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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. @Phrae well Ryan Cropper is an excellent example of how it can benefit you. As far as I know you can meet all kinds of crazy shit there like your spirit guides or some demons, different planes of existence, other realities, you can go to anywhere you want. I recommend you watch some of his videos.
  2. I did when I was 20. I and didn't practise prior vippassana meditation. And I met some people in there who had never even meditated before coming to vippassana retreat and they completed all 10days. So go for it and do it faster you will benefit from it I promise.
  3. @PsiloPutty Happy for you Btw your plan looks solid. It's nice to see someone so passionate about spirituality
  4. @PsiloPutty what kind of retreat are you planning?
  5. I remember when I was doing surya namaskar from the internet and after some days I realized "Oh fuck I have no idea what I'm doing" It looked like I'm having some benefits but at the same time there was some weird side efects and I didn't know what to make out of it. Like pressure in my head or heavy heart beating. So I thought I should learn a proper, safe way to do it from Isha hatha Yoga program. And what I realized immediately is that the Yoga I was doing from the internet is fucking bullshit. A waste of time. Now I wouldn't do any Yoga or kriya from the internet or book at any cost. One taste of real Yoga and you would understand why I'm pressing this point so hard I like how sadhguru wouldn't even teach her mother Yoga unless she comes to the program. It says a lot about how important this thing is.
  6. How can you create peace for others if you yourself aren't peaceful. Life around you will never happen 100% you want but what happens within you is completly up to you.
  7. Papaji once said. "I don't have any friends and I don't want any" meaning that he's friendly and loving with people around him but he doesn't give a shit about having friends
  8. @Torkys so finally people are coming to their senses . I didn't know IW made a video on This He's a good guy apparently
  9. This is the beginning of astral projection. If you can relax in sleep paralysis, suppossedly you should enter an astral plane. I'm saying suppossedly because I'm only telling this from what I heard This is also the power of the full moon. This sometimes happens for me too. If you're not familiar with astral projection, look up Ryan Cropper. I think you could develop this Into a useful self-develpment tool.
  10. @InfinitePotential such ant honest and funny share Thank you, I laughted throughout your story Anyway. Somehow your warning turned out to be very tempting to mix kriya with psychedelics, witch is not very responsible
  11. Sadhguru explains scientificaly what's the future gonna be like. Super interesting.
  12. I didn't make the rules just be careful, those who made such rules were good guys with lifetimes of experience
  13. I know that before practising kriya one needs to leave 1.5h of gap after smoking a cigarete and 8h after alcohol. 4h after meal. Using this logic probably psychedelics would require 3days gap
  14. @Raphael maybe try some "AUM" chanting.
  15. You need more physical activity. Body needs to exhaust this energy. That energy is always looking for expression. If you sit in meditation for 30min you will start to feel a desire to move, if you don't see it after 30min just sit for 3 or 4hours, you'll definately feel it . But if you expend all of that energy, you will become still P.S. that energy is called prarabdh karma.
  16. Shambhavi kriya is a combination of different practicies put together to align physical body, mental body and energy body so that the source of creation finds expression in your life. Upa yoga or Isha kriya witch is free online is a good example of what Kriya yoga is.
  17. It's Kriya Yoga + Theory + They implant you with this new energy (it's called initiation). This is an event that touches that goes to your fundamental energies. I very very happy I did this program. As an isha meditator myself, there's nothing higher that I could recommend
  18. this study is made on 536 practicioners. Say what you want but there's plenty of scientific data to prove that shambhavi enhances mantal capabilities. Increasing your IQ is not even a hard thing. Why are you clinging to the idea that IQ can't be enhanced. It's only a question of how fast your brain can process information. There is an inner technology to those things and how to increase the flow of neurons in your brain. You can enchance whatever you want if know how to use inner technologies. You can even stop your liver at your will or stop your heart or whatever. Even your genetics can be altered. There's no limit as to what you can do with yogic sciences. Increasing IQ is nothing at all.
  19. @lmfao There is scientific data that by doing shambhavi mahamudra kriya you can increase your IQ. Ctrl+F type: IQ or coherence
  20. There is no strategy. You only have to wait wait wait and wait.. This is like baking a bread. You just sit and wait for it to be done. Just like that you sit in the darkness and just wait for melotonyn to build up in your brains, then experiences will come to you, and then just enjoy those experiences.
  21. It's possible. You only need to learn how to wave your hands to the audiance and have a couple of jokes in your pocket.
  22. Congratz, that was chi. Now you know, all the stuff in Naruto is real