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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. What gives the biggest experience in life? that's basicaly your question. Is it love? Or Is it life purpose? Or Is it something else? Some people find relationship to be the biggest experience for them. Others find that life purpose is the biggest experience for them. Others find some other activity to be the biggest thing in their life. But nothing is bigger then infinity, aka enlightenment.
  2. So you basicly feel bad about failing at something so you think self-acceptence is the solution. But why do feel bad when you fail in the first place? Because if you fail your self-image is bad and then you feel bad, that's why. And when you accept yourself or you love yourself, now your self-image became tolerable, normal, acceptable. Now you say to yourself "I'm not a loser, being bad at basketball is normal" you feel great. But the real solution is having no attachment to your self-image. Even if fail a 1000times and people tell you you're a total're still okey. Not because you've accepted yourself but because you don't care at all how you look, what people think about you. You could be shitfaced and still be perfectly okey. Because you forgot yourself. You don't think about yourself at all. Self love will make your obssesion with self-image even stronger. It will only make things worse.
  3. Sorry. I saw different points were made but for sake of simplicity I focused only on one point about poor self-image and how self-love is improving self-image and gives you some sense of confidence. But it's not a good solution because this will create arrogance. And there will be constant anxiety about not to look foolish again. Because that would mean negative self-image again. And you don't like that. What true solution is. Forgeting yourself. In such a state, even if you do something stupid and everybody calls you an idiot you are still okey. Not because you love yourself but because you don't care about yourself. You don't care about self-image and how you look and what people think of you. Self-love is only making poor self-image into good self-image to stop self-destructive thoughts. But the real problem is not solved. With self-love the problem gets even stronger. You did mention that you do self-love for the true self and for the body. How loving your true self is even possible? You have to create 2people inside of you. Your true self and your false self. And then this false self is loving his true self and that results in more love for others? Makes no sense to me at all. And if there're two people inside of you, we call this schizophrenia You love others that's okey. But you love yourself that means there's you and there's another you who you love No, no, no.... There's only one you. You can be radiating with love. But you radiate love towards yourself then it's just narcissism. And in no way will this increase your love for others.
  4. What does being impatiant to yourself even mean? So you don't like listening to other's perspectives. Then you started loving yourself. And suddenly you like other people's opinions ? Sorry I don't see the connection. How does loving yourself. Make you a better listener? Unless you're genuinely interested in other people. Only then you can joyfully listen to what they have to say. What does self love have to do with this? Lets say I hate myself but I'm very interested in someone's opinion. Will my self hatered stop me from being interested in other people's perspectives? Not at all. It has no impact on my interest in other perspectives. Actually the more self-obsessed self- loving you are. The harder it will be to listen to others.
  5. @peanutspathtotruth @Aimblack The problem is you have a poor self-image and you're suffering because of it and you start self-destructive process. So you think okey I will create a possitive self-image with self-love. Possitive self-image will definitely stop the guilt and self-destructive thoughts. Plus it gives you confidence and self esteem so what's the problem? Well here's a problem. It will lead to arrogance, to self-obsession, narcissism. It definitely doesn't lead to love for others that's for sure. Self-obssesed people can't think of anything else then themselfs The real answer is dropping the negative self-image and positive self-image altogether. No-image. That's way I said self-love is not the answer. It's just decorating your self-image… your ego. And plus if you spend everyday thinking about yourself it will create obssesion with your image. Like those people who watch in the mirror 10times before leaving the house. ....... The moment you say I love myself you will be caring egotistical, personal smell around you. The moment you say I don't care at all about myself or I don't care how I look or how to be or anything about myself. All I care about is others because I love every being on this planet. You'll be a Jesus. Jesus was not worried how he looks. And that's not because he did self-love, self esteem affirmations. But because he forgot himself absolutely and lived like an offering to the human consciousness. Every breath he took was for others not for himself. This kind of love is amazing. It's divine. But that self-love that I hear everyday everywhere is just decorating your ego so you wouldn't feel bad when you did something stupid.
  6. Give me 1 example altruistic self-love In my understanding self-love is synonimous with self-worship only difference is self worshiping is stronger. But if you do self love very intensly it will become self worship aswell
  7. I have nothing against love. Being loving to others, being full of love, sharing your love. All this is great. It's fantastic. But loving yourself is the most egoistic, narcissistic, self-obssesed, self-centered, full of yourself thing to do. Prove me wrong and give me one example of self-love which is not narcissistic.
  8. I wish it'd happen sooner
  9. I don't know..first of all where have you heard that ignoring all your problems means spirituality. Stopping negative thinking doesn't mean ignoring the issue. It means dealing with an issue with a smile on your face But you know... If you try to smile all day then you'll become even further away from reality. I would say. In your condition there's probably nothing you can do this very moment that would solve your problems. But in the future if you want to face challenges in life with balance and smile on your face then start investing time on becoming a more balanced, harmonious human being. Either meditation or Yoga or whatever works for you. If nothing works for you then try sadhguru's Yoga. It works for sure.
  10. I don't know the answer to your problem but I know that self love is not the answer nor is it ever an answer to anything. Maybe try visualizing her cuddling when she's not around.
