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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. This happens often around full moon days.
  2. So in your mind western spirituality is like psychedelics and smth else. And eastern is like gurus and temples, right? I would avoid categorizing spirituality as different types of spirituality. There's just seeking for truth. And different ways to do that. Choose wichever way makes the most sense to you and go with that. If tommorow a different way begins to make more sense, then do that.
  3. I can share something from my own life. I never had problems with waking up in the middle of the night but did have some annoying problems falling asleep from time to time. Then I started some simple yoga practice that improves the quality of sleep and after a month or so, i can't remember, till today haven't had any problems falling asleep. Now I recently I started 2more practices that improve the quality of sleep. Now I fall asleep in like 2-3min. Ofcourse some days are different, if you get many bad impressions during the day, if you get into the arguments with someone. Accordingly it will take time to fall asleep. But in general, I can't remember complaining about sleep at all. Why I'm saying this. You can easily work upon this issue. There're many different approaches to this. Okey... GOOD LUCK
  4. Have you tried to look answers from ayurvedic point of view? In ayurveda they look at sleep problems like this. Everyone is a combination of vata, pitta and kapha doshas. If you have very light sleep, meaning, a somebody makes a very small sound you get up immediatly. And another person you go with a trumpet but his dead asleep so this kind of person who sleeps superficially has vata imbalances, vata aggravation. In your case you have a pitta aggrevation. That means you're sleeping but your sleep is not of a good quality. You wake up in the middle of the night. Now there are many ways how to balance these doshas. You can balance your pitta dosha by increasing the kapha dosha or you can drop your pitta dosha down. Food that you eat has these doshas. Some foods increase pitta in you some increase vata some kapha. You can google pitta balancing diet. And see what kind of food is good for you. Avoid sour food, eat sweet food. Like eat sweet apples not sour apples. Now there are more effective ways to balance these doshas if you go to ayurveda doctor. He will give you some herbs specifically for you. It would really solve all your problems. I know this by experience. These ayurveda people are something else. Try to look if there're any in your residential area. Another tip is you take a luke warm shower before sleep. Or soak your feet in some bucket with water and salt for 5-7min. It will help. Also what you can do, apply some ghee oil on the soles of your feet before you go to sleep Also hot milk before sleep helps
  5. Sleep is a state of restfulness for our body and mind. There're two reasons someone can't have a proper sleep. 1. Body is not at ease. 2. Mind is not at ease. Let's come to the body first. if body is in some kind of a pain or disease or full stomach, hypertension or smth. A body will not allow you to fall asleep. Another thing is your mind. When we go out in the world, mind takes enourmos amount of impressions during the day. When we take negative impressions into our mind, for example, you get stuck in a traffic jam, or somebody yells at you, or you read something you don't like on Facebook or your this forum mind becomes alert and active and thoughts start running fast. So these impressions when you go sleep, unconsciously will become active and will not let you sleep properly. What you can do is, to take positive impressions increases the quality of your sleep very very much. One simple thing you can do is, act of kindness. On a daily basis, make some acts of kindness, like, if you see someone who needs help, help them, do something good for others. Nothing big. Something small. Wash the dishes, or pick up a trash and trow it in a bin. Your mind will takes those positive impressions and will run subconsciouscly in your sleep. It will soothen your mind. Will make a better sleep quality.
  6. One thing you can do. There're kriya meditations that lowers the activity of the whole system, lowers metabolizm. Reduces heart rate, breath and mind activity. This is a powerful meditation to reduce your metabolizm. Perfect before going to sleep. Sometimes when I'm tired and I do this meditation I fall asleep right there. In cross-legged posture, sitting without any back support. So this can help.
  7. There you go Then after you master this. You can try this :D:D:D
  8. Wait for 20years for AI to come, then everyone will be unemployed
  9. Imagine you die tomorrow. Today is your last day. Now think is the thing you want to do is something that is worthwhile doing? Also do this guided death contemplation. It will put you on the right track i believe.
  10. I'm just throbbing with life inside of me everyday fallowed by strong motivation for spirituality, gratittude for all the masters and truth. Always balanced and in harmony with everything around me. Even if my life is upside down I'm still able yo laugh inside What I was was not like this. I was not even able to smile I think there's not a single picture of me smiling in front of a camera, always dead searious and phylosophical That's the most popular combination today - dead serious, full of phylosophis and depressed Now I'm like on nootropics everyday, only difference is that I generate it from within without any external stimuli just with some yogic tools and kriyas Can't say that my life became easy tho. Only I became at ease within. Life seems only to get more intense. But when there's balance inside whatever life throws it's ok. I like Goutama's the Bhuddha words. "I don't want to go to heaven, I want to go hell. Anyways I can't suffer, at least there I can help other people" :D:D
  11. I think pain plays a big role in self-actualization, especially in the beginning When I look back, I know I wouldn't be what I am today without that big pain in the past. I'm kinda greatful for it now you can say Just make sure you have some simple meditation practice and rely on it. Then the pain will turn into wisdom. Without any meditation practice usually pain turns into wounds.
  12. When you have the choice to either meditate alone or in the hall, meditate in the hall Do that.
  13. Yeah.. probably the moon is doing its things
  14. @Rilles I think you would like vipassana meditation.
  15. Omg the comments :D:D:D I cried :D:D:D
  16. Guys help me build this topic. We can make it even featured . Write some examples that you can think of. IQ vs inteligence. Being smart is not about how much you know or how fast your brains are or how much you can score on a test. It really means how close you are to the truth about everything. -If you can score 200 on IQ test but you smoke cigaretes or you eat junk food or smth like that, you're still pretty stupid. -Or maybe a person reads 30books in 30days but still wears heels or wears some tight clothes in a hot summer day, is still a stupid person. Same jungle boy who can't even read would never put something that is uncomfortable but looks good. He would call you the most idiotic being of all Now he's smart.
  17. I don't know if you resonate with mooji or not but here's a very beautiful answer to your question. 5.50 he gives a live example about a very relatable situation that you're having
  18. There's nothing to debunk if he says I don't know anything I'm just assuming this is the right way and these are the reasons why I think that. Tho sometimes he forgets this humility and starts giving advises with a big "I KNOW" authority. Everything he utters smth with this confidence in his voice, in the future will be thrown out the window Because the truth is the doesn't know. That is where all the ignorance and unawereness is lying around for all of us here.
  19. Just a theory. Maybe you feel like everything is repeating itself and you want something new to happen. When nothing new isn't happening then we start to feel like stagnant and feelings of boredom and dying arise. Solution? I don't know. It has something to do with karma and how fast it goes but it's beyond my understanding. I've heard sadhguru talk about it everywhere.
  20. Well you have to judge for yourself Does he look like a god to you?
  21. Maybe this will help. It's a Chit Shakti guided meditation/visualization process to achieve your goals.
  22. Martial arts also could be linked to sport/spirituality category.
  23. I've always resonate with Jimmy. What a great being ?