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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. @Hellspeed did someone initiated you or did you learned it by yourself?
  2. Lol I enjoyed your reactions more then alan wats quotes This quote resonated deeply tho "As the wise man's goal, a release from this transient life which seems to be no release at all--a state called nirvana. Which may be translated "despair," and the attainment of a metaphysical condition called Shunyata, which is a voidness so void as to be neither existent nor nonexistent! For nonexistence implies existence as it's logical correlate, whereas Shunyata is so void that it does not imply anything at all." - Alan Watts
  3. If you can observe the mind. That means you're seperate from the mind. It means there're two things. One is Mind and second is you who is observing the mind.
  4. This movie just got released..i have a good feeling about it It's from lord of the rings creator
  5. Stage 10 he talks about beings involved in the world after enlightenment and what it takes to do that.
  6. I'm not doing kriya anymore for now because I have some heart problems. But I can tell that stopping kriya was one of the most horrible experiences of my life. Everything came back after a week or smth. Bad sleep. Bad mood. Mantal claritity dropped like a brick. Memory dropped. Ability to think and articulate thoughts dropped. everyday I dream about when will I be able to start it again Kriya yoga was the best thing that happened in my life. I was at a point where I could fall asleep in 2-3min, Mantal balance and constant joy within everyday... all gone...
  7. This forum is something else... Welcome back
  8. I like him Būt he's gonna trigger many people by puttings ancient above modern That's not something a smart guru would say
  9. Stopping cravings won't work. Nor is it possible to stop this desire. Everyone of us want to taste life, we want to be happy. Removing the only source of happyness that you have right now will mess you up for good. I suggest you find happyness from within and then cravings from outside will drop by itself.
  10. @Alex14 I remember it used to happen to me before. When I could talk to any girl fluently, easily. But when someone who I like comes then conversations would just froze My opinion is if you're comfortable in your own skin. People will be comfortable around you aswell. It applies to her also. Are you sure you're not nervous around her? Try to imagine in your head what would you feel if you had to look her in the eyes for 2min straight.
  11. I think you're not comfortable being intimate with someone this is common among men Watch her in the eyes for some time. It's the quickest way to get close to somebody and bring down the protective walls you built around yourself ?
  12. Put your hands together like this ? for a few minutes everyday. And generate sweet emotions to somebody or something. That's all it takes. ?
  13. Lol. Bread with ham and pasta You have a terrible diet bro. And be careful with fasting. You can damage your body more then you can benefit from it. I'm not saying fasting is bad. Just be careful. It takes a lot of understanding about the human body and diet. My reccomendation. Just eat 2 times a day. In the afternoon and evening. Don't be snacking in between. If you do this you won't need any fasting in your life. Body will be healthy all the time. Having some exercize would help aswell.
  14. Just an idea. You can become Isha hatha Yoga teacher. They offer themselfs so much to transmit tools for self-transformstion for people all over the world. And no prior experience is required. Or whatever meditation that you do. Lets say you do vippassana. You can become a vippassana teacher. But it will take a long time. And you need to be serious practicioner of vippassana. But Isha hatha Yoga teacher they let people without prior experience of Yoga.
  15. With awareness maybe
  16. If good men don't do anything. Then they are not good men.
  17. You're not going to go far with this attitude. Either you expose me of being false, or you admit that people on self-love still have concerns and anxiety about their self-image.
  18. Love is like a worship in one way. Like for example, you worship Jesus. That's love. Or whatever. An ant you can also worship. But it's a huge hit to your ego. "What? Worshipping an ant? Ants should worship Me, afterall I'm much bigger and smarter then them" Worshipping someone like god is much easier. To worship an ant takes absolutely having no pride, no arrogance. That's not easy to do. You can only love if you don't think too much of yourself. If you have proudness in you. You will never be willing to bend down. Proud people never bend. They think the world should bend to them. Actually worship is very nice. You should do it some times. I do it everyday it feels amazing. .... Compassion idk..don't confuse compassion with feeling sorry for others. Or feeling pitty for others. I see it everyday. "Oh you're such a retard I feel so much compassion for you" this is not compassion
  19. Self-loving man will say: i don't like my body but I accepted it. Or maybe even managed to love his body. An intelligent man will say: i don't give a shit about my looks. Self-loving man will be obssesed about his looks. All the time trying to love and accept himself An intelligent man who doesn't care is free from such concerns. Nobody can make him feel bad about his looks. And self-destructive thoughts never happens to him. And he couldn't care less if he loves himself or not. He doesn't think about himself. He doesn't care about his self-image. This sounds like a sage quality to me. Self-love sounds like an attempt to feel better about yourself. Because you're too attachment to opinions and ideas about yourself.
  20. I don't care about anyone. This is arrogance and ignorance. People will hate you. I don't care about myself. This is divine. This is freedom and happyness. And also what@Brian676 said.
  21. Love is just a sweetness of emotion. But what we're talking about in here is not love. It's self-acceptence for those people who have low self-esteem. Who beat themselfs everytime they fail. Who think self-destructive thoughts. people like that think solution is self-acceptence, aka self-love. Accepting their failures, accepting that they are different, accepting their birth defects, accepting the each of us are differently capable,, acceptings that it's okey to lose and etc... I say solution is dropping the need to be accepted, dropping the need to to be successfull. Not to care if you lose or win. Not to care if you fail a1000times. Dropping and forgeting yourself totally. That's the only solution to be untouched by any number of failure. The only way you can totally be okey the way you are, with all your disabilities. Even if you're shitfaced the only way to be okey with that is not self-love but self-abandonment