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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Mm, I'm okay with both. I feel disidentifying from everything leads to emptyness. And identification with everything leads to love. For me those are two sides of the same coin. Both are okay.
  2. But I think you people are over thinking this a lot. Just be self-aware and kind. You'll have all those healthy masculine/feminine qualities. Self awareness will protect the feminine becoming unhealthy. And kindness will prevent the masculine from becoming unhealthy.
  3. The only unhealthy masculine trait I can think of is dick-measuring/superiority complex. Yet having a healthy masculine means being a powerful leader. And the only unhealthy feminine trait I can think of is a Cinderella complex. Yet being a wonderful, radiant expression of love (like a princess) is what feminine is all about. Interesting conundrum. 🤔
  4. Either you identify with everything. Then there is no duality. Or you identify with nothing at all. Then there's no duality also.
  5. Masculine means zen Feminine means love. Best if you have both.
  6. A wet dream of many it seems. I wouldn't be surprised if i be last person on earth who thinks making psychedelics legal are not a good idea, haha. I'd like to see some genuine spirituality go mainstream tho. That's my wet dream. Be it shamanism aswell. With proper way of doing psychedelics at least.
  7. It's worth looking into their proofs before dismissing it imo. It might convice you.
  8. I just googled." has existence of space been proven by science" and ai said yes. It's well proven.
  9. I agree. Share it with the whole world. But there's only few people you can share it on a most intimate sexual level. Maybe that's the difference.
  10. If you're a genuine seeker of truth. You will try to debunk your own ideas yourself.
  11. I feel like the next generation will be massive on psych medications. Tough times
  12. That's how I imagine it to be also even tho I never tried them. It disconnects you from your feelings. Gives you a sense of peace. But at the same time it disconnects you from yourself maybe. That's why I personally have a problem with them.
  13. Every desire is in service to something. Either it is in service to the body. Or it is in service to the mind. Or it is in service to universal Self. What you identify with, that will your desire serve. One who identifies with everything, his/her actions become all inclusive, wholesome. One who identifies with something less than everything, forms an ego identity. Then desires get geared to serve only personal interests. Aka, selfishness.
  14. I would imagine psych medications having this effect. Your thoughts are quite cohesive compared to others tho. There are things you can do to boost the cohesiveness even more tho. But it involves meditation and what not.
  15. Do something outrageous. For example. "Precious friend, go unto one of your malls, stand on one of the seats there. They usually put them around those plastic flowers. There’s nothing like the aroma of plastic flowers. [Laughter] (p63) Stand upon the step there or the seat and decree at the top of your lungs, I am the holy Son of God, and in this moment I decree that all of my illusions have just had their last hurrah. (p64) And look around at those who look at you with their chin on the floor and say, Isn’t it great that we are One? )p65) And then just go about your business. [Laughter]"
  16. Love is stronger when you share it with someone. But you can't love if you're needy.
  17. To serve the self is the only desire. The perception that you're only body and personality corrupts the desire to serve the Self which is everything. Into serving only itself.
  18. What are you guys doing. Random video received_383566151269109.mp4
  19. A little bit of discipline is probably healthy for the rest of the life on earth. "discipline is the highest form of self respect"