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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Lol. You're full of bull no offence The state you're talking about is called Mukti, Nirvan, Moksha. It's a state of total dissolusion. Total dissolusion can happen only if you dissolve all karma. There's is whole system in Bhuddhism and techneques how to do that. There are interesting other methods to do that also. Like Khala Bhairava. It means ultimate suffering. It's when your guru at the moment of your death makes you experience a suffering of a thousands of lifetimes in one moment to dissolve you and liberate you. Still you see. It's about dissolving karma. There could be other methods I'm aware of but basicly unless you dissolve all the karma there's no escape for you to become absolute nothingness. Your explanation was weird. Maybe it's true idk I'm not the expert. But doesn't feel very scientific and logical.
  2. @kieranperez it's okey i edited now @cetus56 Interesting i wasn't aware of's a nice example of someone beyond suffering ...
  3. Even Peter Ralston had his tooth canal removal without any anesthesia. Simply he sat with a smile on his face the whole time, when a normal person would become unconscious from the pain
  4. That's also possible. It's possible to activate your energy in such a way that your body doesnt feel pain. In martal arts there's a way to cut the connection between your body and nervous system then you can walk on glass or smash bricks with your head or smth There're actually many states of being,.many tricks of the body to end the suffering. But most of them are not full enlightenment. One that could be closer to enlightenment is breaking your identification with the body and mind and experiencing yourself seperate from these two. It's a certain samadhi state when body can rot it doesnt matter. In your experience it's not even happening to you. I heard stories of sages who did things like that from sadhguru Here's one interesting state.
  5. Just by bowing down to them is a great step towards becoming nonjudgemental and all inclusive and loving, it will replace all the domination and vanity qualities that you might have. Bowing down will kill all your arrogance very fast. In short span of time your relationships with women be full of appreciation and respect and devotion. It's not a sign of inferiority or weekness or smth. It's enourmos strenght. It's a powerful sage quality and presence that they carry ? "those who can't bend will brake in life" #sadhguru ? It's sounds simple but it's extremly hard for arrogant men to bow down to women. If fact i would not stop there. I would bow down to every creature on this planet. Ant, worm, tree, sky, planet earth everything. It's a smart way to live. The sweetest way to live also. ???
  6. There's a state of consciousness in which you experience yourself totally seperate from your body and mind. In this state there's no suffering. But this state is not the end of enlightenment. There's more to it.
  7. That's the whole beauty of life that there're no techneques to live life. You want a somekind of guideline a "golden rule" when there is none. But how to make descisions then? By using awareness... Omg this is so beautiful. This state is a quality of a sage. They don't know anything at all, their minds are empty. But whatever happens to them, whatever situation arises they know how to react to it spontaniously. They do that not by using any techneque or morality or ideology or "golden rules" but simply by sheer awareness that they have the moment something happens they know how to react to that effortlessly. Even when the situation that never happened before in the entire history of life they know what to do in that moment because it just happens automatically to them. They are like water. You put them in whatever situation they will adjust. You put them in whatever shape they will fit perfectly. But someone who is full of concepts and techneques is like ice cube never fits anywhere Life always always always knows what to do. Only intelect doesn't know what to do. That's why the highest teaching in spirituality is drop your techneques, drop your moralities, drop your phylosophies and become life, not a bundle of concepts, ideas, images, identities that we call ourselfs to be but simply life. And life is inteligence that knows everything. There's a very beautiful example i read a long time in sadhguru's book about inteligence vs intelect. He says bee have 100times smaller brains then humans. But bees know how to create a bee hive which is the highest level of engineering. Even today's scientics cannot create such a sofisticated design like bees can create. How does it do it? It's not like he's carring any of this information in it's head, bee doesn't read any books about how to create a bee hive, it doesn't have any experience of doing it any techneques nothing. It is all done by sheer life's inteligence.
  8. Those people who use some kind of techneques like be a planner or be in flow state to live life are basicly living with their intelect, they live with their mind. They live with somekind of rules that they created. That's why I say inteligence vs intelect. Living with inteligence is when you have no techneques, no rules at all. Only by using sheer wisdom, awareness and life's inteligence one navigates his life. That's what sounds the best way to live life. P.S. Sorry had to express this even if it wasn't necessary. I finnaly was able to articulate my thoughts in a satisfying manner
  9. I agree. But when people say you have to plan your goals plan your future. It's like a religion to them. They have things planned for the next lifetime already. And people who say be in flow state are also nuts if it's just theory. In that context i sayed both are dumb. Just drop all your techneques. Just live a conscious life. If you need to plan things you plan. Otherwise just follow the natural course of life. Which i feel people are really lacking these days. They don't know how to be and live in correspondence with life. That's why these teachings like "flow state" are valuable. Actually flowing with life is a natural quality of a sage or someone who's very high conscious.
  10. Actually both ways, being in flow state and being in planning state is stupid. Do whatever you want, whatever feels right in the moment. That's my phylosophy No techneques no nothing only awareness
  11. Commited atmosphere means they do something to prepare the space for the program. There's totally different energy in the room in those programs. I don't know if they make programs in Bangladesh but they make programs all over Europe US Asia everywhere. If there're no programs in Bangladesh i think Bangladesh is very close to India. I think you can get there by train even for 50€. I had to spend 1200€ to get to India to the ashram and learn the practice 50€ is relatively small sacrifice
  12. I like the flow idea better. Anyways life is not going to happen the way you planned. It's basicly inteligence vs intelect. Living with your intelect is too dry, too much mental. People have their whole next 10-20years planned for themselfs. They know what will they do and everything. Their diary is already filled ahead of them. On the other hand, living from inteligence is just life expressing itself, unfolding itself in it's natural course. Being spontanious and flow and be in harmony with life is the true way of living that everybody should aim for. "Fully predictable future is already the past" -Alan Watts.
