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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. There are actions that come from "I do not know yet this feels right to me so I will do that" And there are actions that come from false certainty that 100% confidence you know what's up. A kind of false egoic knowledge. The first way of acting is more gracious, led by Spirit. The second way is very salty and led by the false confidence of ego. What I'm seeing in these presedential riots are bunch of people who belong to the second category of people. For them it's worth reminding that there's more to life than they can understand. On behalf of their own mental health. So that they would begin to see from a broader place. From a place of peace rather than from a place of "desperately defending my beliefs"
  2. True. That's how things work right now. But if people were more honest with themselves, we could potentially avoid a lot of unnecessary toxicity. That's the reason it's worth pointing these things out.
  3. True. But they are doing so because they are confident they know what is best for them and for the world. And they believe they know people inside out and their intensions. This is self deception. This is the cause for riots that are happening.
  4. It's okay to have a perspective on who's a better candidate. But the moment you believe you got it all figured out 100%, this will lead to protesting if your candidate loses. Because you're so damn sure everything is going to be horrible now. But in truth you don't know. And this confidence that you do know is self deception.
  5. The reason people are protesting is because they are confident they know who the people really are of every political party, what is best for America and how things will play out. This confidence is self evidently self deception and just plain arrogance.
  6. You are not desiring the objects, you're desiring the feeling that you believe the object will provide. What you truly want is to experience the ultimate feeling of goodness and wellbeing. That ultimate feeling is God. Also you want your life to reflect the nature of God aswell. So you want health, you want no sense of lack on any level, abundance, loving relationships, fun and joy etc. Ultimatly you want to see God within and then God outside of you aswell. The good, the holy and the beautiful. Until the whole creation becomes like heaven on earth. That's the purpose of your desire. Embrace it. Let it find its fulfillment. It's God's fulfillment aswell through you. It's what you're here for as your life purpose.
  7. All life is constantly evolving is what I meant. Whatever you do or experience in life, in some shape or form it is contributing to your growth.
  8. There're two ways to look at enlightenment: 1. It's a long and gradual process. 2. It's absolutely effortless and takes no time or distance. Both ways of looking are simultaneously true without contradiction. Just depends from what angle you're looking at. Sometimes I prefer to look from the "development" point of view more because nondual point of view can easily be misleading. Idk if that answers the question.
  9. If we look at the process of desire itself, all humans are secretly longing for the highest good in their life. For some it means money, for some it means relationships, for some it means a carrier etc. Everyone has their own idea of what the highest good in life is. Yet the only place that desire can find its fulfillment is in God, so it's only a question of time until that desire gets realized. And it will get realized because that desire does not come from ego, the desire for God can only come from God itself. And God will not fail to achieve his desires.
  10. Here's another one. "is it possible to stop pretending"? Okay I'm done
  11. That's why I like "development" way of looking at spirituality more than "non-dual" way. It makes more sense
  12. "how can it not be possible to be yourself?" That was another thought that came as a response to this.
  13. Can a flower blossom? Can a rock turn into a brilliant crystal? Can a crawling worm transform into a flying butterfly? Can a dense fool become a translucent all radiating infinite presence, aka a sage or a mystic? The answer is yes. It's the natural destination in life.
  14. Haha lol
  15. Because you have no ego probably. You can't participate in epic ego battles in such a state haha.
  16. My guess is that people are very sensitive around politics for some reason. The biggest ego battles happen there for some reason. And things got out of hand let's just say.
  17. I know how it feels. The most triggering experience I had to go through lol. But I think i was able to forgive and let go of grudges eventually. Now I'm fine.
  18. No a proper ban. Just temporary not permanent.
  19. No I was banned 😂🤣
  20. There's nothing wrong about being devotional/reverencial towards someone who is in service to your well-being. The amount of reverence someone deserves is the amount he or she is dedicated to your wellbeing. It's just a natural response.
  21. Ugh... Guess who's back from the dead.
  22. Exactly the mindset I was pointing out.
  23. It just makes you realize you did not understand the world as well as you thought you did. Accept, learn and grow, rather than casting a judgment "they are all just retarded" in a desperate attempt to hold onto your old perception of the world which is self evidently inaccurate.
  24. The question is. Is calling the foolishness out is to serve you or to serve the people? And of what service is it to call everyone that has a different opinion than you fools? And it's not enough to call someone a fool to call out foolishness. One needs to pinpoint the places where the person is being mistaken instead. And that process requires no demeaning to be effective. Yes. If it's not to demean but to uplift and bring more awareness to people. And I would argue based on my perception that you're doing not to uplift but to protect your stance and perception of reality. There are certain indicators that show up when a person is defending their ego. The energy of it is very different than love. It's more salty and hard cope. Of course you can say I'm projecting at the end of the day and I won't have any response to that.