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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. @DocHoliday word karma means both action and memory. Action is a consiquence of what kind of memomy or data you have. They go together very nicely. It's like a software. Software is both a action/function and a certain conditioning/programing. The way a software is programed that's the way the software will function. Same way the kind of memory or data you carry determines everything about you how you feel, think, experience, perceive life, what you do and not do, what you like and dislike etc.
  2. In a sense yes. Karma means memory or data. There is physical memory like your DNA, genetics, etc.. It descides how you look and everything basicly about your physicality. Or for example your muscle memory. That's also karma, that's the memory that your physical body is carring. Without this memory you couldn't even climb a stairway. It seems like a simple process but it takes enourmous memory to walk the stairs. Only because your body remembers how to climb the stairs it looks so simple. Similary, there's a mental memory that is made out of subconsious and conscious data that has been put into you. It include also all the emotions, feelings, cravings and aversions, likes and dislikes. It. Includes your personality/ego also because your personality is just data that has been put into you. It's just a bundle of likes and dislikes actually. Remove all cravings and aversions inside you and there will be zero mental acticity going on in you. No ego aswell because ego is just a movement in the mind caused by a craving or aversion. And also there's energy memory. The way energy functions within each of us is diferent also. So all this memory, physical, mental, pranic is karma that descides everything about you. It's your software. It's your tendencies, your programming.
  3. Some would find this explanation interesting. 5 types of initiations and how it works
  4. If psychedelics dosn't work, try Yoga or ayurveda from Justas. There're yogic practices that raises samat prana in the body, samat prana is responsible for the heat in your body. There's is a way to raise your samat prana or solar energy in other words that you don't feel cold anymore. Some bhuddhist monks were known to walk bare bodies in snow mountains and didn't feel cold because they knew how to raise samat prana or solar energy in them.
  5. If what you do includes everyone's wellbeing, if what you do is good for everybody not just you, then you can call it selfless activity. If what you do is only just to satisfy your needs then it's a selfish action and bad karma. If your activity is all inclusive then it's good karma. If your activity is exclusive, meaning you don't care what happens to others, you only care about yourself then it's bad karma. It's impossible to live a good life if you're constantly performing bad karma. There's actually a whole science somewhere in Bhuddhism to live a good life. What to do, what not to do. Like you shouldn't work in a meat factory, or kill mosquitoes etc.. not moral rules but guidence how to perform good karma and live a good life.
  6. That's deep. I resonate with what you sayed about wanting to quit and other things . I also dropped from uni. Don't want to go into it but it was the same like for you. I just did it bc of parents wanted me to go and then i quit because i had no motivation to push it through. I think you'll be okey. That suicidal period was probably my most progressive period of growth, i used to meditate 24/7 to come out of depression it's not That difficult, you can definitely come out of it, everyone can. It will pass... Just meditate and things will slowly fall into place by itself .
  7. That's all it takes. To make some nonsense then people think you're smart because nobody can understand what you said
  8. I was just trying to come up with the biggest nonsense ever
  9. Nothing exists but everything is nonexistence inside nothingness that doesn't exist. And it's also not real.
  10. What if your biggest potential was washing cars or scraping the floor? Or what if your highest potential was killing people?
  11. 5min tutorial from Mooji.
  12. Yes you're responsible for everything that happened. You're not to blame for what happened. But it was your responsiblity to make the relationship work. The only thing you should be blaming is your incompetence. The faster you do this the faster you'll heal. And the wiser and more competent you'll become next time. I know this is very hard thing to accept. It basicly goes against every instinct in your body and i don't expect you to take such actions (tho it would be nice) but it's actually the wisest thing to do.
  13. If you chose to become a musician it's fine, if you don't it's also fine, all that matters is to get enlightened anyways. Music can be your way of growing, or it can be your way of sustaining your survival needs while you trying to get enlightened. But if you want to make an influence to the world then... You're just fooling yourself. If you care about making a difference then there're 100 more effective ways. go plant a tree or join some safe the world organization or become someone who raises people's consciousness like Leo or a therapist at least.. or someone like vippassana or Yoga(real yoga) instructor. Also one thing in future that will happen is that there will be 90% people with mental and physical illnesses. The kind of generation that is now growing is so so weak. Kids these days have no physical activity. They sit all day doing nothing.. they don't get any exposure to nature, they eat junk food since the day they are born. There will be a catasthropy of sick people soon. Being a doctor would be of immense significence. Not necessary weatern university doctor but for example ayurvedic doctor, diet doctor, nutritionist, acupuncture, massage, Yoga also could be used to heal traumas ect. There are many forms of healing. All in all. Raising human consciousness and creating wellbing and health will be super important in the future. You should aim towards that.
  14. The fastest way to heal would be if you realized that you're 100% responsible for everything that happened.
  15. Maybe the difference between a human and a rock is that human has Life force within. When a person dies the body becomes just a corpse just like anything else, like a coffee table, just meat and bones. But because there's Life force inside in this meat bag, it becomes alive and dinamic. Tree is also alive, flowers are also alive because it's full of Life force. Cut the the tree, make a table out of it, it's dead now. Food can be very alive and it can be dead food. Frozen food which was in refrigerator for 30years is long dead food. Fresh food, fresh fruits from a are alive and good. The difference is does the object has Life force inside or not. If a rock is simply rock. It's usually dead, if a rock is infused with life energy, it becomes alive rock, you can make a Linga now. That's one way of looking at it. Btw, who told you that coffee table is self-aware? I doubt that it's true but i don't know.
  16. 99% of the people may not be conscious of it but if you look at it what they want is actually to become better, happier, richer etc. They want to become a little more then what they are right now. It's unconcious desire do grow and to expand. That's the ultimate life purpose that every single being has on this planet. Everyone wants to grow in whichever they they know best. Some want to grow by making more money, some want to grow by becoming stronger or more powerful, some want to grow or expand by marriage but everyone wants to grow. So this is it. Growth and evolution is the ultimate purpose of all life on this planet, including insects, birds, animals, trees, etc. And the highest evolution that human form can achieve is enlightenment. Thus human purpose is to reach it's blossoming, aka, enlightenment. It's our destiny not our choice.
  17. @kamill it's a good insight. And it's true. Becoming a performer is highly selfish. It takes enormous time to reach it and the influence is really not that big. When you start to contemplate what is it that the world needs the most. Music is like... 999th place of what the world needs now planting a tree which takes 15min is probably more beneficial then becoming musician which takes 15years.
  18. Yes he is. Samadhi is an experiencial unity. Moksh is an existencial unity. You literally merge with the rest of the existence. If you want to reach moksh state and still remain in the body you have to know all the tricks of the body This is actually very interesting topic. If you knew more about karma this topic would blow your mind Here's a video also about how yogis struggle to hold on to their bodies. I think you'd enjoy this
  19. Haha lol Nvm.. whatever I sayed I take it all back. I sayed things i shouldn't have and i did act inappropriate. Got cought up in a heat I'm sorry.
  20. Well you don't have to take everything I say for granted but it is a solid proof explanations, you can't deny that. You're welcome to try if you want. An excuse like: oh you're too analitical, you're too conceptual, you're trying to be masculine and be logical. I dont like that, I'm feminine i don't use brains i just do impulsive things i don't care what i do. I like freedom, and love, it doesn't matter if your explaination about water being poisinous is right and makes sense, i'm feminine I'm spontenious and do whatever pops into my mind. #FreeExpression How can you beat this kind of logic? Whatever I say makes no difference.