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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. You played with the definition of "social construct" Let me rephrase then into this: "can conciousness be a construct of human mind?" Or "Can energy be a construct of human mind?"
  2. The presence/energy of enlightened being can have an effect on your energy. Science will tell you, energy cannot be destroyed. That same energy that could heal and awaken thousands of people when a guru is in a body, exists when there is no body left still.
  3. You were using your experience to give weight to the argument that religion is bs. I was trying to make a point that your experience is not the only one out there. There are people who have very different experiences from religion than yours. Bringing a more fair perception of the whole thing.
  4. If you want to be intellectually honest and correct, best you can say, "I don't know how much their stories are real or no".
  5. 1. Using intellect to arrive at the conclusion about something can always end up being wrong because intellect works on a limited amount of data. And intellect is prone to fallacies. What you've deconstructed as a belief can turn out to be true with additional information or further sharpening of intellect. 2. Your experience is not necessarily the ultimate truth of the matter.
  6. @Ero I feel your responses didn't address what I wrote. My statements remain true.
  7. Your experience is not necessarily the ultimate truth of the matter.
  8. Your intellect is not infallible tho. And intellect is quite limited in general to know things.
  9. If it's legit then it's no longer a dogma but the truth. So yea I would have no problem sticking with it. Sometimes by testing it and seeing the fruits of it. Sometimes by having a deep heart resonance and knowledge that goes beyond the intellectual mind. Sometimes by lots of mental convincing.
  10. You can awaken by following something dogmaticly for sure if the thing you follow is legit. Like you can do yoga with total blind faith and it will still work if it's legit. And you can do rituals with blind faith and it will work if the rituals are actually legit. The efficiency of the path does not depend on whether you believe in it or not.
  11. It's convincing enough for me. It's not that difficult to find awake religious people. But of course there is no limit to how sceptical one can be. Even if I showed you a million of legit examples in front of your eyes, you could still be sceptical and find a way to be unconvinced, if you want to remain unconvinced.
  12. There are many Hindus that awaken through their system. Neem Karoli Baba would worship a monkey god (Hanuman). Many such examples exist in every religion actually.
  13. Mm, nice. But the ego thrives only because of unawareness. Awareness kills the ego.
  14. I believe it's possible. Not 100% sure tho.
  15. It's a matter of degree. Some are considerably more egoless than others.
  16. I thought you had some profound Awakening
  17. Pure heart + sceptism. Ultimate combo. @Yimpawhat's up with the new signature 👆?
  18. Oh, I still have something to say, lol. That sceptism can come from ego or from honesty. Lots of sceptism can be done just to avoid facing the truth aswell. Inventing new and new reasons to deny something that threatens the ego's thought structure.
  19. I'm happy with the conclusion here somehow. Peace🌻🦋💫
  20. They say Shroud of Turin is the first picture made by God 😂 Because it's some kind of flash of light that got imprinted in the cloth. Like a photography. (I can't remember exactly)
  21. Mm, it depends on the level of spiritual development of the one making the research. Skeptics are just as biased in their research and the conclusions that they make. A pure heart is what is needed to see things more clearly.