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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. I guess there's no hope for me then because I only read one book in my life "Inner Engineering" :D:D
  2. Does anyone else feel tension on your face as you meditate? Just curious. I know how to remove it, but I'm interested if there are cases like that at all here. Edit: Let me clarify a bit. From doing self-enquiry (mooji style) some energy tension happens on my face but if I push my self-enquiry very hard, that energy goes to the forehead where it supposed to be. And it feels great. But then it goes back again. It caused big trouble when I would go to sleep. I couldnt fall asleep lying on my back. Now I fixed this issue after 2years of struggling and I wonder if there are any other like that.
  3. @Solace to be clear, I'm not trying to open my third eye simple through long hours of self-enquiry some energy became strong on my forehead and face unintentionally. Then it became annoying. Then I fixed it through a certain kriya practice that focuses on allignment. I thought maybe someone is struggling with the same thing.
  4. Relaxing kinda works to some extent but it's not a perfect solution. I guess there's more then one practice that can solve this. As I said the key is allignment of the whole system. If you want to know witch specific practice I did to acquire this allignment it was shambhavi mahamudra. This allignment relaxes everything in the body and makes the energy flow freely. There're many benefits that follow from that, like, sleeping quality and ease in everything that you do, less anxiety etc.
  5. Well it's basicly a problem of allignment between physical body, mental body and energy body. If all of them are in allignment then tension goes away and all the energy goes into agna, or the third eye in other words.
  6. Let me clarify a bit. From doing self-enquiry (mooji style) some energy tension happens on my face but if I push my self-enquiry very hard, that energy goes to the forehead where it supposed to be. And it feels great. But then it goes back again. It caused big trouble when I would go to sleep. I couldnt fall asleep lying on my back. Now I fixed this issue after 2years of struggling and I wonder if there are any other like that.
  7. +1 what @WindInTheLeaf said. Coming to creativity, if something beautiful has to come out of a human being, the most important thing is a certain sense of abandon – who you are has been forgotten for a moment. That is when you sing beautifully, dance beautifully, paint beautifully, that is when you can do something beautifully. Today, because we have been overtaken by the European mode of doing things, we think of systems all the time. Systems will work, but too much of system will kill you in the end. If you learn to do something with abandon, it may not turn out the same way every time, but there is beauty to your action – not because of the result, simply for the action. If you have no sense of abandon in your life, you will suffer life after some time. Everywhere, the world has been infected with mindfulness right now. This country has always invested in how to be mindless in your activity, that your mind does not come in. If your mirror is well-polished, you become a reflection of the creator; or at least a reflection of the creation. These are sadhguru's words# There's a program called Shoonya where you consciously abandon absolutly everything.
  8. I find his video of making ormus very entertaining, you can check it out
  9. I recently started to watch fullmetal alchemist TV show. It's about the ormus that you speak about. Lot's of fasinating spiritual stuff there. Alchemy is true tho. Sadhguru uses it to concrete lingas and he often talks about how mixing 9deadly poinsons to create something super healthy and he used it himself to save his life. What I'm sure about is that the pills are total scam. To create ormus you need sadhguru's level of spiritual knowledge witch these sellers are lightyears away from it.
  10. The @Robert has spoken!
  11. If you know anything about Dhyanalinga, you will find this of immense interest
  12. I found this funny video that nicely illustrates what yoga is. Not just muscles and mass
  13. People assume priests are good people when actually only an idiot would choose to be one
  14. Nice One who gives is rich, one who keeps it to himself is poor
  15. put a drop of ghee in each nostril before you go to sleep for a few days. learned this from ayurveda teacher That will take care of it.
  16. Here's one way of doing it
  17. Try this chant for 7min.and then sit silent for 3min. See what happens It's best if you sit in cross-legged posture with your arms on thighs, palms facing upwards.
  18. Inner engineering program. Took me to a much higher levels of stability, balance etc. Social anxiety dropped phenomenally. Only in certain very intense situations it comes, like job interviews etc. But still it's much less then it was before. If I continue with the practice even that will go away. I have a theory that strong determination sits can help. But that is untested idea for me only. But shambhavi really works 100% i promise with my life.
  19. Sadhguru Shoonya meditation is something to look up to if you want nothingness.
  20. @Cortex first learn to talk to girls maybe, after that we will see..
  21. This happens to me also hard to explain this phenomena but I take that as good thing Btw this happens for me in churches sometimes, and from mooji satsangs. Almost like some grace is soothing and putting you to sleep. The same feeling happens from leo's videos.
  22. Isha Yoga is extremely grounding. Designed specifically to prepare the body the mind and energies, to bring balance, intensity, and ease to the system.