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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. So is Jesus. God is many forms. In me, in you, in Jesus. We are all wonderful.
  2. Okay one more comment. Yea he would say, I experienced Abraham and Moses. And they were speaking with me in meditation.
  3. Okay I'm done here guys. Enough for me 🌟🙏🪷🦋✌️
  4. Sorry I failed to understand what you were trying to say.
  5. Idk why you're fixated on people seeing white Jesus. You need to hear some better testimonies maybe lol
  6. Yea there is definitely a socially constructed Jesus for sure out there. Everyone has their own versions of him even lol.
  7. Likely not true. Okay. Good enough for me. At least there's a crack of possibility now of it being true haha. It's better than before, where you were damn sure about your position.
  8. And how come you're so confident all experiences of disembodied beings people claim to have are just their mental projections? But not something that is actually real?
  9. I'm not talking experiences of love. I'm talking experiences of disembodied beings.
  10. I'm just sharing the experience of many many people. Who's to say those experiences are not true?
  11. According to some (me including) , you can know about his existence without any books because he is here now aswell. This is just one person's experience against the other person's experience at this point. At this point we are at the dead end of how far this convo can go.
  12. Hmm.. Yea I realized we are on different pages aswell. You claimed Jesus is a social contract. My question was if presence is not a construct, then according to who Jesus is not a living presence?
  13. So who reduced Jesus to a mere fiction rather than a living presence?
  14. You played with the definition of "social construct" Let me rephrase then into this: "can conciousness be a construct of human mind?" Or "Can energy be a construct of human mind?"
  15. The presence/energy of enlightened being can have an effect on your energy. Science will tell you, energy cannot be destroyed. That same energy that could heal and awaken thousands of people when a guru is in a body, exists when there is no body left still.
  16. You were using your experience to give weight to the argument that religion is bs. I was trying to make a point that your experience is not the only one out there. There are people who have very different experiences from religion than yours. Bringing a more fair perception of the whole thing.
  17. If you want to be intellectually honest and correct, best you can say, "I don't know how much their stories are real or no".
  18. 1. Using intellect to arrive at the conclusion about something can always end up being wrong because intellect works on a limited amount of data. And intellect is prone to fallacies. What you've deconstructed as a belief can turn out to be true with additional information or further sharpening of intellect. 2. Your experience is not necessarily the ultimate truth of the matter.
  19. @Ero I feel your responses didn't address what I wrote. My statements remain true.
  20. Your experience is not necessarily the ultimate truth of the matter.
  21. Your intellect is not infallible tho. And intellect is quite limited in general to know things.