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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. I like my imaginings. I would like to imagine a calmer version of you aswell
  2. It's okay. The level of bias in Christians is irrelevant to how convincing and fascinating the Shroud is imo.
  3. I guess that's true. But I like the plausiblity of it. I feel the deeper one goes into investigating this Shroud, the more convincing it gets. Yea I know what you mean. People are biased. Including skeptics. They too will select information that support their preferred mental positions. Still I find the Shroud an interesting and plausible little miracle dangling in front of our eyes. I like that. Just the fact that there is so much mistery that can't be explained is fascinating.
  4. Lol I've just read a funny reply on a comment from somebody who claims the Shroud was forged. Simplest debunk which ignores all the other problems with it being a forgery. 1. the forger first somehow painted the bloodstains before he painted the image. 2. ⁠the forger integrated forensic qualities that would only be known in the 19th century. 3. ⁠the forger duplicated blood flow patterns in perfect forensic agreement to blood flow from the wrists at 65 degrees from vertical to suggest the exact positions of the arms in crucifixion. ⁠ 4. the forger painted the blood flows with genuine AB- blood that he had spiked with excessive amounts of bilirubin since the forger knew that severe scourging with a Roman flagrum would cause erythrocyte hemolysis and jaundice. 5. ⁠the forger plotted the scourge marks on the body of the man on the shroud shroud to be consistent with forensic examination with two scourgers of the same height. ⁠6. the forger also duplicated abrasion and compression marks on the scourge wounds of the shoulders to suggest to 20th century examiners that the man on the shroud had carried a heavy weight following the scourging and more. 7. ⁠the forger, as the genius he is, illustrated the nails of a crucifixion accurately through the wrists instead of the palms as in all other conventional medieval representations. ⁠8. the forger salted the linen with pollen of plants indigenous only to the environment of Jerusalem in anticipation of 20th century palynological analysis. 9. ⁠the forger somehow managed to paint an anatomical and photographic perfect human image in a photographic negative manner centuries before photography. 10.⁠ the forger painted the image with some unknown medium using an unknown technique, 30-40ft away in order to discern the shadowy image as he continued. ⁠ 11. the forger was clever enough to depict an adult with an unplaited ponytail, sidelocks and a beard consistent with a Jewish male of the 1st century. ⁠ 12. the forger thought of such minute details incorporating dirt from the feet of the man on the shroud consistent with the limestone of the environment in Jerusalem. ⁠ 13. the forger was such an expert in 20th century biochemistry, medicine, forensics, pathology, anatomy, botany, photography and 3D computer analysis, that he has foiled the attempts of modern science. His artistic technique clearly triumphs over the likes of Da Vinci and Michelangelo.
  5. ? I didn't see any cope. The new evidence that Shroud of Turin dates to 2000years ago is legit tho.
  6. Like what? You must have done something right to get that dream.
  7. If you prefer that word, yes. The spiritual sun within you. The Christ Light.
  8. If the heart gets activated, these things become natural. It's like you become a becon of light or smth and you become visible to the otherside and they to you.
  9. Where have you been for so long, babe. I've missed you so much 🌊
  10. Okay, I'm back. I have completely forgot how peaceful it is here where I live, damn. This will be good for some solo conciousness retreat. However yesterday I was sharing a taxi ride home from the airport and now this guy about 50yold that was with me who's on holiday here is looking for friends and wants me to meet some time. And I said okay. Why did I say yes... My peace is ruined ugh... I guess I have to see where it goes. Maybe it's part of God's plan or smth. Still I feel slightly uncomfortable about it. But it is what it is. This may turn out to be some kind of a miracle/blessing in the end.
  11. It's good. I like this sentence: **Idols Are Substitutes for Love**. The rest of it aswell.
  12. If that desire feels like it expands your heart, stay with it. Bask in that feeling as a meditation. Bathe in that vibration and it will grow, and it will reveal itself evermore and everdeeper. There is a lot of gold there to uncover. Infinite amount.
  13. Sometimes if we are confused whether or not our desires are coming from the pure place or not, it's helpful to pray and ask the holy spirit to correct your perception and bring clarity. Jeshua says that even holding the book of acim can be enough for grace to come and illuminate the mind and heart.
  14. Destroy their carrier
  15. Lol. That's creative thinking. I bet you could catch a buddhist monk off guard with this one
  16. His message is advaita and self inquiry, his presence is love tho. It's his unspoken teaching you could say, lol.
  17. There are instructions given how to feel the desire and manifest as God manifests: the good, the holy and the beautiful, in these simple quote from acim. (2) Throughout the day, at any time you think of it and have a quiet moment for reflection, tell yourself again the kind of day you want; the feelings you would have, the things you want to happen to you, and the things you would experience, and say: ²If I make no decisions by myself, this is the day that will be given me. (ACIM, T-30.I.4:1-2)
  18. There are desires from love and desires from ego. If there's an investment in ego, you begin to cherish things that give security to the ego. Those are idols. Ego's gods. By going within and asking "what do I truly want" we attempt to find the heart's deepest desire and stay with that in every circumstance. The heart may speak something specific like I want to meet this person, go that location, wear this or that, go left or right, eat this or that or simply it can say I just want sit still and bask in grace. By placing our awareness in such a way, sooner or later we will encounter desires that are coming not from the expansive, joyous open heart but from the neediness, fear and a sense of lack. The process of paying attention to our desire cultivates discernment and wisdom where you begin to learn the difference between your true self and ego. Between openness and contraction. Between love and fear. This discernment alone is a big progress on the path. Furthermore, simply allowing ourselves to experience all desires without any judgement and forgiveness is an important step to begin the process of transformation where these lower energies begin to transmute into love. It doesn't mean we have to act on everything that arises in our mind. Usually the fear/neediness/sense of lack based desires, when allowed and embraced fully, begin to dissolve and get replaced with peace and wholeness. And the true desires, when payed attention to, intensifies more and more compelling you to act on it and it never fades unless you surpress it with fear or distract yourself with stimulants. Those are the true desires that God put in your heart as your God given path for your growth and happiness. These ones you're encouraged to say YES to. That is the way in which we move beyond our idols and fears and ego. Our heart expands and increases in our capacity to receive the light, shifting gradually the center of gravity from fear and ego based living to love and truth based living. Getting closer to God and Truth with each breath. @CoolDreamThanks @Javfly33 I hope there's an answer to the questions somewhere in the middle of this, haha.
  19. @Schizophonia I'm sill there for one week. So far it's nothing short of miraculous. Everyday I have new encounters with new people. All of them have a deep history of spiritual practice that I find fascinating. A lot of love in the atmosphere. People hug and stare each other in the eyes all the time lol. Something I'm not used to but it's helping me to get over some of the blocks I have inside me when it comes to sociolizing. I had very deep and therapeutic conversations where people were crying while sharing something personal in the space of total acceptance and support. I mean this place is something else. It's a different universe. It truly has heavenly vibes. Met like 10 Lithuanians lol. And soon, probably today I will meet a Lithuanian who's familiar and practices the way of mastery like I am. I'm super stoked, haha.
  20. If done in the right way, the object of desire can help one to tap into the energy of desire. Energy of desire in its purest form is love. When a person learns to feel this current of energy, it opens the heart, light overflows, guidence of God follows, purification, transformation of egoic desires takes place, wounds and traumas are forgiven and healed, authentic self blossoms, blessings follow, miracles follow, your true life purpose and path becomes clear, fear and clingingness to old patterns is being transcended, ascension into glory is happening every day more and more. That's what manifestation is really about. Although there are wrong ways doing it aswell, can't comment on that.