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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. In theory yes, in practice no. In theory you are already enlightened and infinite and omnipresent. In practice you are just a person that's why we do all this meditation and everything. Well actually that's the whole point of selfless activity to put everything higher then yourself. To kill your proudness and arroganve. Sages like mooji and sadhguru or smth like Jesus always say. I'm only serving you. My life is in response to human needs. I have no personal agenda to achieve. This is the quality that makes them divine beings. I can tell you my experience when I was in Mooji's ashram doing volunteering. First day as I was doing it, it felt like torture "why am doing this? Is this some kind of free labour? Am I being exploited? What is it for Me?" But I knew this is my ego burning, all my pride and arrogance is washing away. In the end, when I did some considarable amount of volunteering I started to experience love and joy for no reason. The more opportunity I had to do something good for others the heppier I was There's even an advanced level of practice in sadhguru's Isha Yoga center. To go in your underwear and beg for some charity. I have a friend who went through that and he says. "You can say goodbye to all your proudness and arrogance forever." So yeah. You don't necessarily have to do to such extremes but just cleaning dishes or making somebody some breakfast for no reason there're many opportunities throughout the day where you can serve somebody, make use of that
  2. That's totally true. I agree about learning theory for beginners but advanced level nonduality theory is just pure mental fapping. "Oh everything is god, all is one and I'm The infinite intelegence". Yes it's all true on intelectual level. But really, it's of no significence to anybody
  3. Not like you, no, no way I'm not insane lol, Just kidding
  4. I have my own theory of what happened to leo. Short version: he went too high without building a solid foundation first and broke. If you want to meditate for 30days you should prepare yourself mentaly, pshysicaly, energeticaly. You can't just jump Into it like crazy
  5. @Dino D somehow I feel more happy for you then sorry what meditation do you do?
  6. Haha I love this 1+1=1 because what is 1 is relative. 1 can mean a single atom or 1 can mean the whole universe. If we stretch what you said further then 1+1= anything you want.
  7. Self-enquiry Meditation is not about nondual expererince.and not about god, not about reaching some goal but to know who you are. There's absolutely no harm in doing introspection into your own nature. In fact, it's the wisest thing one can do. Vippassana meditation is also not about nonduality. It's about becoming free from cravings and aversions. I mean these things are very good for everyone no? :). Even for a Christian or Islam or farmer or a millionare or whatever. Believing in something doesn't give you any answers. You still have to look and self-enquire. And even if nonduality is not real. It shouldn't stop you from asking deep existential question (self-enquiry), or stop you from wanting to be free from your compulsions (vippassana) But to be fair nonduality can be proven by basic logic and modern scientics are saying everything is one everything is one energy. Einstein famous formula E=mc^2. You know what it means? That everything is one energy just goes from one form to another.
  8. I think that question of your friend is excelent. I tried to answer it myself. What I found is there are more then 1thing that makes one play games. - wanting to be better then others -out of boredom/ good for killing time -it's exhilarating, intense and fun - you can socialize with others/ good way too avoid feeling lonely - satisfaction of doing something good. - illusion of becoming stronger, better, more important (that's what whole humanity is seeking for (fame, career, girlfriends)) - run away from problems - run away from feeling incomplete (witch whole humanity feels like) So yeah.. good like replacing these things :D:D there could be more, and I could be wrong with some of them. Do you meditate? @WavesI recommend shambhavi from sadhguru. Feeling happy from within would eliminate most of these things above.
  9. It's not enough to say- I am consciousness, I am all pervading. This has to be your living experience every moment of your Life. If you have this expererince then I call this: you embody the reality, the truth. I can explain further. Būt maybe this is enough
  10. I would put it like this: There are no levels of truth but there're different levels of embodiment of the truth. Explanation: The truth is that we're all enlightened, we're all consciousness. But how much of that is your living reality? This is what makes a difference between a sage and a normal person
  11. Ofcourse it's no easy task. But if you can't even distinguish a belief from truth then there's no hope for someone like that to navigate in this vast unknown, mysterious terrain.
  12. It's only hurtful in you're attached like a baby to your belief system and when I'm trying to rip it off you cry like a baby. If you had even a little honesty you would see that your beliefs will not bring you to knowing. And be honest you don't know anything in this existence at all. Then when you see you don't know anything at all then shit the fuck up and look for answers not for a belief system.
  13. If you serious about knowing the nature of life. Then you don't believe or disbelieve in anything. Only what you know you know, what you do not know you don't know. That's the most important step in this journey.
  14. Fuck your beliefs. And every other belief on this planet
  15. And who the fuck cares about god if you don't even know who you are.
  16. I see you just like conflict nothing else. Are you even interested in knowing god? Or did you just made an assumption, "well I'm stupid ignorant guy I i'm going to believe god is unknown" If you really want to know. Then believing in god will not help. That's where self-enquiry and meditation comes in.
  17. Belief is your making. Reality and truth is not a belief. You want to know the truth? Drop all beliefs including all your Jesus crap. And start from the bottom - What I know I know, what I do not know I do not know.
  18. Everything you say is pure beliefs . This is a forum of seekers not my belief versus yours
  19. Pls egoless...... No one cares about your religious beliefs. Get over it.
  20. Shambhavi mahamudra is designed in such a way by sadhguru that you reach the peak of happiness. Maybe that's what you need.
  21. It's much easier then you think. When the atmosphere is right, everyone is commited.... It's just much easier then you think that's all people with no expererince of meditation handle 10days. But doing the same at home would be a torture.
  22. Avatar is also filled with buch of spirituality
  23. Haha i know what you mean yea it gets a lot better i guarentee