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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. You guys are dodging how good my argument was... But it's okay.
  2. Did you try practicing presence specifically? The way eckhart teaches
  3. Maybe I just assumed you tried practicing presence because you read his material. And that's his most talked about practice I believe. I wonder if that 2d feeling you have the same as presence. Idk if that makes sense.
  4. @Sugarcoat I remembered you once said you used to practice the power of now by eckhart tolle. How did it go? I'm curious. Did you have any success in staying present?
  5. It means nobody goes home until we all go home. It's a collective awakening that counts. Not the individual one.
  6. ⁴Then let us wait an instant and be still, forgetting everything we thought we heard; remembering how much we do not know. ⁵This brother neither leads nor follows us, but walks beside us on the selfsame road. ⁶He is like us, as near or far away from what we want as we will let him be. ⁷We make no gains he does not make with us, and we fall back if he does not advance. ⁸Take not his hand in anger but in love, for in his progress do you count your own. ⁹And we go separately along the way unless you keep him safely by your side. ( | T-31.II.6:4-9)
  7. I count my progress by how much those connected to me move forward. That's even a much longer road lol
  8. Would you do abortion out of love? Or would you do abortion only out of fear? Fear of responsibility for example. Maybe that's one way to come to the answer. Because if you can't do something out of love, then God is not supporting you in that action.
  9. Really hard to visualize how that would work on men. But it should probably be something colorful and playful.
  10. When you check the phone how long till the meditation session will be over. That's boredom.
  11. The perception of truth might be temporary for some. The truth itself is permenant.
  12. Ego means love for yourself only. Me me me. Enlightenment means your I becomes everything. So your love becomes everything. We we we.
  13. If someone masters peak music, he/she will start speaking about God. If someone masters peak mathematics, he/she will start speaking about God. If someone masters peak medicine, he/she will speak about God. If someone masters peak sex, he/she will speak about God. If someone masters peak martial arts, he/she will discover God. There are many different forms in which you can realize God. In whatever field you reach the highest levels of mastery, you're bound to reach God there.
  14. The only direction a person can evolve towards is Awakening. There is no other direction to evolve into. All roads lead to Rome as they say.
  15. The final goal is not even that important. What's important is that growth is possible. And that it's available every day. Every day you can dive deeper into peace. Every day you can dive deeper into wisdom. Every day you can ascend into the higher realms of God. Every day can be a new adventure that slowly takes your life from good, to better, to best. The process itself is fulfilling regardless of the outcome. The outcome is always good anyways when you live with God.
  16. Anger is not necessary to protest. When you're in alignment with truth, you can be driven by vision and inspiration instead. This type of protesting has a different kind of energy behind it. It's more inclusive, wholesome, where everyone is being encouraged to see your vision. Where you want to inspire people with your vision that you believe will be of the betterment of all. And you will not get angry if somebody points out a flaw in your vision but rather you will make adjustments and improve your vision even more so it would be even of more benefit than before. Whereas the way ego protests, it's just a self serving mechanism although it tries to claim that it is very altruistic aswell and that its vision is what's best for the world. However its energy will be very different. It will be more exclusive, it will project that there are "enemies" that need to be eliminated. It will then opt for violent ways to shut down this so called "enemies" by slandering, censoring, or even killing if must be. (as in trump assassination attempt). And it will do all that in the name of justice and peace. But it's just unconscious hard cope and ego defense mechanism in the end. In my perception the protests that are happening after the election falls under the second catagory. But everyone is free to have their own perception of the situation.
  17. Awareness and honesty that "I do not know" leads not to passivity. It leads to peace. And peace behaves very differently than salty egos. When you see bunch of salty egos defending their perception of the world, that is the clue they have failed to admit "I do know know". Arrogance is just another word I sometimes use for lack of honesty.
  18. There are actions that come from "I do not know yet this feels right to me so I will do that" And there are actions that come from false certainty that 100% confidence you know what's up. A kind of false egoic knowledge. The first way of acting is more gracious, led by Spirit. The second way is very salty and led by the false confidence of ego. What I'm seeing in these presedential riots are bunch of people who belong to the second category of people. For them it's worth reminding that there's more to life than they can understand. On behalf of their own mental health. So that they would begin to see from a broader place. From a place of peace rather than from a place of "desperately defending my beliefs"