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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. I was willing to relinquish everything I've said and apologize for it if it turned out to be a wrong perception
  2. I can rephrase that into. "The presence was of benefit" You're trying to be of benefit aswell by trying to make me see my flaws. You're not doing anything different than what I'm doing.
  3. Maybe my observations were actually accurate. How do you know.
  4. I was not blind to it. I just have a different understanding of what's appropriate based on what my heart was telling me to do.
  5. Sometimes that resistance is a sign that the healing light is penetrating through. It's a question mark of how much importance should one give to crocodile tears. Again I would repeat myself. It seems everyone has a different perspective on this question.
  6. @vibv @Leo Gura I don’t think there's any harm in showing people where they're stuck. Plus I was not attacking her in any way. Nor was I rude or forceful. Although people have strong reactions sometimes when they don't want to look inside. Who's to say how much of that interaction is appropriate and how much is not? It seems everyone here has their own opinion on this matter. I believe when people are not ready to see they just abondon conversation by themselves.
  7. I genuinely believed there a lot of healing that could come by placing more awareness on that wound.
  8. I feel it's something you should heal from to become a more holistic teacher.
  9. I see these qualities in you only and not other teachers
  10. I think you just want approval. And to be seen. Part of you thinks that unless you become special and great, people won't care about you. And you mentioned that you struggled with not having friends, people around you all your life. So it's a deep rooted desire to be recognized. And your mind used the first possible opportunity to become special at all cost. And of course what could be more special than being Jesus Christ the most awaken one. And there's clinging to that role because without it you fear you will go back to being nothing, perhaps invisible.
  11. Somehow this always happens to people who take psychedelics is what I observed. One day they are normal. Another day they're in another dimension. As if someone had possessed them.., 😐
  12. I think i have debunked this already. Believing your claims is of no help to reach the conciousness you're talking about.
  13. The burning will set you free if you but allow it. I'm actually helping you by stepping on places where your ego is stuck. That's why you feel the heat. ------ Edit: To Nemra. We went way over board in that convo. All I wanted to say is that you would benefit from the wisdom of Christ when it comes to anger and burning inside. I hope you can receive this message without exploding on me next time lol. Tcare πŸ™
  14. @Nemra if you think everything I do is an act. I don't care. I don't understand why would you even bring this up here. You just had no reply at all to me saying you would benefit from the wisdom of Christ and started saying things about me just out of random lol.
  15. @Nemra how does it feel to burn with me? It's like that song. "slow dancing in a burning room"
  16. Why do you care if I'm pretending or not? Honestly I have no problem admitting I don't care about the truth. If that was the case. What do I have to gain by pretending to care about the truth?
  17. The irony is, the wisdom of christ, of forgiveness and compassion is what would heal you from this irritation.
  18. Christianity in its essence is okay. But ego corrupts everything. I think christianity will rise one day in its true glory and shine. There are probably some who live in accordance to the wisdom of christ.