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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. I can confirm aswell. I got shot out of the body once while meditating at 3am, 😅But for me it's not about chasing experience. These morning hours a legit golden for spiritual growth. Although I don't see anything wrong with mystical experiences either. All experience is mystical if you ask me.
  2. Beautiful. It's because 3-6am is the time when the pineal gland is the most active. Those are the golden hours for meditation.
  3. Okay but where is the love in all this? Where is trust in all this? Where is the brotherhood in all this? Where is the true friendship in all this? Where is the gratitude, appreciation and kindness in all this? Where is the laughter and joy in all this? Where is the celebration of other's truth, sovergnity and freedom? Where is the glory, peace and equality in all this? Where is the grace in all this? "because what good it is to gain the whole world and lose your soul"
  4. What I don't understand is how people can have dozens and dozens of dates and still be single. Just commit already lol. Maybe "sex after marriage" is a good philosophy afterall. Not that I try to promote it or anything. Just saying. Otherwise people have no integrity to stick to anything anymore.
  5. Damn... World is insane. The woman at 3 min mark tho haha.
  6. I've been thinking a bit. It's probably counter productive to approach people in such a random place where people are not expecting to be approached. It startles them and makes them put their guard up. Then the only way for them to trust you and let their guard down is if see the real you without pretending and without putting up an act. That means they hare to see you when you're honest and vulnerable. But instead you seem to approach them with a plan and premeditated structure and jokes. (those were good jokes btw.) All these things don't allow another person to see your genuine side. So they are unable to let their guard down. And hence the result. Idk why but this is entertaining to analyze.
  7. Hmm, I pick up fear, discomfort and sense of distrust from her side. There were some moments where she relaxed tho, so that’s good, that means you did something right. Overall it was as good as gets probably. I can't believe people do such things so completely out of the blue. But I live in a cave so what do I know.
  8. didn't expect such a response lol
  9. Haha, oh boy... What do you think I was trying to tell this whole time? yes it's real
  10. How did you get out of it may I ask? "Soul retrieval shamanic ceremony" of course. I'm surprised nobody mentioned that yet lol.
  11. It's probably wise to never assume that you're not. There's a little bit of everything in everyone.
  12. I don’t know what's happening anymore. I thought i was being confusing, but this is next level
  13. That's why acting goes a long way in the world of fantasies.
  14. People see what they want to see. Maybe we all have our fantasies to fulfill.
  15. Nah more like, "if it looks like you're detached, it's good enough"
  16. The secret is to pretend to be cool and detached 😎
  17. It's natural to want more of what feels good imo. A relationship can be a blessing if approached rightly. And life is a relationship fundamentally. It's just a question from what state one enters a relationship that will determine if it will be a blessing or a bondage. I don’t know if that even answers the question of the thread lol, but whatever.
  18. Idk... It is said, "relationship is the holiest of places" I personally like to goof around and talk to people. Even tho paradoxically I'm mostly by myself.
  19. Now we just need a pride parade
  20. Oh I see. Everyone here is nuts arguably.
  21. You mean after the dream? Like a "last straw" kind of thing?