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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. I meant to say the story of Jesus. The legacy that he left. That whole demonstration of forgiveness and love and all that. That has strong impact and inspiration to be less ego centric on people even till this day. I doubt being run by a bus would have that impact.
  2. Lol. But you know... Millions of people have become inspired by Jesus to be of service when they saw what they saw. I doubt anyone would be inspired by you being run by a bus so maybe there was something more to it than simply being killed.
  3. Haha, you got me there. But hey, what if he actually did that with having in mind that it is for the better of all? I mean it's possible. Let's not put that off the table.
  4. I would be willing to agree that deep darkness and ignorance can be the reason for deep levels of transcendence and light. But I still think to be ignorant and stupid is not necessary to live life. Kinda obvious when you think about it.
  5. If you think sadhguru's example is extreme. Then how about giving away your whole body to be crucified in service to humanity? Indeed thought provoking I would say. On another note tho. I don't see why are everyone assuming the bleeding is caused by overworking. That was the last explaination that entered my mind. Better to wait a few days there will probably be more information of what actually happened.
  6. There are only two ways to live your life that are in alignment with truth. 1. Sit in samadhi 2. Be of service to life Every other use of time can be considered and is ego-centric use of time and that is not a quality of an enlightened mind. In my understanding the example that sadhguru is setting is: put service above your own needs for that is a true life. There is one line in the Bible somewhere like this as well that says the same thing and it goes something like this: "if you try to save your life, you will lose it. But if you give your life away in service to God, you will find it"
  7. The way I see it. There are two ways to live life. can live life out of joy and passion and love and excitement. 2. Or you can live out of fear for death. And i believe if you drop the second. You will be 100% in alignment with your true purpose, God, happiness, truth, authenticity etc. It is the second method that is the source of misery, destruction etc. And it is a false way to live life because it is based on false premise to serve the ego. Not the truth.
  8. I don’t see it that way. If all fear would be replaced by love, humanity would flourish and be infinitely more beautiful. On the other hand, if love was gone and only fear and ego was left. For sure humanity would self-destructe itself really fast.
  9. Unnecessary in a sense that without the energy of fear, you'd be ruled by the energy of love and you'd be infinitely more happy, intelligent, proficient, aligned with your true purpose, aligned with God etc. The energy of fear serves no purpose but the sustenance of ego. And ego is but a product of false perception of reality, so why would anyone try to sustain an illusion? (Unless they believe the illusion is the reality.) It's an empty pursuit that leads to more suffering the more one clings to it. And eventually everyone is destined to realize that and come out of it. Maybe in that sense suffering produced by the ego(which is fear) is useful afterall...
  10. "Clinging to survival" or "fear of death" would describe the ego better i think. An energy that is possible only if we perceive who we are wrongly.
  11. Okay. What do you say about leaving this matter be? We don't have to agree on anything. Just playing with ideas really.
  12. Also. Harmonious music can be healing art itself. That's why it feels good.
  13. This is the preference for pleasure over health basicly. And it is born of ego. Without ego this preference for pleasure and stimulation over boredom and simplicity would not be there.
  14. No. There is logic behind it. Certain smells open your body up and have many health benefits. And certain smells can be like posinous to your health. Same with sounds. Music is very harmonious and in tune sound collection. If you play out of tune sounds it will be jarring to the ears and it will give a headache to the body
  15. 🥱We should wrap this up because it's time for me. I enjoyed this conversation tho regardless of the outcome.
  16. Does a corpse prefer apple pie or cherry pie? A corpse does not care. Only ego does.
  17. Because certain smells are better for the body. And certain foods are better for the body. That's how preferences are made. Certain things are better for the ego survival as well. That is another category of value making. But from the ultimate point of view. Nothing is better or worse. Everything is equally meaningless/valueless to pure awareness.
  18. Let me add one tiny thing. Yes meaning is imagined I agree. And when all imagined meaning is gone, it does not change the value of what exists. Yes. And that value is total zero. Haha
  19. Mmmm... I don't follow you here. For me value and meaning are literally the same. Okay. I have a good example I believe that will really help. Here's a question. Of what value is sweet or bitter to a corpse?
  20. You see. This is beautiful. @Osaid If we look from the body's point of view then there are things that have more value then others. Like water will have more value then poison to the body. To the ego, survival will have more value than anything else. But from the perspective that you're not the ego and not the body suddenly nothing means anything anymore.
  21. Sweet and bitter can have different effect on the body. But to pure awareness both sweet or bitter means nothing at all. Just a temporary passing thing.
  22. You see. Maybe we just have different English. Because for me these two words are synonymous haha. I believe you're trying to say that there is an existential effect that the element produces. Yes. But what I'm trying to say is that the effect is ultimately meaningless to pure awareness. To pure awareness it just another element that is not more important than the other elements in the world.
  23. Or in other words, to pure awareness, all phenomena is a neutral event. Sensations just come and go, energy is dancing, forms come and dissolve and it all means nothing at all... Maybe that will land better.
  24. Thank you for the effort to be on the same page. Yes I realized the world neutral means to you "without effect" or smth. But what I was trying to say "all effects, big or small ultimately have no value only if you give it value. If you don't give it value. It has no meaning. And it is the ego that determines the value of things"