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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. This type of relationship only works if the husband relates to the wife as what she truly is - an incarnation of God in a feminine form and feels eternally grateful for everything that she does for him. Otherwise it's a recipe for slavery and abuse.
  2. Ego is but a belief in seperation which does not exist. To see others as something less than God's unique expression is to abuse them on a basis of a lie. The option to live in accordance with truth is available to everyone even on earth
  3. The reality that you're of God, a unique expression of the devine is true while you're on earth aswell. It's true always. And it's the only truth there is. So why not see this truth in every person? To reduce them to mere biology is abuse based on a lie.
  4. Truth is true always. Acceptance of anything else besides truth is suffering. Nothing can stop you to live this life in harmony with the truth. It's a choice everyone can make for themselves.
  5. Nobody should try to dominate anyone. It has nothing to do with women.
  6. If you want to be ignorant and suffer, yes. If you want to live conciously, in joy and in harmony with the truth, then it's the other way around.
  7. When you say "somebody should know their place" you should remember that their place is in infinite love and creativity and freedom. Then you'll be right.
  8. Reducing people to biology only is a problem. The role of a human being first and foremost is to be a unique expression of the devine. Everything else is secondary.
  9. One who is free does not demand anyone to be any way in particular. Nor sees it as a problem when someone is acting in a way you believe is not acting according to the role , you ascribed them.
  10. Maybe trying to forget that person is a mistake. Keep your love for her and all the good memories inside yourself. Wish her well on the path and let her go. Maybe that sort of attitude would be healthier. Not that I even read the thread thoroughly lol, sorry.
  11. Complaining that someone doesn't fit into the role you want them to play, is to hold them back from their unique expression. It's a problem rooted in ego in the end.
  12. Trying to place people into roles and catagories is a prison you place on them. Prison is not anyone's place. Freedom to be a unique expression of the devine is what your place is.
  13. Bruh. Worrying about body parameters every second is a fear based motivation. That's not how Joy lives life.
  14. Calling it negative is your projection. You could simply see it as an alternative view point that arguably makes sense.
  15. Living in constant worry about your weight is unhealthy in a different kind of way.
  16. Iron steel conviction right there 👍
  17. You'd be healthier without the ring than with it is the whole paradox. Not that checking your parameters is not useful once in a while. But this form of constant monitoring is counter productive, for reasons that are subtle and hard to explain. Or I'm just lazy to go into details of it. But nvm, everything is fine in the end.
  18. I guess I could summerize my philosophy into this. You say this will help you to be healthier. But constantly tracking the parameters of your body is the unhealthy attitude. It's when you forget about the body and you forget about yourself that you find joy and that is when your body functions at its peak.
  19. Idk, can't think of anything right now. It's hard for me personally to justify buying a ring like that when I wouldn't even use a ring like that for free.
  20. I can smell that energy of being under the advertisement effect from you. I've bought lots of shit I didn't need under that energy myself. But we all make mistakes and learn the hard way sometimes.
  21. This sounds like me being super excited about buying an expensive juicer, using it for two days and then forgetting about it for years. I think you should prioritize something else to buy. Something much more important.