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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. There could be some emotional release or purging out of all the bad stuff. These people could be suffering a lot and then gather lots of negative energy. Psychedelics can be like cleansing in that way. It leaves you feeling rejuvinated and heathier. But it can leave a scar on you if you don't have balance. If being happy is what you want, if having a peaceful and stable mind is what you want then psychedelics will not give you that. It can seem like it works because of the purging effect it can have. But it will not increase your stability. It will only reduce it. Purging all the negative emotions does not amount to having a balanced, stable, steady mind. And also to be balanced and peaceful can be much harder for those who constantly use psychedelics later. If you want some emotional release there are many safer ways to do that. Do some osho dynamic meditation. Cost nothing. Same result. No risk.
  2. Also I shambhavi mahamudra kriya is not like in tao. It's just a simple kriya which somehow has this effect of naturally stopping the compulsive masturbation. I don't know if it's a sexual energy transformation or it is something else. But I know it works only In tao they do something different i think. I'm not the expert here. They play with their orgasms and transform their sexual energies somehow.
  3. No honestly i don't feel very different. i've read that there are many benefits of doing no fap but I think most of it is just imagination. I feel like a normal guy except I don't feel horny all the time. Which feels good and liberating in a big way. I'm not completly beyond it. But the difference is huge. Also i have more energy of course because masturbation drains a lot of energy. All in all. i feal great. But I prescribed all the benefits like having more energy and feeling great to shambhavi mahamudra kriya. I don't know how much retaining semen contributed to feeling the way I feel right now
  4. That's why I don't go like to go to barbers :Ddd
  5. I wonder if the day will come where the whole world will know about sadhguru. It seems it's happening already
  6. Died because of bad substance or because of intense experience?
  7. You say you disagree but you're naither able to give me an example of how psychedelics can make you more stable in life, nor can you counter-argument the things I said.
  8. Go on a pilgrimage maybe 30days walking on Camino de Santiago pilgrimage. It's very popular. It would cost you about 1000€. Worth it if you ask me. There're hostels everywhere for travelers to sleep. Or maybe some Himalayan mountains. 38min I imagine such experience would change your fundamentals forever
  9. Can you elaborate more on what is your experience you talk about being more grounded after psychedelics? Can you say that one can use psychedelics when he is in depressed state and full of anxiety and stress. And then use psychedelics as a tool to become an absolutely focused, in harmony, at ease with life, joyful, happy, with a clear mind, full of energy, able to handle whatever life situation throws at you, always remain peaceful in all situations? can you achieve this kind of balance with psychedelics? I don't think so. They are good at dismantling your illusions. But not for bringing stability in ones life. Tho@Gabriel Antonio is an interesting example. It made me rethink this whole thing. I guess there could be some emotional trauma release or energy release that would lead to a better mental health. It's possible. But that's just as far as it can get you. It can only heal your wounds. But if you want to build a strong fabric on with you can land whatever life thows at you and remain balanced even if hell falls upon you and you're still okey. To get this kind of balance takes totally different approach. Psychedelics have no such effect on the mind. I think you're just confusing being grounded with something else. There're few explanations as to why you think you became more grounded after psychedelics. Either you became more confident and you think you're better then everyone else because you had some fancy nondual experience. This gives you confidence and you think you're more grounded. Or maybe you just melted your brains out. Like people who smoke weed to have no anxiety. They think weed makes them more capable of handling stress but what is truly happening is that they are numbing themselfs to the point where they don't care about anything and then they think they achieved balanced in life. Or it could be some emotional release also. This could be actually good.and healthy and thus make you more stable. That's one way it could produce balance in someone's life. But I wouldn't call this a bacoming more balanced i'd call this healing and rejuvinating. It's good. But balance is much more then just a rejuvination. In other words it's how capable are you to handle whatever life throws at you. It depends on how much balance you have. there's no way psychedelics can make a person more capable, more focused, clear and stable in life. It is highly draining, damaging and destructive.
  10. Who cares about my experience with psychedelics. If what I say makes logical sense then what's the problem.
  11. @Gabriel Antonio thanks for sharing your experience also It's interesting for me to hear that psychedelics would have a grounding and healing effect on you... thanks But to be fair if stability is what you need in life, there are far more reliable methods to become more grounded and balanced then psychedelics. And far more safer.
