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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. It's probably impossible to know. All you can do is be amazed that the impossible is right in front of you.
  2. Haha, nice. I love hearing about these people. I need to meet one of those myself.
  3. That's beautiful. I can relate to that perspective aswell. It's very nondual.
  4. Truth is biased too. It reverberates like love and peace. And everything that revebarates not in accord with love and peace sounds like noise.
  5. I still believe it's not personal bias tho. There are smells that relax the nervous system and there are smells that agitate the nervous system. Same with sounds. Same with colors. Same with geometry. Certain shapes have certain impact on how you feel regardless of your biases. Colors too. It's existencial. I couldn't explain the science behind it tho.
  6. Let's say you're right. The fact remains the same, there is something inside of us that knows the interval of every sound and can tell if it's in tune or not without the use of mental analysis. Just by feeling the resonance of it. That's point number one. Point number two. There is a way to know what is in tune with love and what is not in tune with love by the very same principle.
  7. No it's not a personal taste or bias. There is science to it why certain sounds are dissonate with each other and others are in harmony.
  8. Yes. I don’t believe love can be wrong. Because love is God and truth and infinite intelligence and wisdom.
  9. You're complicating it too much. There are dissonant sounds and harmonious sounds. There is something inside of us that knows the difference without the use of mental analysis. That's energetic resonance. Now imagine there is an instrument, an energetic compass that tells you what is love and what is not love. That's intuition.
  10. Well to answer your previous post about fish. Many animals function not on the basis of mental analysis like humans. They navigate in life by energetic resonance. So that's intuition. Idk if that answers your argument.
  11. Perception is called conciousness. Word is spirit. Even what you say has a frequency. It will reverberate with truth or falsehood. And the heart can tell the difference
  12. Exactly. So it's possible to know something without the use of mental analysis. So it's not a fantasy. And there is a particular instrument, the heart resonance of consciousness, the frequency of love inside that is like a compass to tell you what is true and what is false. And it needs no mental faculty. That's intuition.
  13. It was simply an example that it's possible to know something without the use of mental analysis but on the basis of resonance alone. The heart/conciousness is another such instrument.
  14. Let's take one example where sadhguru says or some other yogi he can look at the food and know exactly if it's good for his body or not. Now this type of knowledge is not mental analysis. It's energetic resonance. It's intuition. Ta-da.
  15. The musical example I gave is one example where you can know something without mental analysis. So it's not a fantasy. This form of knowledge is possible in other areas of life aswell. By feeling the resonance of what is love and what is not love.
  16. After more thought I realized the example with animals is not a very good one. I'll have to think of something else.