  13. @Sharp I like this. But how can do that?
  14. @Annoynymous The kriya that I'm talking about which is designed by sadhguru to live a perfect life, a techneque that's been in yogic culture and transformed generations of people, a techneque that sadhguru has spent 21years to create can only be learned through initiation, there's no other way, you need to attend Inner Engineering program for transmission to happen. You'll never get the results I'm talking about from book yoga. The most horrible thing that can happen from book yoga is that you will miss the possibility of moving into totally different dimension of life. People brag oh i got some tiny benefits. But they missed a completly different dimension within them. After that the possibility or reaching those areas is closed. That's the most terrible damage that can happen from book yoga. "If you don't attempt those things, the possible is still open, you went there and you missed it, then the possibility is sort of closed" #Sadhguru
  15. One way is to be intoxicated. For example when you're stoned on weed. Even in stressful situations because you're intoxicated you feel like nothing matters and you feel peaceful. Shambhavi mahamudra kriya is a yogic tool offered by sadhguru to create chemistry of blissfulness. Or in other words be intoxicated all the time everyday. You can literally take blood sample and see the results of kriya. People who do shambhavi for few years report psychedelic like experiences. I mean it literally produces chemicals in your system. It's not a joke. So yea... You see. Your mind is very unreliable, right know you feel okey, you feel peaceful. But next moment something comes and says hey this happened and bamm you feel like shit just in 1sec everything can turn around because that's how mind is. But with kriya is different. Your energies, your chemistry doesn't change so fast. Once you activate your energies properly, once you create a blissful chemistry within you. It stays like a drug for a long time. Bad things are happening, good things are happening, nothing is happening, it doesn't matter, you're still blissed out.
  16. Lol. You're just a victim of marketing. Do you feel bad because you never been skydiving ? I bet it feels amazing, but the desire to do it is absant.. This is just marketing basicly.
  17. First thought: wow. It's beautiful when someone is outgrowing social conditioning Advise: no idea It feels like something is afraid of the new space that you're moving towards. It's almost like something is trying to escape, to sabotage this freedom. It's a tremendous strenght and space to be alone and be okey with it. You can feel it just by reading your posts "Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world." Insane quote by Jim Carry. It's interesting to see the inner turmoil that you're going through. Wonder which way you'll turn out Maybe the only thing worth remembering is - don't make descisions out of fear. If you want a boyfriend, is it out of joy or fear and anxiety of never getting another chance for the rest of your life? If you want children, is it because it's immense love and fulfliment or is it social conditioning, compulsion, bad image, fear of looking different, fear of missing out, fear of uncertenty etc.. "So many of us chose our path out of fear disguised as practicallity" Jim Carry. What a powerful video about how strong can social conditioning be.
  18. The same way you talk to all people.
  19. So basicly you want to create joy and happyness in the world. that's authentic if it's not done just boost your ego and why do you want to help people? Why not the trees?.the air? The animals? I think it's because you want recognition, respect and status. I think these things are playing a role here..if it's true then your desire is not authentic. You just want to play a hero That's why this question is still relevent. Would you want to create beauty in the world if you lived alone? Would you care about the environment if you were the only one on the planet? Or imagine if you had to work really hard to help people and they just spit on your face. Would you still be satisfied? Or do you want to be appreciated? Because authentic desire to help others is such that all you care is to do good for others. You help someone in need, he spits you in a face but you're still happy that you were able to do a good act. That would be authentic. that's powerful way of living. Only sages can do this mostly. Have you seen futurama by any chance? It's geniuse episode about helping others vs playing a hero Just skip to 16.30 it's fucking geniuse.......
  20. I feel having children is hugely overrated due to marketing force. People are just brainwashed from hollywood movies that having children is something devine. It could be nice I'm not against it. But it's a stupid low consciousness desire. it's more of a compulsion then a conscious will for most people. Sadhguru on should all women have children? "This is rubbish, this is social nonsense" #sadhguru
  21. Like i just showed you. just try and see where it takes you, what your life would be like if you were absolutely alone, if there were nobody to compare yourself with, what would you truly long for? would you still care about being a psychologist? Do you genuenly care about how human brains work? It could be true. Some people are really interested how human behavior is happening and why. Some just go there because they dont know what else to do. Some goes there who knows why many reasons you see... If on an island youd still be trying to figure it out how the human behavior is happenin then its authentic.
  22. That's authentic desire what would you do if you could do whatever you want and money was not an issue? That''s also an answer to what is your authentic desire.
  23. Go to Peter Ralston or Mantak Chia
  24. Well the thing that did absolute wonders to me was shambhavi mahamudra kriya..but to learn it you need to be initiated which means you need to attend the program.. Same with all the Yoga practices that I do needs to be transmited in a certain way. If you want something that you could start today sadhguru offers a simple Isha Kriya practice designed for wellbeing, mental balance and peace. If it resonates with you, you can experiment and see.
  25. Hatha Yoga, kriya yoga, but only if it's authentic, not book yoga, Tai Chi and all that martial arts stuff. I think vippassana also works. I don't have much experience with it. But in theory it should work. And the people who I saw that practice vippassana been very equanimous and stable. There could be more that I'm not aware of. At some point even being mindful of your emotions will bring this stability when you reach a state where you can clearly see that your thoughts and emotions are not you. Then you're free from all anxiety and suffering. But this takes time. Years of practice.