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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Another sadhguru's book "More Then a Life" I found this by accident on Facebook today
  2. Then eat after meditation. Be on empty stomach when you meditate or at least 3-4h without food.
  3. Usually listening to some master like Mooji, echart tolle, spira, and others are very helpful. Listening to them can easily put you Into the meditation mood. And it supportive to hear them talking as you meditate. At least for me.
  4. @zambize @cetus56 I once talked with a guy who has schizophrenia and he told me that when he eats meat he gets hallucinations and nightmares of slauhthered cows and some other creepy stuff like eyeballs smth. He said it stopped when he stopped eating meat.
  5. Both but I stopped doing shambhavi for now because I damaged my heart somehow. Trying to recover
  6. Kriya would be the fastest and most effective. Yoga aswell if it is done in its full dimension and depth not just muscle streaching.
  7. What Sadhguru said about gathering memory is logcal, simple to understand, and I see how it works in real life with everything everyday. Also Sadhguru also said that you can make your energies so established that nothing sticks to you. And you can go into most intimate relationships and come out clean if you establish your energies. This also applies in everyday situations like some people get into a fight and can't forget that for months. Can't sleep even. Other people get into the most heated debates ever and then sleep the same day like a baby This used to happen to me when I was doing shambhavi. Nothing would stick. Because energies were properly established. 6.50 He says something about establishing your energies and relationships and divorce.
  8. Yeahh.. Being a scource of misery is not fun I think you already know what you should do. To become a source of joy and blissfulness ?
  9. No it's not. If you don't allow this suffering to run it's course and instead just jump into another relationship it will make your being and energies very scattered. That means you won't be able to be peaceful by yourself at all. You will be a total mess. The only solution is to wait for this suffering to resolve itself, to run its course. It's like you ate a piece of cake, you felt nice in the beginning but now you your body feels shitty so you think I need another bite. Again you feel nice but after some time again feel shitty. Then again you eat the cake to make yourself feel better. Then you go to the hospital. Smart way is to give body time to heal itself. Not to put anything for awhile. Let this shitty feeling run it's course instead of glossing over it with another piece of cake.
  10. Don't worry. It will hurt for a while there's no solution to this. When you create strong relationship and then try to cut it off it will hurt, that cant be avoided, unless of course you did sufficient meditation. What you can do now is just wait. It will pass by itself with a little pain. Don't jump into another relationship right now. It's a bad idea. You will create more and more turmoil. If you won't give sufficient time to yourself to let these emotions work itself out, a point will come where being peaceful and content will be very hard.
  11. There's like 20pages about disembodied beings and how sadhguru is talking about these beings and gives explanations how they come and where they come from everything is explaned. I photographed only one sentence because nobody would want to read 20pages.
  12. @Epsilon_The_Imperial i know people will call you crazy and woo woo but I support you 100%. Also. Keeping high vibrations is not going to help because it also attracts beings but of a different nature. Sadhguru says the best way is to have a rudraksha around your neck. It creates a cacoon of your own energies so other beings don't tauch you. @cetus56 look. Even mooji is talking about this. Watch first 40sec of the video. "Many forces visit this body. From different dimensions also" -Mooji.
  13. "How can you stop the thoughts if you're yourself just a thought? It's like trying to stop the wind with a kite" -Mooji
  14. THE most conscious way of responding to bullies is with love and inclusion. "When someone hits you in the face, you show them the other cheek." Something like that was said by Jesus Wise words. Also this.
  15. Are you aware of self-inquiry and Mooji? If you want you can try his letting go meditation. Just as an experiment. Maybe you'll like it Also if you like observing the thoughts you can try self-inquiry. It's the same but deeper.
  16. Through proper transmission that only an enlightened being can do. 13.25 much better explanation then I gave about what transmittion is
  17. Qi qonq is very popular in Asia. It's presence through moment, flow of energy, Yin and yang. I'm sure you've seen it somewhere in Jackie Chan movie. it's very much a spiritual practice but there are a lot of empty Tai Chi practices designed not for spirituality but for martial arts or smth, just empty physical excersice.... That's why you need to find someone who is enlightened and is offering an incredible tool to reach the ultimate not just to streach your muscles. It's rare these days to find them. Peter Ralston also has some Tai Chi programs that he offers if you're familiar with him.
  18. It's impossible to learn Yoga through books or videos. This is something that many don't like hearing. But it's true. This becomes clear as day when you experience true Yoga. What happens inside me is impossible to write down. No instructions could guide anyone to those aspects of Yoga. Because it's subjetive. True Yoga can't be written down. Saying this I would reccomend sadhguru's Yoga but it's not very relaxing. It's more rejuvinating and energizing plus meditative. I usually sweat in it. I don't know if this is what you want. I see some really intreaging options there like echart tolle's Yoga and Mantak Chia Qi qong flow. Similar to what you're looking. Interesting. I just looked at some echart tolle's Yoga and found there's actually a DVD pretty inexpensive with a tutorial and guidence to do Yin yoga. Interesting. You could check it out. Tho i never tried it and it's a living reality for me that there are things that can only be transmited and can't be explained in words. But still I trust echart tolle's work. So maybe it's a descent practice that he's offering afterall. There's also Mantak Chia who is doing programs in Europe US Asia and everywhere. He has some really fasinating material and practices to offer. This is something I would want to try myself if I didn't have so many practices already. Anyways. What I wouldn't do is youtube Yoga. That stuff is pure bull. Absolute ignorance of what Yoga is about. Just random stuff with random stretches with random results. Better go jogging. or take a bath if relaxation is what you're looking for When you want to know from whom to learn Yoga just look if he's enlightened or not. Don't take instructions from unenlightened people about Yoga. They are horrible people.
  19. Ho ho ho! Are you still alive Happy new year ?
  20. A Mystic knows all the mysteries and dimensions of life inside out. He can basicly do anything. Travel through time and space or walk on water if he wants to. A sage is usually just a pleasent being who trancsended his identity and reached nonduality.