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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. @Leo Gura have you been able to glimps any insights about how the structure of life is not logical? I remember you say how you became conscious of how everything is interconnected, cause and effect kind of thing that goes way back to big bang and infinity. But this implies that life is logical and systematic, it follows certain rules. I remember sadhguru say many times that life is not logical. It dosn't fit into any system but it's fantastic. Here's a video called "existence: not logical, but absolutely fantastic" There seems to be a little bit of controdiction between your statement and this video imo
  2. @AlphaAbundance desire for enlightenment is not your choice. It's life's natural evolution and longing. I recommend to watch this simple and perfect answer to your question
  3. It happens by itself but you can do it consciously and systematicly also. There're techeques developed just for this. Like vippassana for example. Also volunteering and also i think there ways to do it with specifically designed kriyas and yogas.
  4. I don't understand how exacly but sadhguru and his programs did the trick for me. And i had about 2.5years of meditation experience, vippassana, mindfulness, self-enquiry. It was helpful but not fully satisfying. Sadhguru was the guy who really gave me what i was looking for for many years. I was struggling with the same thing like you since middle-school days. i know how it feels
  5. These types of situations don't have the right answer. One person will chose one option another second option both could be right or wrong. If you want to know what to do in these situations you just have to be totally honest with yourself in what you want. Say yes to the truth and then let the consiquences come. This comes with maturity and practice. When your heart is devoted to truth, everything will turn out good in the end.
  6. There is a way to see things without any distortions. The way I understand right know is that the past memory and impressions are distorting your whole present experience. There's one path in spirituality where they seek to develop a perception that is not tainted by any memory. Then you see reality the way it is. Now we see reality the way we think, not the way it really is. "Reality is not the way you think it is, but it becomes exacly the way you think" #mooji This video's about seeing things exacly the way they are. Highly recommended.
  7. E=mc^2 Everything is one energy moving from one form to another. That's pretty much the proof of nonduality. They teach this stuff in 5th grade now i think
  8. I would categorize into 3 types of games. One is self realization. Second is liberation and being free from life and death, dissolving karma, Mukti. Self realization doesn't mean you're free from the cycles yet. Third is mysticism. Where you go into metaphysical spirituality, where you want to know every answer about life, how it works, where it comes from and whatnot. You can play one game and missout completly on the other. Like you can materialize things out of a thin air, be with psychic abilities and be complete ignorant of your true nature(I heard Papaji had students like that). Or you can be self aware but have no understanding of machanics of life. Or be self aware but still not free from karma. This is my current understanding. It's just a perspective. Edit: some additional thoughts on the matter I also think that's the reason why some Zen Bhuddhist who spent 40years working in his Zen garden dosn't have the same states of consciousness and metaphysical understanding as 5meo-dmt can give you. Because they don't play this 3rd game. They only care about 2nd game, liberation. In Bhuddhism they would dissmiss all samadhis basicly. This reminds me. Like sadhguru says. Some yogis who play with certain things are more entangled with life then someone who just eats, sleeps and reproduces. Even tho the yogi has some insane levels of consciousness that a common person has no idea of. I even think that dissolving karma has nothing to do with raising consciousness (maybe, idk.) Like those Mt. Kailash marathon runners. They don't do any meditation. They just run. Karma Yoga u know. Yoga of action. They just run and that's all. After 3 years when they sit they sit like the breeze unmoving. They dissolved their karma simply by running and no meditation at all. They also have no more suffering i think. No more cravings also. Does that mean they have 5meo dmt mystical metaphysical understanding of reality? Probably no. They're playing totally different game altogether. What do you guys think of this? @Leo Gura @Arhattobe
  9. Volunteering and vippassana
  10. Mindfulness and body awareness is the same thing. Your feelings, emotions, cravings, aversions are all reflected in your body. For example, by observing some tension in your body you can understand how you feel much easier then observing your mind. Mind can fool you very easily but body always tells you the truth. Yes. Your ego is just a mass bundle of impressions, a bundle of likes and dislikes, aversions and cravings. In vippassana they teach you to just observe the sensations on your body equanimously. This way, your likes and dislikes get dissloved, your identity is dissolving slowly untill you become nothing. Perfect equanimity. When you sit you're like a breeze, one with the universe.
