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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. That's true. I agree with this.
  2. As I said. Here lies all the missunderstanding. That Mukti doesnt mean samadhi. If you understand this you will see that what sadhguru said is very logical and makes sense. It's the way it is and there's no other way. It's just the way life works. It leads to happyness. Yes. To amazing life, to a state of peace and joy and high states of consciousness. Again this proves that suffering is seeking happyness, is seeking enlightenment because he thinks that's the answer to his suffering but he's not seeking dissolusion. Dissolusion is not a high state of consciousness.
  3. It's just that suffering doesnt create the desire to dissolve. Suffering seeks pleasure only. And suffering thinks after enlightenmemt life will be amazing. Would you seek enlightenment if somebody told you that you will gain nothing at all, you will not become happy at all. All your suffering will not go away. If somebody told you the path to enlightenment is just a nonstop suffering untill you dissolve, would you go for it,?No, isn't it.? Suffering only thinks about how to escape suffering and reach happyness but not dissolusion. Only happyness thinks about dissolving. I understand why people say suffering DOES seek. It's just a misconception about what is being refered to when sadhguru says enlightenment or Mukti. He means cease to exist or dissolving, not nonduality experience.
  4. I met some happy ones also. But i don't think a smart person would chose to become a therapist. There're much more effective ways to heal yourself and to help others. Honestly becoming a therapist is a dumb choice made by dumb people. That's why I don't like them And just because I saw them and I live among them all my life. My mom is a masters degree psychologist and now she's studying to be a therapist. I will say they are dumb people. They only have book knowledge but their consciousness level is like an avarage person. They spend 7years in university and they don't improve even 1 speck. Only full of information and techneques. How to stay neutral. How to ask questions etc. Horrible..... Horrible people...... Some are good tho. But haven't met such a one for me a good therapist would be someone who maditates and has insane levels of consciousness. But such a therapist would be not a therapist but he would be a spiritual master that's why i say. Only dumb low consciousness people choose to be therapist. Smart ones become meditators. I've been to a therapist myself. Basicly they are no different then any person on the a street. Only difference is they have the knowledge about human psychology, know how to ask questions and what drugs to prescribe nothing else. Their logic is horrible, their advises are horrible, their level of consciousness is zero. they have many problems in their life and they themselfs are unhappy.
  5. Logical mind says take care of your financial situation then work on enlightenment but all the saints and gurus say otherwise. Go for enlightenment and god will take of your survival. Make truth your highest priority and life will organize itself to give you the nessecary space and time to do that. I know it doesn't make sense but just type any spiritual teacher that you're listening to and listen for yourself. All of them say the same thing, and I agree also
  6. There are no techneques that would help you here. You just have to be conscious enough to be able to navigate through their minds. You have to be sensitive enough to feel when is the right moment to say, how much to say, what to say, etc. You will fail unless you're very conscious.
  7. Mindfulness is good for becoming more conscious of your minds activity. If you do it you can reach a point where you can explain someone's behavior 100% as well you will learn things about yourself you never knew existed. Maybe you're full of shit and ignorance and when you start reflecting on yourself you see wow. I didn't know I'm an asshole I thought I'm good guy well everybody thinks that way Also as you become more and more mindful of your mind a distance between you and your mind arises. This causes disidentification from the mind. And it has many banefits. worlds problems doesn't trouble you as much. Also as you move away from your limited identity your presence will change. Like saints they have that subtle presence about them. You will be more peaceful and less reactive to the things that are happening outside. That is also good.
  8. Ohhhh... I think you're out of your league here. Explaining spirituality is simple but the listeners are very complex. You say one wrong word and their egos will resist you, deny you and demonize you. You say one thing that doesn't make sense to them you're finished. It's not about explaining the spirituality. Actually you want to intetvene in their life, you want to influence them. This is a very delicate process. It takes a lot of time to build the trust. To prepare the receptivity and then intervene in their life only to the extent one is ready. However i don't want to discoure you maybe it's good for you idk. Many people go on talking nonsense about spirituality and accidentally make good influence on the people your intention is good that's what matters If I were you i'd just put sadhguru's video and let him do all the work. Be just a vehicle for grace to function. Or do you want to be the main guy who saves the world? careful there could be some ego arrogance in this desire.