  11. Hmmmmm The more I think about it the more I like this idea. Couldn't think of 1reason why not. Looool. I asked the same question to my mom and she absolutely and those who fail the test should be castrated Don't take this seriously tho
  12. There could be like a million reasons for this I really don't know what to tell but there's one way to find a solution to your problems. Just sit down quetly and pay full attention to you sickness. Just keep paying attention to whatever problem that you have. And if you have high enough awareness it will tell you what is the cause of your disease. But you have to sit and look focused. It migh work or atleast you can find a clue to your problem, a hunch..depending and how subtle your awareness is. Other then that idk. I always consult ayurveda dactors if it's something serious. They can tell everything about every problem of yours
  13. It's amazing how many philosophies and movies and books are made about love when it's just an emotion. Oh love is god. Love is the core of the universe. Love is the greatest mystery in the universe. The most indefinable thing on earth. LOVE IS JUST A SWEETNESS OF EMOTION. JUST A CHEMICAL REACTION IN THE BODY. Geez... Tho will's speach was okey.
  14. @Viking Don't you feel yourself growing from meditation? I think meditation, introspection, yogas, all those spiritual things that rises ones consciousness and energy are the answer.
  15. I think about this often. So far I think you're right. But I don't know.
  16. That advise that if you want to be happy then lower your expectations, lower your desire, stop all desires is pathetic. It's impossible to do. As you said it comes from the same motivation to be happy. If you want to feel happy you need a proper technology to do so. If you want your body to be happy and healthy. Do exercises. If you want your mind to be peaceful and joyful. Do some balancing practices, like yoga. If you want your entire chemistry be blissful. Do some kriya yoga. See every emotion is some kind of chemistry. Joy is one kind of chemistry, love is another kind of chemistry, depression or anger or anxiety is another kind of chemistry. You just need a proper technology to create the chemistry of blissfulness everyday. And you'll be happy.
  17. That's a nice one Here's something cool also. Gives me goosebumps
  18. Hmmm this is a complex matter... I don't think you'll find a decent answer to your questions here but I have some thoughts that could help you. It's likely that this is because of night work. I have some experience on this. I couldn't sleep either. But good thing was that I used to work only 2days like that then rest. So i didn't care that much. It depends on the techneque a little. Some techneques that were done after night shift would give me horrable experiences but the same techneque done in a day would be very beautiful This night work thing really messes up meny things. Maybe try a different techneque. The one that energizes the whole system. These two meditations that you mention. Japanese relaxation and breathing are both of calming nature. You see different practices produce different results. I did something of that nature witch I call - practices that put you to sleep (so it's like self-enquiry, vipassana, some kriyas, some chants, brething exercises, relaxation stuff, etc.), and it turned out very unpleasent and very unsuitable for such life style. But other practices that were of rejuvinating, harmonizing, energizing nature worked fine. These rejuvinating, harmonizing, energizing practices are usually either kriya or kundalini stuff or Yoga. So you can try to look for that if you care. Here's a set of practices I can suggest that are more of a energizing, activating, preparing for the day. Very good in the morning to start your day. You can try it. Probably after you wake up would be the best time to do it.
  19. I never said touching others can kill you. And I specifically made a distinction that meddling with life process has much bigger impact then just talking on the forum. Plus there's so much missunderstanding happened in between that many things that I said sounds stupid and unbelievable. It's fine. I'm aware of how it sounds. But actually what I say is very logical and easy to understand and not crazy at all. In energy healing you remove the effect only. But the real problem is still inside. And it can find a different more acute ways of expressing itself. Either give you another disease or an unfortunate accident may happen. That's why it's a irresponsible way of doing things. And this whole karma thing is a different topic altogether There were some points that I was trying to make about karma and healing and it got all mixed up. Here I even found one example of what sadhguru says for you. So you don't say it's all me. And that thing about being able to finish someone's life just by looking at them. I didn't mean by a random guy with a random look. I meant a serious occult practicioner or smth, who has a serious mastery over his energies. Honestly I can't remember what was I trying to say by saying that. It's all messed up here.
  20. It's not the same. We talk, we exhange karma, energies it's all superficial - yes. But when you meddle with life process the risk is 100times bigger. If you cure a very powerful disease wrong. The same energy that was causing the disease can manifest in some tragic even in someone's life. Like a car accident for example.
  21. There's 0 my interpretation here. Honest to god. This is all sadhguru words. What you think is of no consiquence when you don't know anything about such matters. Even if you think about it for 100years so what? when you have no idea how life process is happening. Better take someone's opinion who knows about these things. That's just common sense. You think sadhguru is lying when he says don't do it unless you know how life is made completly from atom to atom.? You think he's lying when he says you can cause much more damage with such energy healings? And how can you be so arrogant to not even take that possibility that Sadhguru migh be right and you might be wrong? Who are you holding yourself to be? an all knowing god? I'm not saying you believe me. Just research what sadhguru says more and you'll see for yourself.
  22. If your desire is for truth you will not resonate with perverts. You will only resonate with authentic beings If your desire is something else then be careful