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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. @puporing what would you do if the entire world would accept you as the most enlightened human being on the planet?
  2. I'll basicly repeat myself what I already said. Talking to @NoSelfSelf helped me formulate my thoughts. What you do shows what you value. And what you value shows what you associate(identify) yourself with. And it shows that you value falsity. If your actions are in service to ego (anger, jealousy, control, manipulation, fear etc.) than you are not aware of who you truly are. If your actions are about chasing bodily pleasures, than the completeness and wholeness of who you are have missed your awareness. By their actions you will know if what they identify with is truth or illusion. Because the one who identifies only with truth, values only love and harmony and is an expression of these qualities only. For these are the qualities of truth. Nothing wrong with the people you listed tho. Just instead of calling them fully enlightened call them, "more elevated than others" and therefor qualify to help others. Nonetheless their progress was not finished. It's extremely rare to see full ego transcendce.
  3. Lazyness is not natural if a person is doing what the heart truly wants to do. Sense of being despirited comes when what we do is not what our true calling is. It creates inner conflict and depression becomes inevitable. Because they're constantly fighting their own true heart.
  4. Even if you intellectually understand that God is the only value. When shit hits the fan, deep part of your mind will cling to survival. That's why transcence takes time.
  5. What you do shows what you value. And what you value shows what you associate(identify) yourself with. The attachment we have to ego is not easy to brake in one day. It is by constant vigilance to the impulse of the heart that we transcend ego's grip on us.
  6. On some level you have valued lazyness because it serves you. People who go into anger, jealousy, judgement, fear, control, manipulation etc etc. Are creating these energies because they believe it serves them on some level. They fail to see that only love is value. Only love and truth can serve them and give them what they want. This failure to see what is truly valuable is what is causing people to do stupid things. Nobody would waste time doing something that is not good for them if they clearly saw it has zero value for them.
  7. You can only engage in a particular activity if its of value to you.
  8. Are you asking how to go beyond the false ego?
  9. All intention is self serving. If it serves the false self (ego) then your identity is false also. If your intentions serve The Whole (your true identity) than you are in alignment with truth. You are expression of your true self.
  10. @NoSelfSelf All intention is self serving. Yes. If your identity/idea of self is only you and you alone. You will be called selfish. If your sense of self expands and becomes everything. All your intentions will be to serve The Whole. And that is love.
  11. It is the intention that moves. Intention/will can come from fear (ego) and it can come from the source (love) If you identify yourself with ego, you will express everything that has to do with survival (anger, judgement, control, manipulation, fear etc etc.) If you identify with Truth, only the impulse of love will manifest through your body. And the way of truth is only harmony and peace. Therefor your actions show what you identify with. Truth or illusion.
  12. There's not a single intention in you that did not come out of you. YOU must be there first, for intention to exist. That YOU is your fundamental core identity.
  13. It's important to understand intention to understand identity. Because who produces intention? You do. What is this "you"? It's your identity.
  14. What is intention is not a simple question tho.
  15. I will try, I'm trying to write another reply now
  16. @UnbornTao If you have intention, you have identity. Intention is inseparable from the one who intends. The one who intends is your identity.
  17. You would have. If you wrote that book.
  18. My tolerance for pain is such that even if I have to do chores I awaken instead.
  19. "Only for most serious spiritual seekers"
  20. Now that you mention it, it sounds pretty dope