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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. THANK YOU! This is exactly what I am talking about, agree with this take on "solopsism" This is what classic solipsism looks like. Teachers like Bashar, Rupert Spira and many others are pointing to this realization. Other forms of solipsism are never talked about except by heavy psychedelic users. What other proof is needed to see that this insight is a product of slowly losing touch with reality.
  2. Not only other people have conciousness. But animals, plant kingdom, mineral kingdom, atoms have consciousness and sentience.
  3. If solipsism was real, love would be impossible. Love means you see yourself (conciousness) in others. Therein is the proof that what is in you is also in others.
  4. Because it's penetrating through slowly.
  5. Your body is made to house conciousness. Every other body is made the same way like yours. Therein is the proof that solipsism is only half the truth.
  6. If blue was the only color, nobody would know what blue is. Knowledge of blue exists only in contrast to what is not blue. In order for God to know himself, God needs a create other, and through other he can experience himself to ever greater degrees. The bigger the number of souls God creates through which he can experience himself, the greater the joy. Therein is the proof that solipsism is only half the truth.
  7. Without two love would not exist, even if those two are actually one. Therein is the proof that solipsism is only half the truth.
  8. A union between two is love. Therein is the proof that solipsism is only half the truth.
  9. A union between two is the condition for love to exist. Therein solipsism is debunked.
  10. Love has no value unless it is shared.. And creativity/art is an expression of love. But you're never alone. Such a thing doesn't exist. Nor is your ability to communicate with other beings limited to physical contact.
  11. A physical body is not even necessary to be aware. That should give a clue what role genetics play in your awareness. The cultivation of the energy body is related more than anything else to your spiritual abilities and level of awareness. Without the energy body, no matter how good your genetics are, it's just a dead corpse capable of no awareness whatsoever.
  12. @gettoefl yin and yang symbol means that duality is fundamental to existence. Yet these two sides are actually one. Yet also two at the same time.
  13. You can only perform an act if you believe it has some value. Realization that there is no value in anything would obliterate all reason to act. Complete cessation of activity would be a natural logical outcome imo.
  14. I didn't understand your argument but I will respond anyways. Without contrast it is impossible to know anything. Left exists only in comparison to what is not left. Nonduality exists only in comparison to duality. Realization of oneness is impossible without twoness. But oneness and twoness are one in the end. And also two.
  15. The reason somebody enjoys a movie is because they can relate to it on some level. Awareness that everything is not real would make you unable to relate to anything. Losing interest in all relating would technically be a natural outcome of such realization.
  16. That doesn't eliminate the possibility of there being multiple concious beings eminating from one source.
  17. There is actually. Without duality, nonduality would be inconceivable. If blue was the only thing that exists, knowledge of blue would be impossible. God needs duality to know himself. Duality is fundamental to existence.
  18. What if it is and isn't at the same time? Eliminating the duality between oneness and twoness.
  19. What if many is also one.
  20. Amen. I'm gonna leave it at that. Enough was said :] 🙏
  21. Psychedelic users will say. "unless they did what I did, they will not be able to understand" And sober mediators say the same thing, "unless you invest the time that I invested in these practices, these psychedelic people will not see how off they are"
  22. Like I've said already. Only the one who has no ego has the best view of reality because it is the ego that distorts things. But because there is no ego-meter, there is no way of knowing how accurate one's perception of reality really is.
  23. There are many people who did psychedelics and transitioned to natural path and say the same thing about their side of the story.
  24. It becomes a problem when your common sense is telling you trump is a fool. And some other person's common sense is telling him trump is a prophet sent by god. And there are such people. What I'm trying to say to you is similar. You're super convinced about the psychedelics and their role in spirituality. But the other side is equally as convinced about their perception of reality. This common sense approach doesn't work otherwise everyone would be on the same side.
  25. I'm repeatedly saying one side is more true than the other. I'm just saying how do you determine who's right when we have no enlight-o-meter? On what basis are you going to decide?