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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. There are no techneques to do what you want to do. Either you are able to pearce it through or not. It depends on your level of consciousness. Each person is unique, each person needs a different approach, they have different resistence, different receptivity, different inteligence, different everything. Only by being absolutely aware and sensitive of everything you'll can manage your way thought someone's mind. There's no other way. No techneque to do that. Only your awareness
  2. Don't do that "i got this" business Being more mindful of your emotions doesn't necessarily mean you have control over your emotions. Doesn't necessarily mean you have a balanced mind, doesn't necessarily mean you're stable. It just means that you're aware that you're not stable First step is you become aware that you're not stable, second step you do the necessary practices to bring stability into your system.
  3. Imagine yourself living on an island alone. Would you still care about your grades? You live on an island and you look at the stars and you want to know more about the astrology, mathematics. But you live on an island and you want better grades... That's not authentic Basicly all the desires that are coming from wanting to achieve status is not authentic. When I imagine myself living on an island alone I would like to explore the area, i would still be interested in self descovery and truth. That's authentic desire. But desires like I want to make 100push ups are not authentic. You would not care about this if you lived alone on an island. You want to do 100 push ups because it's relevent to somebody else. Because you want to be better then somebody else. If you would've sayed. I want to be smarter and be more knowledgeable about something i'd say it's authentic. But because you sayed i want to have better grades..... That's useless desire that has no real significence thus, not authentic.
  4. Meditation is a cure for everything Psychedelics do not enchance mental capabilities. It only destroys the mind and its potential. What kind of meditation do you do? You need to do mindfulness meditation. Observe your thoughts and feelings type of meditation. Or self-enquiry, it also includes deep self-reflection which increases ones awareness in a great manner. That's first step. Most important actually. Then there are other two.
  5. You have a bad connection with your emotions. Or in other words you need to raise your awareness with mindfulness meditation. Then your mental clarity will improve. You will understand your feelings and situations much better thus youll have more to say about it. That's step towards what you seek. Then you need to bring coherence between your left and right brains with yoga or kriya. That's second step. This will improve how effectively you use the data in your brains. Then you need to break free from all the blocks in your mind.. it's major cause of social anxiety and overthinking stuff. For this there are methods also to do it. That's step three. With these 3steps you could talk like a sage. Just see sadhguru talks. Nonstop for hours he can talk without any preparation. Just like a fountain.
  6. It's nothing. Forget about it. Just you amusing yourself. Watch first 2min. It's perfect for you.
  7. Your issue is not self-esteem but iferiority complex. You need to work on your values. What is important to you? To be better then others? If everyone looked the same way you'd feel just fine. Am I wrong?
  8. he sounded pretty serious to me. Here at least
  9. I did and the only valuable thing i got from there was that she introduced me to meditation and she made me realize i have no awareness of my emotions.
  10. 99% chance that you'd just end up in a mental asylum all broken and incapeable of dealing with anything in the world. Like a lifeless vegetable lying on your bed. Addicted to all sorts of chemicals.
  11. You remind me of my older sister. She's very irritating at times and hard to be with. She's been feeling very heavy this last year and she started using some weed to feel a little better and relax. I don't know if she used anything stronger but one day I met her and she was totally empty with glassy eyes and she was talking nonsense all the time I thought she's finished Then she sayed she wants me to introduce her to spirituality or some meditation because she knows that Im practicing Yoga everyday so I told her okey go to the Sadhguru's Inner Engineering program. Honestly, I had zero expectations that she's going to do that but somehow she became interested more and more and because she trusted me she sayed okey what a heck. And when I asked her after the program, okey how was your experience, did you like it, did you not like it? she sayed she didn't think it was possible to feel this good without any drugs in life. then she went on sharing how amazing her experience was. Now she's talking her boyfriend to do the same program because she wants him to experience this also So my point is. What you're going through probably 97% of the people are going through right now. And there are verious methods and techneques to solve that. It's just depends on how strongly you want to come out of it. ?
  12. 1. Mystic 2. Sage 3. Saint 4. Guru 5. Bhuddha 6. Yogi That's how this list should look like
  13. You're too quick to judge. Why don't you stay open and consider a possibility that their actions are beyond your current understanding? That maybe there are legit reasons for charging money? If something doesn't agree with your logic you immediatly think okey they are wrong and you dissmiss them. This is a sure way to stay ignorant all your life. Sage's actions could be totally incomprehensible to you. Their thinking is beyond your petty understanding of life. Krishna a totally enlightened being went on killing people in a war. A normal person could never understand why. That doesn't mean there are no legit reasons of doing so. Here's a video explaining why they charge for their programs.
