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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. @Nahm its tyring because you're so closed minded it's impossible to navigate through anything in here. Just to explain the most basic things takes enormous effort because receptivity here is 0 and resistence is 100 . I'm not even going deep. This is the most basic stuff I'm talking here. it's just an itroduction to realize that all your advaita stuff is not the end. There's much much more to it then you know it.
  2. @legendary yes vippassana is very much about dissolving karma. No wonder it came from Bhuddha's teachings. We are not talking about good karma and bad karma. Yes, that also is there and i agree with tom it's the intention behind your actions that matter not the action istelf. But we're not talking about performing good karma but to dissolve all karma which is a different ball game altogether. Karma is an accumilated memory. lifetimes of memory which run in cycles and which are created by your likes and dislikes. All your personality boils down to your likes and dislikes isnt it? That's why in vippassana you always hear. No cravings no aversions. Just stay equanimous. They want you to destroy all the likes and dislikes of yours which is the basis of your personality. What you like and dislike is also your accumilated karma. These cravings and aversions is what causing the beingness to reincarnate over and over. So yeah... I don't know where I'm going with this. I'm getting pretty tired of explaining this extremly subtle matters which I'm myself don't have a perfect understanding.
  3. You're asking me very sensitive questions which requires a very clear understanding of this and a lot of attention and studying. I may not be the best person to answer all your questions. since it's a very advanced teachings. Do you even know anything about chakras? If you didn't come to that point where chakras and prana are a living reality for you. Then what I'm gonna say will be complete out of your league. Right know you have 5bodies physical body, mental body, energy body, some non physical body which there's no appropriate name for it in english and a bliss body which is also not appropriate translation. Yes you can very much leave your body and do all those things but that's not what Mukti is. Right now you're a ghost with a body, when you die, you drop your physical body but other 4 bodies do not die. They reincarnate into another body. That's why reincarnation happens. Because other bodies, your mental, energy, and other 2 bodies are still alive and intact. The idea of ultimate liberation is to dismantle all the first 4 bodies and brake the cycles of life and death… then the bliss body, aka, pure consciousness leaves the body and merges with the rest of the universe. Okey.... This probably too much for you... I'm gonna stop there... You can watch sadhguru talk about 5 layers of body
  4. @CreamCat consciousness can't cease to exist. But your accumilated memory, your impressions, your personality, identity these things can dissolve. It's one thing to realize your true nature and see that you're not your ego. It's a second thing thing do dissolve the ego and become nothing. In this state one will naturally leave their body. The only thing that's keeping you here trapped in this body is karma or accumilated memory. Sadhguru says in this state 99% of people leave their body, only kriya yogis know how to remain inside a body after full dissolusion. Because they know all the tricks of the body.
  5. No i had no non dual experiences ever, nor do I care so much about them, being happy is more important to me then being in nondual states. But i do not claim that I'm seeking Mukti yet. I'm not ready for that stuff That's why Bhuddha sayed, i experienced all 8states of samadhi and i discarded them all. It's not liberation it's just a fancy experience. That's why Bhuddhism is all about karma and dissolusion if you read Bhuddhism it doesn't talk about fancy experiences. Just methods to dissolve. There're methods to reach nondual states. And there're totally different methods altogether to dissolve karma. Which is pretty scary for me. Sadhguru's last program initiation in samyama is all about dissolusion. Just an idea to go there makes me terrified. this stuff is for advanced spiritual seekers only who don't want to live anymore and leave their body. i think I'm gonna do that program some day in the future.
  6. As i sayed there's a lot of benefit to allow devotion. When someone is in the devotion he's most receptive to grace. Second thing. With devotion it becomes super easy to surrender your ego. Without devotion it's very hard crual process of hardcore sadhana. With devotion is very simple. It's the simplest and sweetest way to keep your ego aside and let the grace overtake you. Some masters chose to allow this others don't. Bhuddha wanted to make things as dry as possible Someone like Krishna or Jesus highly encouraged people to give themselfs totally. Mooji seems to be somewhere in between there's room for everything in his teachings. If you don't like devotion just observe observe observe it will work. If you are a little more softer and ripe you can add devotion to spyce things up. To make your progress faster.
  7. Lol you're just trying to justify your lazy ass People are different. Everyone has their own path. Some take harsh, dedicated, unwavering path.. some are fluzzy and random. It depends on a person. Doing too much consciousness work should be the least of your concern...
