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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Being a bad influence on people is nothing new. That doesn't make it valid somehow.
  2. Mmm. I found it a bit hard to follow your explanation. But... You can definitely have a sense of self(ego) and then it can go away. Sense of self(ego) is constructed through resistance. If perfect acceptance comes, resistence is gone. Dense sense of self is gone. Only pure space of awareness beyond any quality is left. That beyond any quality of awareness is the same as no self in some teachings.
  3. Here's another way to debunk this. Only going in the direction that your heart truly wants matters. For to go against the heart is suffering. And if one follows the deepest desire of their heart. The deepest desire of everyone's heart is God. Bam Case closed.
  4. Okay I'll present my case for why only spirit development all that matters. Here's my argument. Only what is true is valuable. Every effort spent on pampering egoic desires is effort wasted. If we eliminate all the waste. We get only spirituality related activities. Love inspired activities. Bam Case closed.
  5. To be more accurate. It is the resistance to pain that creates a dense sense of self. And the resistance is suffering. It is exactly the same thing as no self. Congrats on getting that haha.
  6. Well who is suffering becomes the question. Is awareness suffering the pain or pain is arising in the body and then the ego(dense sense of self) reacts to. And is awareness affected by all this drama? Or is awareness just impartial witness of it all?
  7. It is. It is your true self - impersonal awareness beyond all shapes/densities/qualities. Whereas your sense of self that has a quality and density to it is personal. It is ego. A mask. We confuse ourselves with the mask. But behind the mask there is awareness in which the dense sense of self is seen. That space beyond all shapes in which every shape arise is what would be called your true self in classical spirituality.
  8. That aspect of you that knows, "now there is a sense of self", "now there is no sense of self" that is awareness. That's your true self so to speak. This is true. And yet every shape or density of ego is seen. The awareness itself is beyond all shapes and all qualities.
  9. No I don't call an illusion a flaw. I can an illusion something that appears to be real but actually isn't. Some insights tho can be false. These can be debated and discussed to see how congruent they are. Neo advaita is full of such false teachings that are not logically congruent. (sorry for using that word again)
  10. Illusions are not the reality. Just think about it. It's impossible for an illusion to be a reality.
  11. Even if I didn't call it mind virus. It is still a deeply flawed framework and exposing it is not that difficult.
  12. Okay okay. I won't use that word neo advaita. I'll think of something else
  13. I don’t know where you picked up this language. But it's a mind virus I recognize very well. I'm just calling it neo advaita because it's exactly what they speak what you speak.
  14. Two things can be at play here. One is judgement from the mind. Second it could be just the natural intelligence of the body to stay away from what is not good for you. Body has a brain of its own in a way. And it gives you signals as such.
  15. It does compute. But it threatens your neo advaita framework. And you're trying hard to avoid your neo advaita being debunked.
  16. Nothing is going to fall away by accepting a thought system or a phylosophy such as neo advaita. The only way things fall away is when what is not true is seen through with awareness. There's a Giant difference between seeing things through and intellectual conviction or insight.
  17. Things are not happening accidentally. They are inspired either by fear or love. Truth or ego. Truth or illusion.
  18. Let me rephrase that. (I forgot I'm talking to neo advaita here lol) "By using Awareness of the actions"
  19. Just observe how you feel when you choose generosity versus greed. Forgiveness versus judgement. Trust versus fear Surrender versus control Etc.
  20. Ego can make you chase all kinds of bs in the name of love. And the suffering will just get worse and worse. Only love can take you where you want.
  21. Love. But you can't find love by listening to ego's voice or by following the inspiration of fear. Because the more you follow fears voice, the more you buy into illusion and ignorance. And that brings suffering.