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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. There would be more value in preaching a nice spaghetti recipe imo
  2. @Jehovah increases it's been long since I saw you act like that. Brings back memories, lol
  3. Even if it's true. What will you do with that information?
  4. A concious way is to never turn your back on anyone. At the same time to never compromise your integrity to please different forms of ego's cries. If your integrity is solid, people who lack honesty, open mindedness, virtue will naturally fall way from your life and won't be able to stick around.
  5. I think i was able to understand what you mean. If I "zone out" while staring at something in front of me in a broad manner. My vision becomes like a screenshot or a wallpaper. But I have to put effort to see things in such a way. It feels more like a trick of an eye tho rather than ego dissolution. Maybe you should check with an eye doctor
  6. The words you're using to describe your experience are difficult to interpret for me. I'm trying to imagine maybe you're experiencing something like becoming more present. So that it feels like everything is more crispy, HD, and "slow" and spacious and static. That would be how a normal person describes ego dissolution
  7. Your state of wellbeing could be indipendant of this weird phenomena.
  8. Ego dissolution should fix all abnormalities, not create ones. Unless it's some old thing arising to be cleared out.
  9. It's probably something much more complicated than that. Your experience is not a normal sign of ego dissolution. Perhaps you interpreted mental shifts as spiritual but it was something neurological instead. That's why it happened in conjunction.
  10. There is not a single physical thing that doesn’t have a spiritual side to it also. Poverty is a spiritual disease. Misfortune is a spiritual disease, miscarriage is a spiritual disease, loneliness is a spiritual disease, the list goes on forever. The thing that defiles the spirit are false idols. In other words it is to value wrongly. And what you value is what you will attract. Unconsciously of course. Thus is the Law. Thus is the reality we live in.
  11. If love was your only desire, love would be your only reality. Not disease, not famine, not suffering, not war and conflict. Theirin lies people's unconscious manifestation of their own hell they create. Because they desire for million other things over God and so their prayers are being answered. Because you're free to create whatever you want. You're free to be free and you're free to be bound.
  12. It is God's will for marriages to be glorious, for relationship is the holiest of places to be found for genuine love to bloom. The problem is not marriages but iniquity and lack of integrity, personal and generational, that is rampant in today's society. Nothing of virtue can flower on such soil/foundation. "don't build your house on rocky ground" as they say. Have your roots in virtue, integrity, god first before you do anything in life and only beautiful things will blossom. Have your roots in iniquity, lust, gluttony, riotous living, slothfulness, fornication and idle living and only misery will follow. Thus is the Law.
  13. Ability to know without limits. You only know what you're concious of. Infinite intelligence = infinite conciousness = God's endless ability to know more of itself. The more concious you are, the more intelligent you are, the more is your ability to know. Ad infinitum.
  14. Depends on your inclinations and stage of development.
  15. “A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary… you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance.” The love presence and the void Ramana speaks about is not the same thing. Nor is the methodology to get there is the same. Sitting in a cave cannot bring one to where yeshua wants to bring people. Although the practice of emptyness/detachment has its usefulness as a preparation for Christ conciousness and is part of the process.
  16. Tell us more :]
  17. 1. God is everything including ego 2. Ego is not God. 3. There is no ego. All three statements are true simultaneously
  18. Better let acim speak for itself. “A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary… you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance.”
  19. My heart wants to write something. If blue was the only color that exists, you would not know what blue is. We need contrast to know blue. Similary for God to know himself he needs a contrast and the duality was born. Duality is essential to existence. Yin and yang is the the fundamental principle of existence. Nothing exists without it. And yet yin and yang is one thing. There is no duality between duality and nonduality. Duality and nonduality are one. They are not one after another, not more true than the other, they are one inside each other. Like a snake eating its own tale. Or like an infinity symbol.