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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Everyone on this forum is a new ager if you ask me.
  2. Aww :] you guys are cute πŸ˜‡ Sorry I won't bother anymore πŸ™
  3. πŸ€”
  4. Ugh.. You and your master advise again When will you believe me that not all interactions have to be testosterone driven, lol.
  5. I'm wet already. It was really good πŸ˜‚
  6. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Somebody recently shared eckhart tolle's video on sufism. Thought it may be appropriate to share it here.
  7. I agree and I already mentioned that. But there's a tendency for people to justify all kinds of bs in the name of love. This is where a person has to be super honest to himself if what he's doing coming from desire to help or is it just a triggered ego reacting. 99% of the time it will be ego in the example you gave.
  8. Yea but this awareness comes from rising the energy up within the system so that it would illuminate all the dark corners of the ego where it hides. And that's what sadhana is for.
  9. Turning the other cheek means to chose to be of service even to the ones that attack you. People shouldn't confuse that with being a doormat tho. Because the intelligence of love knows what is best for everyone for their growth. That intelligence may guide you to do something that would shock them or something that they would interpret as very impolite. But these actions are different than the actions that come from a reactive ego. Because these seemingly harsh actions come out of service to them and not just because you're triggered or smth.
  10. There's no such thing. Love is neither animal nor human nor extraterrestrial. It's not in any catagory. There's something wrong with the rationale then because what takes no effort can't be burdensome. It is the need to protect what is false (ego) that is burdensome.
  11. Love is the only thing that knows how to live in harmony in every aspect of life. Material life would be nothing but hell without love. And it wouldn't last very long.
  12. @Sugarcoat sorry for the second comment. It wasn't cool
  13. I wonder how many times people say that yet they were not willing to try what actually might have helped them. For whatever reason. It seems a bit dishonest thing to say in the end.
  14. Because everything in existence is in a relationship with everything else. Once you embrace something/someone, that union you experience as love and glory and wholeness and healing. Judgement disconnects us. We feel isolated. The experience of love is lost.
  15. There can't be a more intelligent response than the one that comes from love. And that's what turning the other cheek really points to. Your perspective is almost the same thing as what I wrote btw.
  16. First, I would open myself to the possibility that the real solution is something that I haven't thought of yet and may involve changing your life inside out. Then if the vision or idea comes from the heart, then it becomes of matter of trust and faith that God knows what he's doing by speaking to you in your heart, allowing yourself to make the changes necessary happen for that vision to manifest through.
  17. There is no moment where showing the other cheek is a mistake because showing the other cheek simply means to be the presence of love that supports, uplifts and serves all life through infinite intelligence of God rather than seeking to defend and make a name for your ego.
  18. Lionel Messi is a God.
  19. That small audio doesn't reveal everything sadhguru thinks about this topic. There is a video where he very directly calls solipsism false and makes fun of it. I'm just stating facts. In that audio he is simply talking about nonduality. Nonduality and solipsism are not the same.
  20. It's better to count how many were saved
  21. That's kind of you
  22. Uuuh, now I remember