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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. There is no end to creation is the whole point. And creation is activity.
  2. I've noticed you're feeling better past few days. Although it's just a superficial observation.
  3. When dream comes to the end, you will still be there, free to make another dream.
  4. Love is an action and it's what you are. It's an expression of the Self.
  5. You can't run away from your self. Where ever you go there you are
  6. Things manifest only if they have been willed to manifest. And there is only one will. The will of god. Hence all activity is the will of god in the end.
  7. Nothing can be created or destructed, constructed or deconstructed, only transformed. The substance that transforms itself from one form to another itself is not constructable or deconstructable.
  8. Become committed to truth, honesty and love only and those who have different agendas will fall away naturally from your life.
  9. It's something about how amazing women are and how men are able to understand that so well, I reckon.
  10. I was trying to understand what this thread is about for 15mins but it's impossible
  11. Careful. I can easily find the personal identity or so called ego inside the body-mind thing.
  12. Matter is becoming concious by transforming itself?
  13. You cannot create what you are not. If matter creates conciousness than it would imply that matter is conciousness aswell. And that would mean conciousness is creating conciousness in the end.
  14. Nothing happens on its own. Every action has a Source. And the source is always the Self.
  15. These are the expressions of the Self also. The expressions can be pure or can be distorted due to false identity (ego). But those are the expressions of the Self nonetheless.
  16. What about this statement. All activity is the Self.
  17. Hehe, I wouldn't know where to start. I need opposition to make my brains work lol. I like this thread. We are basically covering some of the flaws in what they teach already.
  18. There is no such thing "without a sense of self". Sense of self never goes away. Even if the ego goes away. Sense of self remains.
  19. To relate to something implies a relationship. To respond to something implies a relationship. A relationship implies two. Without duality there is no relating. That means you need a sense of self to relate.
  20. Haha. That's good. But I would trash them so bad if I got the chance... Debunking all the bs they teach.
  21. Oh these two are 100% bonkers. Full of holes and logical flaws in what they teach.
  22. A genuine one would not claim he/she has no sense of self. A genuine one would say "I have realized my nature to be beyond the ego sense of self." which is a bit different.