Then shift your focus to the thoughts associated with these feelings and emotions. Without any judgment at all, without attachment or aversion, just Witness in Silence what is happening. This practice can be done in the midst of any activity of daily life. It is one of the key methods through which Gnostics integrate their spiritual practice into daily living. One can engage in this practice for prolonged periods of time, but even just five or ten minutes here and there throughout one's day is very powerful and beneficial. While we aim to abide in this Presence of Awareness the majority of the time, this evolves through consistent practice. Witnessing is not something you do, it is the realization that awareness is present. Awareness is always present, even when you are totally absorbed in an activity or thought. "You" might be trying to do the witnessing, yet while this "you" seems to have awareness, in reality the "you" that tries to witness is being witnessed."
  19. Meditating on presence with eyes open is a valid practice and can take you a long way. But I believe to get to the final goal one has to close the eyes eventually in order to cultivate a sharper discernment between psychological reality and existencial reality (presence). If you want to make closed eyes meditation easier, you can anchor your presence to the breath. It used to help me as an intermediate step between open eyes and closed eyes meditation. "Primordial Meditation with Breath This method is most ancient and is found in many esoteric schools. Essentially, you allow your body to find its own natural rhythm of breath and rest your attention gently on the breath, using breathing as the vehicle of the Presence of Awareness. When you meditate using this method, breathe naturally, with even inhalations and exhalations, just as you ordinarily do. Focus your awareness very gently on the out-breath, and when you exhale just flow out with the breath. Every time you breathe in, let go and let be, and imagine that at the end of the out-breath your breath dissolves into the infinite spaciousness of Truth. At the end of every exhalation, before the next inhalation, you will find there is a gap – let go and enter into the gap. In the gap is the “place” of Pure and Primordial Being. This is called Perfect Repose. Whatever thoughts or emotions might arise, neither grasp at them nor push them away. Just let them be, and let them naturally arise and pass away, without doing anything with them or entertaining any judgment. If you find that you have become distracted or identified with thoughts and emotions arising, or find yourself daydreaming, merely restore your focus to your breath and continue. If mind enters into the gap and the Natural State dawns, let go of the practice and just calmly abide. If the mind or heart moves, return to the practice. It is that simple. Do not focus too tightly upon breath, but focus upon it lightly. Basically, you want to place about ¼ of your awareness on breath and leave the other ¾ free, abiding in a quiet and spacious state of relaxed awareness. In this state one is essentially aware of oneself and what is happening in one’s consciousness, and aware of what is happening in one’s environment. Instead of watching the breath, as though separate from breath, progressively allow yourself to identify with your breath, as though you are becoming your breath. Breathe and let the breath and the one who is breathing gradually merge in a natural way without unnecessary force. In this practice you will find that as the Presence of Awareness grows you will experience the mind becoming more and more silent and the vital-emotional being becoming more and more quiet. It is as though one is shedding the Serpent’s skin and putting on a Body of Clear or Transparent Light. In this way one is set free!"