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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Come to monte sahaja if you're free to go.
  2. @Schizophonia @Keryo Koffa @Sugarcoat thank you guys 🌟 Maybe I'll bring back a selfie, hehe.
  3. On a small adventure to portugal. Of what might end up a glorious experience or a torturous experience. But I'm optimistic it will be good, haha. I mentioned on your journal already.
  4. Goodbye moonmen... 🀧
  5. I recently was spontaneously contemplating the same thing and arrived a at similar conclusion. Lifestyle and a sense of rank in the society are the main things in my perception. Although there will always be an exception. Genuine love does exist tho.
  6. You know that drug was named after me actually
  7. 😎 Jokes aside. I'm flabbergasted by such a comment. 🀧
  8. Lol πŸ˜‚
  9. Big gifts come with big responsibilities. I intuit the guy is born with a great mission on this planet. Very exciting to watch.
  10. It's a combination of both. When a person is picking up on energy, mind will try to explain what it is that you're feeling, and it will give you a mental image of the energy you feel. That mental image may not be 100% accurate unless your mind is super pure and your ability to sense energy is super sharp. So for example you may feel a malevolent energy. But your mind doesn't know exactly what to make of it. So it would paint a black figure for you. And then it's up to you to interpret it what it is. So what you see is technically your mind's creation and it's filtered through your conditioning for you to understand, but it is based on something real, an actual energy that you're actually interacting with.
  11. Kundalini snake = penis
  12. Yea I remember your explanation of it. I was not trying to disagree with it. I'm just saying there could be an equivalent manifestation of the problem in the energy flow somewhere. It's just my intuition tho
  13. I love this quote. "there's not a single physical thing that does not have a spiritual side to it" It basically means, if there's a problem of the physical level, there will be a spiritual side to it that you can attend to.
  14. I would imagine he would find an empty hole in Sugarcoat's case. Or some kind of problem there why she feels disconnected and out of touch from her emotions. I have a feeling probably everything is out of whack in her energy system lol. That's why I recommend it.
  15. Mm, I'm not aware of what Filipinos are into. If it's like Bali then it's probably more shamanic in nature that deal with spirits and demons and whatnot. Pranic healing is more like reiki or acupuncture but much more sophisticated and advanced. There's probably not a single problem they don't have a protocol for curing it. Including psychological problems, traumas stored in the body, energy attachments, unbroken cords from past relationships etc. This video shows a power behind the founder of pranic healing. Rising a person from a wheelchair. I've had a small demo done on me from one of the practicioners of this system. It's impressive what they can do through online call alone. He basically was able to scan my energy body and say where the imbalances are. He told me the energy in my back where the heart center is, is larger than normal which basically he says that means I'm a kind person. And he said my sexual energy is congested at the root of the spine. He then did a quick clearing of that block and I felt immediate rise of energy up my spine into my head. And I felt really harmonized the entire day afterwards. It was just a quick demo tho. I didn't register with him for a serious treatment or anything. I was just trying to see what they can do. And it's pretty impressive.
  16. I would imagine for a guy like that. Girlfriend is just another friend.
  17. Yea... I'm aware of it by now. I wished you had faith in me tho when I recommended a pranic healing session. I hope you find your own solution one way or the other. It's not unsolvable
  18. Alien convo lol. I think i can follow this part. This is nice. πŸ’«
  19. Hmm... It means falling into a catagory of "just eat, shit and sleep" is a missing out in life to me. It could also include numbing yourself with loads of stimulats and bodily pleasures. As opposed to going forward in life, growing, evolving, in whichever way the heart is calling you. Because everybody has a unique calling to follow, if they but listened to their heart more. Being stuck in a job you don't like because of fear and not pursuing what your heart truly wants to do is another huge missing out probably.
  20. I think the biggest missing out in life is to spend the time given in idle living.