  8. @Nahm a detailed answer would take hours of studying to understand. I read about lots and lots and there still so much confusion in there. This takes some serious attention. Like 10xLeo 2h video weekends of studying Short answer. It's your accumilated memory which is desciding everything about you. You're just a bundle of memory and impressions. I'm talking about ego, not pure consciousness here. So that ego will reincarnate again and again. Pure consciousness doesn't reincarnate but that memory is trapped and that memory is longing for ultimate dissolusion. That memory longs to cease to exist. How? By dissolving karma. When you do that. That's mahasamadhi, and that's when you leave your body and dissolve into nothing. Puff That's Mukti, that's the ultimate goal in spirituality. It comes after self realization. First self realization, then dissolving karma.
  9. @JohnnyBravo +1 @luckieluuke It's fine. Simply you need to understand that some teachers encourage devotional aspects some don't. For example the reason Bhuddha descided to make his teachings as dry as possible because he sayed after I leave my body my teachings will last much much longer if i make it as dry as possible. If you add a lot of devotion and juice into my teachings then it will not last so long. It will get distorted very fast. All the devotional teachings get distorted very fast like Jesus for example. He highly encourage people to worship him and pray to him and everything. That was his method. He would say just give yourself to me totally, you will attain. But look how distorted his teachings became. Mooji seems to allow this devotion to flow in his community and it's fine. It's his way. And it's a smart way. With devotion your growth becomes very easy and fast. Every teacher is different. All that matters is are they doing it with good intentions or to satisfy their ego... Well that's a personal judgement everyone makes for themselfs. I think he's totally free from egoic attachments and desires. Even I such a puny guy don't have any desire to manipulate people to love me. Why would a sage who did decades of consciousness work in front of a realized master would still have such ridiculous desires.... I mean.... cmon... Have some perspective...
  10. @luckieluuke in scientology people worship because they are forced to worship. Because somebody told them if you don't bow down you will go to hell. Or smth like this. Everything there is based on beliefs and ideology. In Mooji's community no one ever tells to do such things. Simply some people out of their own, out of their gratittude without anyone forcing them, willingly bow down. That's a huge different. And even if someone in scientology felt genuine gratittude for Hubbard. It's still nice. It's nice for that person. That person who bowed downed felt sweetness of love for a few moments and that's great. It's an amazing feeling. It's not about what you worship it's about you. You chose whatever object you like and you bow down to. It doesn't matter what. You like Hitler you bow down to him. It's not about the Hitler, it's about you experiencing huge love within you. Hitler is just a tool to generate that emotion within you. Mooji doesn't care if people worship him or not. He often says please avoid pretentious bowing downs to me. But if it's a genuine longing for you, i don't want to deny that possibility to experience joy and love for yourself. Honestly, it's impossible for you to understand what it feels to feel devotion untill it happens to you. When i met Mooji face to face, tears of love were rolling like a river for me for him. At that moment bowing down at his feet would have been the most natural thing for me, the sweetest thing also. It's something that you cant understand untill the consciousness of a sage, the presence of the devine being washes you over like a sea washes over a pebble.
  11. One way is by doing selfless activity, volunteering.
  12. @legendary juat two different paths. They don't disagree wih each other they just use different methods to reach enlightenmemt. There are different methods for different types of people. Disagreement would mean if Bhuddhist would come and say chakras don't exist. But you won't find that kind of statement anywhere. @Markus +1
  13. @Shin If you're genuine you bow down to everything and everyone. An ant, an elephant, a tree, a sky, a rock, a neighbor, a guru. Everyone and everything. "Passion for others, dispassion for yourself" #sadhguru @Shin you simply have inseciurities of feeling inferior aka, interiority complex., Aka, you're too full of yourself
  14. There is no line. Bowing down to your masters feet is the sweetest feeling and the greatest joy for a devotee. It's simply impossible for you to understand now untill you remove that self-importence and "everyone should be equal" mentality. "Passion for others, dispassion for yourself, the highest quality" #sadhguru
  15. @Nahm i understand that I'm consciousness ever present, ever perfect, etc... I'm not arguing with you at all. All you say i agree. But you simply don't know anything about karma. That's why it's a pointless conversation. @AstralProjection somethingness is always limited. all the magic powers, all immortality is something and somethingness is always limited. There's no other way. It's unbrakeable logic to say only nothingness has no limits. It's impossible for this to be false. Yeah i was hard on him but i wish i was even harder because his full of bull. No.... Advanced spiritual masters dont disagree with themselfs. Only fools and phylosophiers like tom come up with random statements which make no sense. He even uses words like "I think"… "i guess" "that's my opinion" like that... He's just a random phylosopher. A guru is not a phylosopher, guru knows life inside out from experience. What a guru says is not ant opinions it's a fountain of truth. There are scriptures written thousands of years ago by realized beings and since then nothing changed at all, nothing new has been sayed. Everything that could happen here and beyond is all written down and it stayed the same until now . If two spiritual masters disagree then one of them is a fake guru who knows nothing at all. Basic logic... Either you know the truths of life or you're speculating about life and are unwilling to say idk. Truth is the same for everyone. If both know the truth they will not argue.
