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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Yes if you're in the experience of "I'm not the body, I'm not even the mind." If there's a distinction between what is you and what is your mind, what is you and what is your body then you can't suffer. Pain is in the body. Suffering is in your mind because of identity with body. If you brake the identity with the body. Whatever is happening in body, mind doesnt react to it. Because as far as mind is concern it isn't even happening to him. You can burn of fire and experience the pain and still be in blissed out state of experience.
  2. I swear to god.... Please listen. There's a meditation called shambhavi mahamudra from Sadhguru. I had problema falling asleep and it was the worst most annoying thing in my life. Now I fall asleep in 2-3min everyday. Had 0complains about my sleep ever since I started this meditation. Now i enjoy sleep The answer to your problem is right there in your face. I'm making this so simple for you to understand. Please.... Make yourself happy.
  3. It depends if a consumer has the necessary balance and maturity to handle the experience. Even the best things in life can be a disaster if you're not ready for it
  4. Because there's no balance. It takes enormous preparation to handle such experiences. They are not ready, not ripe enough to hold the fruit. Imagine a a tree that just sprouted from the ground. A very young tree that is in his begging stage of development. Imagine if that tree starts to bear fruits. Now the fruits are too big, they weigh too much and the branches can't hold them and they brake. That's why they can't go on repeating the experience because it's too strong. They didn't do anything to prepare themselfs for such strong experiences. Adiyogi when he was teaching his desciples he made them do only preperation for 84years. When they prepared themselfs. Adiyogi just unloaded the whole cosmos in them. If you try to unload the entirity of god to a puny little unprepered person he will break or die on the spot.
  5. You can do that with meditation. But not all meditations do the trick. Usually Yoga does.
  6. Build balance and integrity. When time to leave parent support comes and if you don't have balance you will go crazy or depressed.
  7. I find this amazing. Amazing. I like this Topic. What I've heard how bhakti Yoga works is that they choose a powerful source of energy. Like a deity or god or goddess. And when they fall in Absolute Love they drop all their personality and identity and if the energy is very strong. That energy, that deity that one is worshipping will become a part of you. Basicly you will become what you're worshipping. Amazing......... So amazing. It's very interesting reading about different traditions like if you read tao you would discover that they have almost their own enlightenment witch is different from others. Like they have 10levels and the ultimate level is you become a part of the universe and help maintain the order in the universe. and they have like 5elements like Yoga also. They have fire air water metal wood. Yoga has fire air water earth space. I guess it all makes sense in the end and they all probably talkinng about the same. But still it's amazing .I really really recommend you watch this video till the end. It's about bhakti Yoga and a devotee who was so devoted to his personal god that his face even became like hers... AMAZING... EDIT. omg they deleted the video... what a shame... It was about a simple guy who was cooking for this sage women and his face become like hers. Sadhguru says that's the power of devotion. When you're devotion a powerful source of energy can simply change everything about even your fundamentals. This is a nice story about devotion also
  8. @ivankiss that 4th one groovy I'm guessing you have a close relationship with music This reminded me of this However I wouldn't call this as a turquoise music. Turquoise music should be something like indian classical music. Or at least something like this
  9. When you read a book like the power of now it's not like reading a romance story. The information could be heavy and your mind maybe needs time to digest and to contemplate what it has read. When I read sadhguru's book, i read 1page and that's it. It's too heavy. It takes time to let that information to sink in. There's just to much wisdom in there. One sentence you could be contemplating for a long time. It's not just about cramming everything inside like dry knowledge.
  10. @PetarKa im so happy omg. Spirituallitry is the best thing that happened to me in my life ?
  11. what kind of meditation did you do? Insomnia sounds awful. I used to have it to some extent before. Really annoying stuff
  12. If you want improvement then you don't need a guru. If you want transformation then you need a powerful external source to transform the very fundementals of who you are.
