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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. @How to be wise please change your profile pic. I can't take anything you say seriously
  2. I like the presence and equanimity that vippassana teachers emanate. Wonderful beings
  3. Is that old women on your profile pic really you?@How to be wise
  4. Mind blowing stuff about sadhguru
  5. I would say just increase your consciousness and your food will change. Just eat now as healthy as you capable of. I just noticed how strange it is to say to someone. Don't eat something that's not good for you. Or try not to eat the poison. like this is so obvious on one side but still people ask this question.
  6. What color are you if you don't even care to watch that video?
  7. From personal experience I can tell that oil lamp have a big positive impact on your sleep. And also since shambhavi mahamudra kriya never had a sleeping problem again. I fall asleep maximum in 15min always. I even forgot what sleeping problems feel like.
  8. Looool I was here on that day. It's me on 1.56.15 a boy with a green t-shirt getting a hug I remember how I cried afterward. Like a weeping whale. Mooji's presence is one of a kind. That hug from him was the most deliscious and most terrfiyng thing in my life It's impossible not to love him. And that whole place is just a huge love incubator. Energy field in Monte Sahaja is just owerhelming love. I started to hug random people, like, wtf. .
  9. You jumped on the trampoline and you saw what's beyond the wall. Now you have to build a ladder
  10. You probably just doing the wrong things. It doesn't matter how hard you work, if you don't do the right things - right things will not happen to you. Try angamardhana yogic fitness practice from sadhguru
  11. This is great :D. If you can be honest about your flaws, you have a lot of potential for growth "The important thing is not that people love you but that you are loving". #SadhguruQuotes
  12. It's been 1month, what happened, what did you do? @7thLetter
  13. @7thLetter buy this. "One who earns the Grace of Bhairavi neither has to live in concern or fear of life or death, of poverty, or of failure. All that a human being considers as wellbeing will be his if only he earns the Grace of Bhairavi." – Sadhguru
  14. If your desire was genuine to help people, you wouldn't ask this question "am I good enough to do it" you would simply do it. Now obviously there's more to it in your situation, like, a desire for fame maybe or money, idk. That's why you have all these fears. There're no requirements to help others. But you want to be recognized and accepted and all those things. Fear of rejection comes naturally but if did it not for fame, not for the status, not for yourself but for people, then You wouldn't care even a little how is your english or whether you look stupid or not. You would just be happy you did something nice in the world. If you see someone drowning you don't think whether I will look stupid when I thow him a life vest.
  15. I invite you to ask this question to yourself. "What do you want in life?" This question can really reveal to you a lot of clarity in life. To put you in the right direction. Many people never ask this question to themselfs "what do I want?" Many just go without any clear vision. If you ask them: -what do you want? -well I want to be an engineer -why? -I want to make a lot of money? -why? - so I can live fancy, have a nice car etc.. -okey why do you care about having a nice car or a house? -I want lots of money so I don't need to worry about my survival -okey but is being an engineer really what you want or you're just doing it because of money? Is survival really your biggest desire? Are you here just to fight for your survival? Or for something more? Just listen to this amazing replay from Mooji on what is the life purpose and why we shouldn't think so much about the money. Really amazing answer. Very hilarious also From 1:38:05
  16. What are trying to achieve? Do you know why you meditate?
  17. @luckieluuke do you know why you are meditating?
  18. @johntimbertry this. See if you can describe how you feel right now. Words like good, bad and normal doesn't count. If you can't then there's your whole problem. You need to increase your ability to feel your emotions. If I used an analogy. It's like for a musician to be a good player he needs a good hearing ability. In the same way you need to improve your ears for emotions, then you will see, you will be like a jazz musician in every situation. Always flexible, always able to improvize because he has good hearing. Relationships are like improvization. Noted: I'm not even sure that's what you've asked :D.
  19. Last Leo's video on blog was quite demotivating. No? I don't know about others but for me spirituality and doing self-enquiry was always a joy. Even after three years of nonstop looking it never became boring or painful or whatever. Excpesially now every day is incresingly more joyful and happy. How's everbody else feeling on this?
  20. Sing, dance, play an instrument Do something good for others. Maybe clean the kitchen or smth, feed some birds. You know, volunteering As you do something for others without expecting anything in return you will be doing karma yoga. I hope you won't discard what I just said like some nonsence It takes a lot of brain to understand the significence and benefit for you to do selfless activity Have you noticed when you try to do something for others there's that little voice in back of your head that says "what is it for Me?" Removing this is something you can work towords. It contributes strongly to your spirituality. Your life slowly becomes not about you but about serving god Living just for yourself is the poorest way to exist I suggest to be awere now of that immediat reaction "no way am I doing that" kind of thing :D:D Haha. Have a nice day
  21. @WaterfallMachine sorry I don't see how doing good for others can turn out to bad for you. You're making things top complicated just stop this philosophy and do something good for others. You will see you will feel wanderful I'm just encouraging people to do some simple things like maybe pick up some litter and throw it away or smth like that. I'm not talking about saving all the disabled people. Not yet anyways
  22. That's the whole purpose of volunteering. To forget yourself. To kill your ego pride and arrogance. To become a vessal for god to reside. One who is empty of himself is full of god and grace.