  12. @Gabriel Antonio interesting. But it doesn't sound like you weren't emotionally unstable. It sounds like you were reasonably stable but confused about spiritual liberation or smth. And psychedelics gave you some nice insight. Am I wrong? Being confused is not the same as having no balance. Being confused is a good thing. Or is it that you were totally depressed and stressout and then did ceremony and everything became fine and now you're joyful and happy? The real question is whether psychedelics made you more grounded or not. Because my point is psychedelics can't make you more grounded. it can only shatter your pshychological structure on whitch all you sanity depends on. Before you remove that make sure you can stand being insane. That's what I meant. My point is you don't solve your existencial crisis by shattering your sense of reality even more. afterall, all the fear and stress that is happening is simply because his constructed reality is falling away. He realizes that he has no free will and that is too much for him. Imagine if he finds out he doesn't exist. He'll go crazy. It's important to have a solid foundation before you climb high. Otherwise work on your balance and stay on the ground.
  13. Psychedelics will not bring balance into your life i can guarentee you that. If you can't even maitain proper sanity while being sober, then psychedelics will only mess you up even more. What you need in life right now is to bring balance on all levels. Clearly your mind is working against you. Anxiety and stress is all a consiquence of no balance in the mind. Psychedelics will not give you balance. That's a 100% guarentee. And possibility for you to become even more imbalanced is huge. You have nothing to gain from psychedelics at all. Psychedelics can be useful when you're extremely balanced and stable. Then venturing into different dimensions can be fantastic. If you do that in your current condition you will go crazy. It will brake you. It will not stabalize you.
  14. Lol. This is possible to achieve. That's what did on some level. Not directly but somehow I managed to found a mutual understanding and a good relationship with my situation. I don't know how I did this but I'm living with parents and I do Yoga and they seem to be okey with that. We never had a serious discussion about that. Life just arranged itself like that somehow and it's working well for me They say what are you going to do for a living. I say I don't know, my business is just to do Yoga, then something will happen
  15. Interesting. Are you a fan of Mantak chia's work? I like him myself. It would be something totally different if i get a girlfriend then his techneques would be golden treasure for me If book doesn't work there's one more way that I'm aware of to stop fapping. It's shambhavi kriya from sadhguru. It worked for me at least.
  16. That's all I know basicly That's what Sadhguru says. What takes lifetimes of heart breaking sadhana of holding your breath, twisting your body, doing this and that. A devotee can do the same thing with ease and joy without any struggling.
  17. It has nothing to do with enjoyable or not. Maybe in this quote was said to a certain audiance. Like a adviata audience. Usually if you do self-enquiry and you're feeling very comfortable then you're not putting attention on the hot spot. You're avoiding something. Also devotion is the quickest way to enlightenment and it's the most enjoyable. So that statement probably works only under a certain context.
  18. That's a perfect amount for becoming an Isha Hatha Yoga teacher
  19. It's painful to watch but 90% of things that are said here are totally pointless. Somebody said something irrelevent and all the attention got diverted there. Just to avaid questioning the real benefit of psychedelics. They started questioning who's the devil... What was suppossed to be an joyful insight and perspective and new ways of looking into psychedelics turned into pointless anger about something. Nobody even understands what they're fighting about We're all on the same page here ?
  20. For them there is no problem. They cross the border and they come back. What he means is that someone who's a on a path of kriya when they reach the peak of enlightenment they are still very physcially capable. It's not the same with others. Others have huge trouble to remain in body and to keep it healthy. but For them there is no problem. This is really interesting video about how saints who reach the peak of enlightenment struggle with their body. You will have a better understanding what he means by that. You can skip to 4.15min.
  21. This thread is loosing it's main goal and message. It's perfectly reasonable to assume that psychedelics are dengerous no matter how responsibly you use them. It's just too forceful and random. Martin Ball fits very well into example of this here. Unless you become liberated, then paying the price with your body would be alright. But now it seems you don't even get enlightened. All you get is crazy shit experiences and suffering. Sadhguru ofter says that it's a huge trap for spiritual seekers to be trapped in fancy experiences. They spend all their lives living in their own universe but they are just as far as everyone else from liberation. Bhuddha experienced all 8 samadhis and discarded them. He said that's not it. That's not the liberation. it's just a fancy experience. So psychedelics could be just like that. You can go into different states and realities but still be not liberated. It could be heavily entangling actually because you don't want to come out of it. I think I went off topic myself but it's an interesting perspective nonetheless.
  22. But he died in absolute bliss and exstacy. You will never hear him complaining about omg I'm so sad. God please remove this cancer. No his body was infested with worms - he didn't care. He got cancer - he sat still in blissfulness. He could be burning on fire and still be at ultimate wellbeing inside because he had no identity with his body. In his experience it was not even happening to him. That's what I consider an enlightened Being. Martin is nowhere near such experience. He calls himself the god of the universe but he's complaining about mosquito bites. Edit: sorry i mixed the Maharshi with another indian advaita master who also had cancer.