  16. Nobody is a forcing you kiss his feet. Some people have so much gratittude for him, they say Thank you Mooji, what you gave me is priceless, Thank you from the bottom of my heart and then he bow downs out of this gratittude.... It's nothing cultish at all. It's gratittude, and it's very beautiful. All the arrogant idiots think it's abnormal to have gratittude for your master.... Btw I've been in his Ashram in Portugal that article is a fucin joke...
  17. That's impossible. Once you're aware that you're limited, you will want to brake that boundary. No one can be satisfied living in bondage, the desire is always to become limitless. Thats the ultimate law of consciousness. It's never satisfied until it become boundless. You can never find full fullfilment with any experience. Because every state is limited doesn't matter how beautiful it appears to be. Only nothingness has no limits. To be limitless one has to become nothing, cease to exist forever, cease all cycles of birth and death. It's a longing that every human being has. That's not how it goes. People who are suffering they don't seek mukti. They only seek pleasure and happyness. They want fancy nondual experience, to be free from the torture of the mind. But they don't want to dissolve no no no Only those people who tasted this life totally. Who are blissful always, only for those people a desire to cease to exist arises in them. A desire to become boundless arises in them. Untill then every spiritual seeker just pretends to seek liberation when in fact they just wants happyness and be free from suffering. When you reach happyness then the next desire becomes cease to exist, become boundless, Mukti. "Suffering will not seek" #sadhguru
  18. Fear comes because you're too concerned about your self image. You may not like the answer but the answer is self abandonment. Only when you don't think anything of yourself then only other people's opinions will not mean anything to you. That's the only way. When you have no opinion about yourself you have nothing to defend. When you're full of ideas about yourself, then you want to maintain a self-image reputation, status, etc.. every action that you take, every word that you say you're concerned about how it makes you look , this is where all the anxiety comes from... Unless you abandon your self-image you'll be tortured by it endlessly. "Passion for others, disspassion for yourself, the highest quality" #sadhguru P.S. Self love is bull( I'm saying this before someone else comes here with this advise for you)
  19. Am I the only one who thinks Leo doesn't fit very well in that show?
  20. @Nahm lol... You have a lot to learn about karma yet... I understand what you say. Consciousness is always free... But that's not enough. Even if you're in nondual state where nothing can touch you and there's no suffering. You're still not free. Karma is holding you in this body like a bondage and karma will not allow you to escape. You will reincarnate endlessly untill you brake all your attachments in this world, untill you reach perfect equanimity, no cravings no aversions, no movement at all in your mind, that's the end of karma and that's the ultimate state of freedom. Not a nondual state or samadhi but to end the cycles of reincarnation. That's Mukti, mahasamadhi or ultimate liberation. This is a dangerous territory for me to speak about since I don't have crystal clear understanding in this. But it's also the most amazing, and the most advanced teaching. Which very rare enlightenment beings talk about. I know only Gautama the Bhuddha and sadhguru are the only two people who goes this deep.... I'm sure there are plenty of others but not into mainstream.
  21. This is messed up... How can there be no liberation? If there's bondage there's bount to be a liberation. Consciousness may be evolving infinity without ever reaching "done" But karma is just memory and cycles. If you keep dissolving all cycles of course you'll reach 0. It's just common sense. Also i don't think he means karma when he uses word "entropy". Too bad my understanding of this subject and articulation is not crystal clear, otherwise i would smash that guy pretty hard... I think he is not tauching the subject of liberation. He's just claiming that there's no limit to what human consciousness can do. Which is very much likely to be true. But at the end he says there's no end, you'll come back again and again... Well i don't understand how he came to that conclusion. He's just makes pretty random statements i think. He says consciousness is ever evolving... Okey it's true. And then he says, because consciousness is ever evolving you can't brake the cycles........ This is just ridiculous statement which makes no sense. ever evolving consciousness and it's possibilities has nothing to do with braking samsaras. I also get the idea that he thinks becoming love is the highest goal.... Which is pretty ridiculous again... It feels like he has no idea about anything, he's just phylosophyzing random ideas. Does he even meditate? Or he's just a phylosopher? Anyways.... I wish @Arhattobe was around. He has a very comprehensive understanding of Bhuddhism and karma...