  13. I don't know. They are happening to me once in a while. I consider them as natural process in the body. When there's too much semen in you body wants to release some of it. It's very different then masturbating from my experience. Semen itself is of a totally different quality and you don't lose any energy. When it happens, It feels like a very natural biological thing rather then some compulsion in your mind to be horny all the time. But to be honest, I don't know what is it about. It just the way things are happening in me since I started doing simple processes. Nobody told me anything about this and what it means. It's all my interpretation of it sort of What I do know that it definitely feels liberating when you don't compulsions everyday to masturbate. What a horrible way to live that was when I remember
  14. @herghly it's very easy actually. Just takes a certain practice to do it. I went for 4months without trying without masturbating. Then I stopped my practice and wihin 3-4days i masturbated again. Now I'm doing a different practice and it's now more then 2months without masturbating. I'm only doing this practice for 4months and it's already beating fruits I'm not even proud of it. It just falls away by itself. My point is. There're practices that simply take away your harmone imbalances and keep you fresh everyday. With such practice you don't even have to think about fighting your urges. It's simply not there even. There's one interesting thing i remember Mantak chia said. If you masturbated 5times in a row. You'll be dead or in a hospital that's how important this vital energy is to men. If you just know how to keep it inside and not trow it out every 3-4days tremendous things can be achieved
  15. Lol And also just to help understand this better an example. when you play football you don't need to focus on how many goals you want to make. Just focus on being at your best, that will determine how much you will score and succed in football. It's the same with life also. How capable and balanced you're will determine how far you will go.
  16. Think again. I didn't say be mindless. I said focus on improving yourself rather setting goals. What goals you set has no impact, it's only a distraction and a trap actually. You could be stuck chasing a stupid goal all your life. That's how most humans beings end up. By focusing only on improving yourself you will eventually achieve something. Something that you can't imagine right now. Something that only a better version of you could think of it. Sadhguru also says. How fortunate that things that I wished for when I was 18 didn't come true don't you have things like that? I definitely have. How great that all the things I wanted to become didn't come true because when you grow you realize it was a stupid goal. Then a new goal arises ant then it gets outgrown as well. It's better not to have any goals. Just become the most capable and balanced. What you can do you will do. What you can't do you will not do. Focus on improving yourself, goals will sprout like flowers.
  17. You don't need a vision. Just improve yourself and then life will come at you. Whatever you're capable of that you will achieve. Don't go creating goals and visions for yourself. Focus on improving yourself, how much you improve yourself that much you will achieve in life. If you you create goals right now it's gonna be a meager, constipated goal. Your eyes should not be on a finish line but on your steps you take right now. How far you go depends on how capable, balanced you're are. If you want flowers to grow you don't need to do flower maditation. Just take care of the soil, water, sunlight and tempreture. You don't need to pay any attention to the goal. Just pay attention on the soil, water, sunlight and tempreture.
  18. When you trying to leave the existing support system, in this case leave your parents support, it's very important that you have the balance to do it. Simply dropping all the support without bringing a certain balance within yourself, you'll simply go crazy. And that's what is happening to you right now i believe. Look. You already know what is your problem. The way you're right now is not fit to do anything. All you have to do is to bring balance and a clear mind. After that, living without any support will not mean anything, you'll be at comple balance whatever life throws at you. but you need to invest some time and effort to it. This balance won't come from nowhere. I'm not talking about 12year enlightenment practice. I'm talking about a very simple thing witch you neglected all your life - balance.
  19. One thing that she's lacking is a meditation practice.
  20. @noselfnofun Yes. When you're happy then simply living is a worthwhile experience. When you're sad, living is just meaningless torture
  21. The purpose of a flower is to grow into a fully blossomed flower. The purpose of a seed is to grow into a fully blossomed tree. The purpose of a human being is to become a full-fledged human being All life on this planet is trying to reach it's full potential. Paraphrasing sadhguru here
  22. Maybe. But why would you call helping others as love. Love is just a consiquence of offering yourself, a consiquence of taking responsiblity for others, a consiquence of including someone as a part of yourself. Love is not something that you generate it's something that you receive when you drop yourself. And volunteering/selfless activity is extremely effective and simple way to do that. First you offer yourself then love comes. It doesn't work the other way around. You can't be loving and be selfish. That's impossible. If you're loving you have to be selfless.. so being selfless is the mayjor thing, love is just a consiquence of that.