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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Mooji.. my favorite Nice to see someone who likes him aswell
  2. I want you guys not to dismiss This as a joke but to be open to new ideas Okeeyy so, I felt like nobody in the world knows about this and I thought it's time to spread some wisdom on people. Put a bucket under your feet so your legs are higher from the ground. Almost like you would poop in the forest in a squating position. This is the correct way and this comes from deep understanding on human system. I've learned this from Isha Hatha Yoga teacher and know I'm sharing it with you.
  3. This is how it sounds like when someone describes their experience of opening sahasrara Bhava spandana is the program sadhguru is talkino about at 7.35 in your video about chakras
  4. I will use this opportunity to say Thank you as well Leo's old video about enlightment was the beginning of spirituality for me. My gratitude to you @Leo Gura
  5. I think If you really opened your sahasrara you would not miss it You would explode Into exstacy
  6. Kriya Yoga takes little time to do and is highly beneficial. You could try that.
  7. @OnceMore a desire for pleasure is not going to go away. Never. There're only 2 ways to deal with that. 1. Putting pleasure from outside (this will create dependency and addictions) 2. Creating a chemistry of blissfulness from within. (This you can use how much you want to) Choose wisely
  8. @OnceMore If you deny yourself pleasure you will never will. Not in a million years. If deny something, for example, sugar, then some other addictions will come up. If you deny yourself that, then again something will come up. As long as you don't know how to be peaceful joyful blissful by your own nature, you will fight those addictions non stop.
  9. There're free hypnosis meditations from sadhguru
  10. @Leo Gura Possible. I'm not here to debate
  12. This post blows my mind. This is huge and scary. If this turns out to be a real deal... What a game changer that would be...
  13. I wasn't joking. It's true that If i move a single atam here, there will be a consequence in the entire existence. It's a SCIENTIFIC FACT. This is just basic logic If you asked me.
  14. Do stars have an effect on humans? Yes Even my fart has an effect on something that is 10galaxies away from me. Ofcourse that would be only 0,000000…01 of significance, but still it does. Right now my fart is effecting the whole cosmos. And that is the truth.
  15. Nice share. How long have you been meditating? I use the same technique you do
  16. Guys look at this this is the best. There're satsangs in India where everyone sits naked and have orgies
  17. @Phrae well Ryan Cropper is an excellent example of how it can benefit you. As far as I know you can meet all kinds of crazy shit there like your spirit guides or some demons, different planes of existence, other realities, you can go to anywhere you want. I recommend you watch some of his videos.
  18. I did when I was 20. I and didn't practise prior vippassana meditation. And I met some people in there who had never even meditated before coming to vippassana retreat and they completed all 10days. So go for it and do it faster you will benefit from it I promise.
  19. @PsiloPutty Happy for you Btw your plan looks solid. It's nice to see someone so passionate about spirituality
  20. @PsiloPutty what kind of retreat are you planning?