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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. The logic is very simple. If you're motivated to act by fear, anger, sense of lack, then you're motivated by false perception of reality. And you're not in your right mind at all. If you're motivated to act by love, joy and peace. Your actions are coming from the Truth. Those are your authentic impulses, that come from infinite intelligence and always knows what's best for you. One voice leads to suffering because it affirms illusions. Another voice leads to Glory because it affirms the truth and authenticity. "Choose love over fear" as the ancient saying goes.
  2. The problem with suicidal thinking is that such thoughts can only come if you're not in your right-mindedness and not in touch with reality anymore. If you're living in alignment with the truth, in alignment with your heart, mental health becomes natural and suicidal thoughts become impossible.
  3. Why would anyone think psych medication would ever work to solve anything?
  4. Who's gonna do it tho. Cuz I could use someone to cheer me on myself
  5. "be the light amidst the madness"
  6. 🥲 Your comment touched my heart aswell. Thank you 🙏
  7. "Among the Native Americans, there are many masters who are well accomplished in matters of the occult. They're very sensitive people, who had a different sense of life together. In a way, the occult dimensions of yoga were very alive in these traditions. Maybe they do not really have a science like we have. It's a much segregated science; it is just one aspect of the whole science. Changing bodies and things like this are quite common in their culture. There are many instances where people have exchanged their bodies and lived on, and again changed back whenever they needed to. This is mostly done with the use of certain herbs which are kept as great secrets; some of them can be highly intoxicating. Much research has been done on this." ~Sadhguru from the book of" Mystic's Musings"
  8. There's a video of sadhguru talking about 7 layers of a human on sadhguru exclusive app. When he talks about 5th layer Atman, he talks about the soul, he's just using hindu terminology. Then goes paramatman. And then goes nirvana. Beyond the soul even. The same thing that buddha was talking about. But he doesn't deny the existence of the soul.
  9. Reminds me of scientists when they say chi is just "metabolism". There can't possibly be any such thing as "mystical chi"
  10. I have tons of experiences with disembodied beings actually. I don't know if that counts to you. And I suspect you will go full solipsism at some point. A card that wins every argument
  11. I think a soul has a seperate energy body with a unique bank of knowledge, abilities and memories. All that knowledge, abilities and bank of memory creates a seeming personality thereafter. Whereas a personality alone is nothing basicly. It's like a shadow basicly. I suspect the soul can have many personalities/shadows but personality cannot have a sentience by itself.
  12. Tibetan buddhism won't shut up talking about the disembodied beings, how to work with them, how to use them, the book of bardo, the book of death is all about how to transition the soul from one stage to another. Mmm... I don't trust psychedelics. And some psychonouts actually encounter disembodied beings. Shamans for example won't shut up about their encounters with spirits and such.
  13. Except that there are countless reports of enlightened masters and mystics saying otherwise.
  14. Fair enough. Multiple personality situation is one possible explanation here. But at the very least the video should make one question the existance of a soul as a real thing. The internet is full of such videos proving paranormal phenomena like this nowadays. Maybe the mystics were telling the truth when they were speaking about such things as reincarnation, souls, angelic/demonic possessions, speaking to the dead etc. If that video was not convincing enough that souls exists, maybe this will do. A well documented, medically studied case of a random dude who claimed to have another soul living inside of him, and that soul was performing surgeries on people even tho the first guy had no medical background. And was able to say things that he had no knowledge about. Also his medical methods were nothing short of a supernatural.
  15. I would have to rewatch to answer that question in fairness. From what I can remember they say then went to multiple psychotherapy doctors to see if it's some kind of mental disorder but had to rule out that in the end. They speak about that they don't lose conciousness when the other person takes over, how they abide in some weird out of body space sort of. How one person can control one arm and another can control another arm. And how they in the beginning stages were fighting over the control of the body and experience huge pain in the nervous system as a result of that. And were basicly forced to live in harmony. How they tried to astral project both out of the body. Had succeess. But were not ready for that. For some reason it was a scary experience for them. They seem to have different talents. Like the girl is not good at IT and math. So the other guy does all that work. Mmm... If I rewatched the video I could probably mention more.
  16. That would be a very lazy assessment of the case found in that video.
  17. I would say anyone who was to watch that video would have their eyes opened so much that they would have to rethink everything they think they knew about themselves and about existence. For me that's a good thing. Btw. I feel like you're very sensitive around this topic. Is this matter personal to you?
  18. That video is the only thing in this world that can end all the confusion around this subject. It has all the answers about what is gender and what is a soul.
  19. Human is made of many layers. Psychology and physical body are the last layers of a human. Prior to that there are energetic layers. It is the energy body that determines how the body will be shaped, if it's going to be a penis or vigina costume. And the psychology/dominat personality traits will get shaped by the energy body aswell. This is where you have to look to determine if something is a female or a male. Male and female are existencial phenomena. Not a human invention. According to Ayurveda, every leaf on the tree is either a male or a female. It's in the energetics of a particular object that you can know what it is.
  20. You missed the point of my post.
  21. You are all wrong. It's not about the body or the psychology. It's about the your etheric self that determines your gender. This video of two souls in one body (one male and one female) is the perfect example of what is gender.