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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. You rised an interesting question. Maybe he's not enlightened afterall...
  2. Omg i just read it. It's a sorry state to be for him.
  3. Is this some kind of latest news? Where is this information you're talking about ? I'm interested. Balance people. No balance + strong awakening = going crazy. Balance + strong awakening = fantastic. The stronger awakening the better. the stronger the awakening when there's no balance, the more you will suffer.
  4. Being selfless doesnt mean you do everything that people ask you to do for them. It means you want other people to be happy that's all. And in your capacity you do what you can to give them happyness. If someone says give me all your money and you give him all your money, that's not selfless activity. punching him in the face would be a greater service to him then giving him all your money. See... Btw. Look at saints and gurus who give their whole life to others. Is anyone taking advantage of them? No but you can use them for your wellbeing and liberation whenever you want. They want to you to use them
  5. There are things that you can do without initiation. But there are things witch you can never do without transmission. Transmission is a gift from your guru basicly. It's not your meditation anymore. It's only a seed that your guru gives you and you only have to nurture it and care of it. Then seed will sprout and bear fruits. If you're not initiated nothing will sprout because there's no seed. Maybe your lung capasity will increase only. Maybe some new sensations will arise in you. But your life will not change. Your behavior will not change. Your paterns will not change. Sadhguru says Improvement can be made without any initiation. But if you want to transform yourself then you need initiation. Transformation means nothing of the old remains For example when I was doing self-enquiry and mindfulness meditation for 3years I got some benefits like my mental clarity was better, I was becoming smarter, I would get insights about stuff. Something was improving but my life was not changing. My relationships were all the same. My anxiety problems were still the same. My depression didn't go away. I still couldn't open up to people. I was afraid of social interactions. My life was exacly how it was except I was more spiritualy educated and with a better mindfulness over my mind. But when I was initiated into shambhavi my life just flipped upside down in a moment. Even on the very first day I was already a different person. I could see that I'm doing things I never even imagined doing it. Totally crazy things that were totally unlike me. I could dance, I could sing, i could finally express myself with people so effortlessly. These things were impossible for me. Such transformation was definitely not my doing. It was all sadhguru's doing and his grace that made this happen. It's totally beyond my understanding... Also don't get me wrong. I still see value in doing self-reflection and other things. It's just that there're things that initiation can do to you beyond your personal effors.
  6. You think climbing Mount Everest is suffering? Yes there could be pain but it's not suffering, it's an adventure. Those who are not prepared for them it is suffering. Those who prepared themselfs, for them it's a devine pilgrimage.
  7. I'm not saying that these videos are true. But I heard sadhguru say changing your DNA is possible. You can change your genetics, DNA, and everything that you want actually. Sadhguru says if you go to his advanced programs the initiations are so strong that the face features change over 24h. And these programs are available for everyone who has gone deep enough into Isha.
  8. Very tricky quizz of hate :D:D:D Omg Russell is a beast here. how he controlled the whole situation and atmosphere it's amazing.
  9. No no no This is a state where he stops thinking and only impulse is there. In other words, no ego is left only universal force. Read carefully what Whis is says in 2.22min "All hesitation and doubt are gone, all He can feel is himself, an oponent, and a fight but even such perception is growing dim and fades" meaning he no longer feels any bounderies, his perception of everything became one. That's enlightenment alright. Btw, flow state is in many ways same as enlightenment because flow state means no thought, no thought means ego death, ego death means enlightenment
  10. Nice observation Goku's ultra instinct was the point of enlightenment. Total empty mind and pure impulse. -A state deeper the instinct #Whis Honestly, this brought me into tears a little
  11. When I started doing Yoga my first realization was "this is the first time in my life that I'm doing something to bring balance" i realized i never invested a single sec to become more balanced in life until that point
  12. What happens when you don't fulfill your life purpose? Nothing.
  13. @Tony 845 if I'm right, then this sensation on your third eye will be on your face sometimes. Is it happening? When I did self-enquiry i had this sensation on my forehead I thought it was cool but it became annoying and it also was happening on my face. That's when it really got annoying. and it was happening all day. Especially when you lie down to sleep and that stupid sensation on your face bothers you Anyways. If this is what is happening to you or will be happening in the future i know how to take it away. Afterall we are doing the same self-enquiry from Mooji's way so I can ralate to what is happening to you.
  14. @Paul92 that's what happens when you start questioning your existence without bringing balance first @lmfao made a good post about it Right now you have a psychological structure that makes you safe and secure. Now you want to remove it but you can't handle the truth. You you're not ready to see the lie/ignorance/unconsciousness that your life is. First balance, then questioning everything is a fantastic thing. But if there's no balance you'll go crazy. Like those people who start to imagine raptilian politicians theories.
  15. I would avoid all psychiatrists and psychologicts. They can't help you. They themselfs need help. There're things that could help you i believe. I think if you bring balance to your mind or if you bring balance on all levels, body, mind, emotions and energy then your condition could improve dramatically. But it has to be a proper practice specifically designed to bring balance in these areas. Not a random practice with random results. Consider learning proper Hatha Yoga or Kriya that brings balance and stability to your system. It did tremendous things to me but i don't know how it will work for you. But having a balanced and stable mind can never turn out to be bad.
  16. 275£ Sadhguru himself will be in London in April. There're programs in February also.
  17. Was she hot? Seriously tho, check this out.
  18. Look with thinking then. Allows the thoughts to flow and only observe them. See how they behave. What they do. What they talk about. What feelings they create.
  19. This is your mistake. Try to observe the activity of the mind next time. What is it doing. And observe. See what's happening in your mind So you are capable of observing your emotions after all. Frustration is also an emotion.
  20. I think you should find a better teacher