  9. Or third option - to create new cycles.
  10. @pointessa "Initiation is related to honoring the lineage of gurus and not sharing information." The way initiations happen in Isha are purely to transmit knowledge. Not an objective knowledge that you see in books but a subjective knowledge that can only happen in a commited atmosphere and energy transmission. I heard sadhguru once said that if you go through the program and you have 0 clue what he was talking about. If you have no understanding what was happening. After 6months of doing the practice you will understand everything that was offered in that program because they don't just talk and talk. They drill this information like a seed in your energy for life and when you do the practice the seed will sprout and you will realise everything that was said in the program from within. It will just sprout out of you. If the seed is not there. If the initiation did not happen nothing will sprout. That's why initiations are so fantastic. Because they drill meditation into you on such a deep levels that it's forever. You can't grasp these subjetive dimensions through books. It has to be transmited there's no other way. If it was possible to just write a book on it then his work would be 100times easier. @pointessa "I am not sure it is a great idea to believe nothing you have accomplished would have occurred without the blessing of a particular person." It's not a belief it's so overhelmingly real for me like my 5 fingers. It's not blessing it's total transformation. People who go through his advanced programs within 24h they transform so much that even their face will change. It's ONLY because of imense energy that's been invested in them through intense initiations. Some people need to be caried by volunteers because they can't stand anymore. Don't confuse initiations with stupid blessings you receive in churches.
  11. Listen carefully from 14min. He says those who suffer will only seek pleasure nothing more. Because people think that enlightenment is the end of suffering. That's why they are chasing enlightenment because they don't realize all they actually want is happyness not dissolusion. The only reason you're thinking about being egoless is because you think after you become egoless you'll be happy. So that's why you think enlightenment is the solution. But all you want is to be happy not dead. It's because you imagine that once you're egoless everything will be perfect in your life. And you're using pain to increase the motivation to get to that egoless state which is fine. But egoless state is not Mukti, it's not enlightenment, it's not dissolusion. It's just a pleasent, fancy experience. All you want is a pleasent experience. But when Sadhguru says suffering will not seek. What he means is that someone who's suffering will not think about dissolusion. Mukti or dissolusion means you trying cease to exist. you're trying to end yourself. To end your life. To escape life and death. To finish all your karma. Only a happy person who experienced this life totally can think of dissolusion. Because for him life pleasures doesn't matter anymore, for a happy person being happy is not a big deal. For someone who's deprived of happyness all his life, for him the highest goal is to be happy. But for someone who's in bliss and exstacy everyday, for him the highest goal is to go cease to exist or beyond life and death, or dissolving all his karma and becoming a limitless existence. You would understand this if you knew what Mukti means. It's much more then a fancy nondual experience.
  12. Honestly i think it's a trap. Her knowledge is also half good only. There are many subtle pitfalls of logic in what she's saying and that's what is the most dengerous thing. She's like jordon peterson for me or Tony Robins. They all seems logical and have interesting ideas to offer, however all of them don't see the full picture. They lack inclusiveness and consciousness in my judgement. If you're sincere and honest to yourself, if your heart is tuned towards the truth, you will always feel who is eminating the truth and who is not. If you have other desires like making money or becoming fame then you'll get suck into cults without knowing. If you say yes to the truth, if truth is the highest value in your life then you'll begin to feel the fake ones very easily. Fake ones have that frequency that just by looking at them for 1 moment you can tell it's not the truth.
  13. Just say I don't know instead of giving him your stupid interstellar answers It's important not to put stupid things in your child's head. If he has questions like that great. Let him think for himself. Let him grow his intelligence. Let him be constantly full of questions and questions and questions. Let him wonder about mysterious universe and nurture his attention and curiosity. Your sun will grow into a saint I don't know is much better state to be then having stupid conclusions about everything that are not even true.
  14. I would reject the drug therapy. Question. Did your therapist look happy to you? Usually these therapist are depressed and upside down. They try to help people but they can't even help themselfs.
  15. If you follow her you will become like her. That's how it works.
  16. Your intention is wrong. I imagine you're doing mindfulness meditation but it's purpose is not to become calm. It's to become more and more aware of your thoughts, feelings and emotions. It's to become more aware of your identity and ego. If you want to be calm go sit in bath tub. Or do a different meditation techneque.
  17. No desire = the end of suffering, peace, and liberation. But what you're trying to achieve takes decades of work.
  18. Lol. Such an intense soundtrack omg
  19. No no no. You're not everything. I am everything
  20. Sadhguru says the same thing also
  21. If you get into state of nonduality that doesn't mean you're free from cycles of life and death. To brake the cycle one must dissolve all the karma. Have you been to vipassana? You'd understand what I mean because they are not trying to achieve any nondual state but to dissolve all karma, all cravings and avversions that forces this being to reincarnate.
  22. I agree that the best gift to humans is your enlightenment, but you can also be a bus driver, who travels to enlightenment and takes passangers with him. Career-wise thing you can do is becoming for example if you're a vippassana practicioner you could become a vippassana teacher. Or if you're sadhguru follower you could become an Isha hatha Yoga teacher or any other program teacher. Like that you can find what you want to do. It depends what practices you do and who you follow.