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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. @Matteo ha There's a huge chance I met you in the ashram. I've been there from september to october. But I don't recognize you by your photo unfortunatelly. tho, I do remember someone like you but he was from Germany. Are you sure you're not for Germany This is a photo of me made during the stay. maybe you'll remember
  2. lack of self disicipline was caused by marijuana most likely. And marijuana lowers your ability to deal with demanding life situations also.
  3. Good stuff here. You can also check out radisafe anti-radiation shield stickers on your phone. It's inexpensive actually I actually can experience my overall wellbeing and health droping down when I'm surounded by many devices for long periods of time. My hair even start falling off.
  4. Why don't you just type down your questions on youtube and write some sages name next to it. Like what is desire - echart tolle Is it okey to pursue your desire - rupert spira, or whoever you like You will get a lot of bullshit answers on this forum witch are not very healthy for you
  5. And you can live there for free. You'll have to do volunteering of course. And self-enquiry Mooji's style of course.
  6. I heard that there was a science of sounds to enter into different levels of consciousness. but not today's pop music According to these men you can even break a bridge with a sound. Pretty cool
  7. I agree. Maybe he just wanted to spread awareness on truth. Shock some people..this video received a lot of attention. Maybe that's what Jim tryed to do. And anyways. I don't recall Jim claiming to be full blown enlightened guru. He only said be had some experiences. So maybe lower your expectations about him
  8. Don't judge someone's spiritual process by their behavior. The spiritual process is beyond the ways of body and mind. #Sadhguru't+judge+someone's+spiritual+process+by+their+behavior.+The+spiritual+process+is+beyond+the+ways+of+body+and+mind.+sadhguru&client=ms-android-huawei&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjPpYa22vfeAhXCWywKHR_KBLsQ_AUoAXoECAwQAQ&biw=360&bih=559#imgrc=mwN2QsnZdTtQoM:
  9. That's nice. Doing a pilgrimage is on my to do list How much did it cost you for 2weeks?
  10. Nobody belongs anywhere, nobody exists on purpose, everybody's going to die. #Rick And Morty This gives me goosebumps
  11. Yey chocolate is good for health
  12. How do I adress the large issues in my life?
  13. Happyness and enlightenment are not necessarily connected. Happyness is just an emotion. An experience. Enlightenment is not an emotion or experience. It's just a boundless freedom or nothingness where there's no suffering. There're ways to generate happyness very fast. Like kundalini, kriya or some tao techneques can get you into brain orgasms very much but it's not enlightenment. It's not freedom. It's just an emotion. It depends what kind of practices you do. Being happy is not a big achievement actually. It's the most basic thing.
  14. It's a survival instinct to be part of something. Because alone you feel weak. And when you're weak subconcsiously you're afraid of death. If you're the only one who thinks Justin Bieber is amazing in a prison. Do you see how vulnurable it makes you? Suddenly you're like the enemy to others. You can actually die if you say something like that in prison. People think if you're not one of them then you're against them. If you're different then immediatly you will be labeled as wierd, crazy, and demoniosed in many ways. And then executed. So naturally nobody wants to be that guy who's different. Everyone wants to belong somewhere because it's safe. Your safety for survival gets setisfied so now you can relax a little bit. That why it seems to feels good when you're a part of something. But it's just fear.
  15. Lol This reminded me of Seriously tho. Watch some simpsons to cheer yourself up Life is so beautiful, don't waste your chance to experience that
  16. I don't know. I feel I understand this logcally very easy, without any awakenings. 1 is something. It exists. It's tangable, it's physcial. You can hold it your hands. 0 also exists. But you can't hold it in your hands. It's nothingness. But it exists. It's a thing but not a physical thing. Like space. Space is also non physical but without space nothing would be possible.
  17. 1 is something, 2 is something, 3 is something, 0 is also a thing.
  18. This is true. When we're around people we tend to be very self-conscious, too mindfull about ourself. Very worried how we look and stuff. The problem is that we can't relax. We're always alert what's happening around us and how we look. Always stressed not to look bad. To look normal. Just all bunch of fears how to look, how to be in every situation. This is causing anxiety. The answer is not self esteem. Look at the children. They laugh like crazy, they shout and jump and do all the crazy stuff. You think it's because they have strong self esteem? You think an innocent child who's feeling totally at ease with people around him is doing self esteem afirmations? No. The reason a child is so relaxed is because he doesn't give a damn about what people think. He's absolutely mindless, empty, non caring, free from concern. That's your answer. These qualities are what will make you authentic and at ease with people. Being absolutely mindless. When other opinions doesn't mean a thing to you. When you're naked and you don't care at all. That's what you're looking for. Self esteem is not a solution. If lets say you gain self esteem and self confidence today. You meet people and you're so super confident that whatever you say you believe that it's fine. I'm super good. Everything I do is awesome. This gives you same space, it lets you relax more. Now that you think that you're always good you don't worry that you might look bad anymore because you really believe that I'm great. This will grow into a big arrogance. Just look how very arrogant people are always seem to be expressing themselfs without any fear of looking bad because they always believe that they are killing it. They think what they do is so great. But they don't have that freedom that if the next moment they make utter fools of themselfs they are still okey. No. They would be terrified. They can't stand looking foolish. That's not freedom. What you want is to be a total fool and still be okey. To laugh and dance and sing like a crazy and don't care what people think. This doesn't take any courage or self esteem. This takes a total sense of abandonment. Forgeting yourself totally ? that's way children are so good at being crazy and wild becouse they have no opinions about themself. No courage or self esteem either. We on the other hand have strong opinions about ourself and we think by producing a positive image in our heads will solve something. No. Get rid of all opinions about yourself. Go back to zero. Self esteem leads to arrogance. Sense of abandonment leads to innosence and freedom from concerns. P.S. I like reading these posts of yours. They're somehow honest and with a lot of open-mindedness in them Edit: you think some great sage someone like sadhguru is always at ease because he has a strong self esteem or that he doesn't care at all what people think? Or why when a person gets drunk he is suddenly so relaxed and easygoing?
  19. Wow.. you have a good therapist
  20. Your ability to know what you want is best when you're quiet. But when you're quiet and you still don't know what to do. Then just be like that. In a state of not knowingness. And be like that. Don't try to force your descision. Forcing things in life is no good. Even if you're in the bathroom
  21. distract yourself with something. watch some cartoons or tv shows. Community and rick and morty are a great shows that are not about sex