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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. It would cool if you did some guided 5meo trips, like, Martin Ball used to do.
  2. @Nahm Yeah, please share something more? Were you doing also from Ramaji?
  3. This is nice. I'm eager to see how you will turn out after following this Ramaji that you talk about
  4. Why even bother about the explanation. Say fuck you and over No, don't take my advise seriously But it's an option At least that's what I'd do. Ofcourse different situations, different ways of dealing with it.
  5. Just hit the rock bottom faster and then bounce back up again Let go of all the meditation and personal development for 1day. Then allow yourself all the meaningless stuff you desire so much to do. Do all that completly. Get it out of your system. And then you'll see, when you will feel like you spent the most unproductive, meaningless day of your life. Naturally your intelligence will organise itself on a healthy, productive path again. The reason you're not getting back now immediatly is because falling always feels fantastic, isn't it? You tried skipping one early morning meditation and slept a little longer. Oh how good it felt. You allowed yourself a little bit of unhealthy food. Again, so fantastic, like freedom it felt. All this feels absolutely great, but this doesn't last long, sooner or later you're going to hit the ground Jumping from a sky is so fantastic, but only until you hit the ground
  6. Maybe this is a good thing. When you were are a kid, playing with toys seemed like life's biggest thing and excitement. Then as we grow older into adolesence toys become meaningless. Then we suddenly think girls are the best thing. Then we grow and think house and cars and family are the most important in life. Then as we grow even more, when cars and family and all the important stuff becomes meaningless, that's when spirituality begins I see that as a good thing
  7. Omg. I'm touched. Be blessed for doing such things and rising human consciousness around you ???
  8. Hmm.. maybe I'll try it tomorrow.
  9. I do all sorts of chanting daily. This one in particular is very overhelming with its energy. There are many different dimensions in which we can look at this mantra. Right now, we want to use this mantra as a purificatory process, and at the same time as a foundation, as a base for all meditativeness that we may attain to. #Sadhguru
  10. @Viking What is the highest thing in life for you? Make this answer very clear to yourself and put all your energy towards that. Because you're not clear what you want, you mind goes one way, your body goes another way, your passions go third way, your energies goes somewhere else, like this life can become. Just educate your passions, educate your desires to flow in the right direction. Just desire the highest in life. All your passions, direct them to the highest. I like this story, it shows that if you're seeking the highest in life, petty things will not interest you. It's only natural for humans to seek the highest. You only need to become clear what is the highest for you?
  11. @Tony 845 Tony relax it was just some little energy vibrations in the body it's not that big of a deal I did exacly the same practice that you're doing - Mooji's self-enquiry combined with sds sometimes, for 2.5years. I still do it on and off. I know all the things that you're talking about, all the spinning sensations, energy in the body, energy on the crow chakra, eyes twitching. I'm telling you - it's nothing. Watch this video
  12. @Viking how's your vipassana meditation practice going?
  13. :D:D:D I'm confused myself about this topic Only thing I know is that it's not needed for enlightenment. It's enough for me
  14. Haha honestly tho, based on what I've read it wasn't a kundalini probably. It's just that you've activated your life energies to a different level. If you learn to control this energy you can do many things. Like Reiki, healing, all kinds of stuff that you see on Naruto, you can walk in a blizzard naked You can balance your energies, you can strenghten your energies, you can enhance your energies, you can transform them. Many many things. Congratz on activating your energies tho According to sadhguru's definition of kundalini if the real kundalini opened up it would rip you to piecies from inside
  15. It's a good start But if you want a proper advise look for a real master, don't go to the forum on such subtle matters
  16. Anyways, it has some good content about kundalini. Many insights and clarifications about whether kundalini energy is nessesary for awakening. What's better supernatural experiences or freedom? I think he did a great job answering those questions. Who cares about his belly size.
  17. Why don't you travel? Go on the pilgrimage.
  18. Mind says "be aware, observe everything." But who is aware of this thought? Is meditation a mindset? I would say meditation means just looking. You're just looking at what is behind all the activity of the mind? Who's observing all those thoughts? And can the observer itself be seen? It's not really a questioning but rather a focused looking. Questioning is only there to direct your attention in your true place.
  19. That's a good question. Who is aware of all those things. If it is mind that is aware of all that. Then who knows the that? That means there is something deeper that is observing the mind. You're observing the activity of the mind, thoughts are not observing you. Can the observer of the mind be seen?
  20. @Chilli Whom do you follow when it comes to self-enquiry? I see sometimes people doing some mental philosophies and thinking this is self-enquiry. IDK, I used to do a lot of self-enquiry but Mooji's style, witch has nothing to do with mental philosophies. It worked just fine, still does. Where did you learn this self-enquiry that you do?
  21. November is going to be 1year as I do yogasanas consistently, tho I don't feel it to be appropiate to talk about the benefits of it. This practice is very subtle you will have to experience for yourself. This is one practice that nobody talks about the benefits, in other isha practices like angamardhana people will not shut up, they feel it on the first day because it's so much on the physical level, health, brain activity, lightness, energy everything just so apparant. But yogasanas is very subtle. One day when you look back how you were before you started yoganasas and compare it with today, you will see a huge transformation in things like what you like, how you think, how you feel, what bothers you, what doesnt, how mature you've become, how intelligent, how you relate to people and life, how sensitive you've become to life and everyone around you. And above all, the balance and quality of any meditation or kriya grows by a 100x. You saw hatha yoga teachers, didn't you? Just one look at them and you can tell, everything about them is different, how they sit even, like bhuddha statues, every move they make is so fantastic They're the answer to your question
  22. Something funny happened to me this night. Yesterday before sleep I ate lots of food that aggregate pitta like sour cream and smoked fish, and another sour milk product. And then today i woke up at 3am and couldnt fall back to sleep, witch almost never happens body's all confused and irritated. Then this is it, I thought, no more sour, salty products before sleep @Athena Check if you're not on a salty, sourly diet also if you drink alcohol the same thing could happen.