  14. Lol don't know how to respond to this All I'm saying chose a master and then stick to his instructions. Because we are totally ignorant of how kriya works. It takes lifetimes of work to understand human system. This is something that even sages don't understand. Only those who reach the peak levels of consciousness understand human mechanics. Thinking nothing matters and making adjustments is totally irresponsible. The question we're tackling here is wether it's okey to skip pranayama. Or in other words is it okey to ignore masters instructions and do what I like. I say no. It's fucking stupid. Second thing I'm saying. Chose a master that you think totally knows what he's talking about. Preferably someone who achieved insane levels of consciousness with kriya..someone like sadhguru or some Himalayan master or whatever. Someone who you could trust your life into. Your whole spiritual possibilities to it. Find someone like this. Don't take instructions from retards who write books without knowing anything experientially. @OmniYoga this last thing you posted has nothing to do with this topic. You just basicly called all the kriya masters who charge for their programs a scam. That's another topic totally. I'm not saying there are no scamers but charging money is not an indication that someone is fooling you.
  15. It you're smart. You'll pick a being who knows every cell in his body, who knows everything there is to know about human mechanism inside out, who knows 100000..0000 times better then you and you'll follow his instructions without any distortions. If you're dumb you will modify randomly things the way it's convenient for you. You will cut the wings of the plane and you'll think you're smart. Now i can drive faster on the street.
  16. Some beings observed the system and sayed. Okey if you do this for 3-4min your energies will reach this kind of state. If you do some of this for 5-6min your energies will reach this kind of effect and so forth. it's like you add 2H + 1O you get H2O if you remove something or add something or if you change anything at all. You won't produce water anymore you'll produce something totally different. Some totally random effect you'll get. If you continue to produce random effects, one day you'll produce something harmful to yourself. And also..why are you asking such questions in this forum. Nobody here has a slightest idea how kriya works. You're just trying to find excuse for yourself to not follow instructions. That's not good.
  17. Kriya is not just those last 6min sitting in silence. It's an energy code. If you remove one thing it will be a totally different practice. If you extend something again it will be a totally different practice. If you add something, modify something again... different... practice. Whatever changes you do. You're changing the energy code. You're setting your energies in a completly different way. Lets say you enjoy the effects of some pranayama, you extend that for 5min that's it. You will be doing a totally different practice now. When you practice kriya it's a combination of things that is the energy code. Some kriyas are even design so that you have to stay within a certain time span otherwise otherwise you're missing the whole point of kriya. You can't even do 1min more or 1min less. If you do. I'll be doing again a different practice with totally different results.
  18. Sadhguru did Yoga to be fit pshycially and mentaly but ended up being totally enlightened Like he says. Your intentions doesn't matter. If you do the right things, right things will happen to you.
  19. @tedens true. I think it's fare to say that everyone is a geniuse. But not everyone finds full expression and blossoming. For a flower to grow it needs enough sunlight, tempreture, moisture, water etc. Same way for a person to grow he needs grace.
  20. You can get enlightened with a crippled body actually. And even if you have very strong ADD. It's not nessecary to got enlightened through gnana yoga. You can be a great devotee or a hardcore disicipline karma yogi or kriya yogi. Even Forest Gump could've gotten enlightened he could've been a marathon runner in Mount Kailash. And also if you're sincere about truth, unviersal forces will provide you the nessecary ingridients to reach that. It send you all the treatment that you need, all the support and guidence everything. Grace is much more important then body type. Because every body type can get enlightened but not every one is receptive to grace. You can be 100 % healthy and go nowhere.
  21. I don't think you're aware of what you're asking for. To strip all the judgements, all the likes and dislikes will take you lifetimes of hardcore work
  22. Also nondual experience is not the Absolute truth. It's closer to truth but not the absolute. Even in nondual experiences there're many layers of distortions.
  23. That's a good question. "World is not the way you think. World becomes exacly the way you think." Mooji. To know the truth you have to experience the world without thinking. Without a slightest distortion in your mind. Because if you like something you'll exaggerate, if you dislike something, you'll downgrade it. There're lifetimes of memory that is distorting your experience. Sadhguru says if you experience the world without any distortions you'll see everything upside down because that's how your eye captures the sight. It's a scientific fact that eyes capture the sight upside down and then our brains turn it around. So there're enormous levels of distortions in what we experience. There're also ways to eliminate all the distortions in our mind and experience the world and experience the world exacly the way it is. Not the way we think it is. I think it's fare to say that you know the truth at this point Edit: I remember en example where we were arguing what we see in a picture. There was a picture of Jesus and my mom sayed wow. What a sad eyes. I thought what? He's totally loving here and joyful then we went on arguing. Then the other day I look at the same picture and think but wait a min now he doesn't look the same way like yesterday. Now he looks more sad. And everyday you he looks different I have his picture at home. It's really fun to see how we project our feelings on the world i bet if 100people looked at the same picture they'd see 100different pictures
  24. Guys get real. Nothing comes close to India.