  11. Nothing comes close to Shiva. He's originator of spirituality. Everything that's possible and impossible was propounded by this being. Nothing new has ever been sayed after him by any enlightened being. Everyone else is just a sidekick of Shiva Interesting thing about it is that he's still alive in many forms. "Everything you think Shiva is, I am" #sadhguru
  12. Dr Gabor Maté shares his Inner Engineering experience. Some people may know this guy. His some kind of teacher that deals with addictions and he works with psychedelics also. Why the program costs money "I don't want to throw my life at irresponsible people" #sadhguru A video from Evarton team football coach and his experience.
  13. I will take the opportunity to say the same as @JohnnyBravo Makes me happy to see Leo in his current state Hands down to you Leo ?
  14. @moon777light It's true. When you learn surya kriya it's almost like an ancient sacred process has been passed down to you. So sacred you stop questioning why do you have to pay. Why sadhguru doesnt make it free. Why can't i teach other people this practice it's just a bundle of instructions anywyas. I was sceptical also about this but once you experience the program it just becomes so obvious that this is not a mere exercise. It has to be transmited in a totally different approach. And results are extremely different. I did youtube version of suriya namaskar before I did suriya kriya. The difference is so big..... I had no idea what Yoga is before I learned my first program, it was suriya kriya btw @Chi_ congratz on your experience It's a rare video on surya namaskar/surya kriya. Highly recommended.
  15. all you need to know about dating. @JohnnyBravo +1
  16. @Bluebird Your mental and energy body dosn't die when your physical body dies. It reincarnates. To dissolve the mental and energy body is called Mukti or ending the cycles of birth and death, or cease to exist. It is your mental and energy body which reincarnates over and over because it has enourmos amounts of karma inside of them. Karma means action. Physical action, mental action, energy action. When you die physical action stops but mental and energy body has still a lot of information/karma in them so it finds another body to finish it's karma. Unfinished buisiness you can call it. So there are methods as to how to dissolve this karma and brake all the cycles. You see. Realization means you're not your person, you're not your ego. But this ego is a bundle of memories and information. It doesn't die when the body dies. It reincarnates. So realization is good, you become aware that you're not the body, you're not the mind. But then the next step is to dissolve the ego/personality because it's still alive, only diference now is that you're aware that it's not you and it gives you a lot of freedom but it's still alive. Because of it reincarnation happens. That's why there are methods how to dissolve the ego completely. Ego is just a movement of your mind, isnt it? You stop the activity of the mind, puff ego is gone. That's one mehod. There are other methods also. Dissolving your ego means. It means when you sit, you sit here as a piece of existence, like wind or breeze. You're not sitting here as a bundle of thoughts, ideas, prejudices and emotions. just completely blank and empty for years without a single thought if they want to. There're beings like that. Sadhguru and his bramacharies are in this state and he talked about it in his book, it's absolutely amazing.. Many other sages are like this also. A being like that will not reincarnate... That's not very true.. There're very elaborate explanations of how it works and how to brake the cycles. Logically unbreakable explanations are all over the place. Go deep into some Therevada Bhuddhism or just sadhguru you'll see. A very detailed, logical, coherenct explanations are there. No beliefs, no dogma nothing.
  17. You mental clarity depends on how distant you're from your mind. It's like if i asked you is earth flat or round? In your experience right now it is flat, isnt it? But if you move higher into sky you'll see it's round. If you move even higher you'll definitely can see it's round. The same with your mind. Once you're inside your mind everything is blur and confused. Once you start doing mindfulness, once you withdraw into deeper and deeper states of observing then everything becomes clear, you start to understand everything better, you start to gain insights, your perception, mental clarity increases etc. In short. Do some mindfulness meditation or self-enquiry.
  18. @Truth Addict i see what you mean. Makes sense. ? It's just a gut feeling Well..... First of all, that tingling sensation in shamanic breathing has nothing to do with releasing blckages. Second of all, win hof is using totally different breath pattern then Leo. Maybe his method is not so random. Third, you see. Unless a realized being who knows how human system works 100% comes and says do this this and this and then you'll get this kind of results. Yes, i can trust him, that's no longer a random stuff created by random people. That's a very scientific stuff now. But now Leo comes. He knows absolutely nothing nothing nothing when it comes to human system. He says. I dont like this and that. I will add my own random stuff. I will modify things randomly to my own convenience. And that's it. Here it goes. Here's my techeque for you to release trauma. Lol.... that's totally random. You experience some dizzyness and tingling sensations and you think wow it works. But it has nothing to do with trauma lol Now whether win hof's methods is random or not idk. It depends whether you trust him. Whether you trust that he's a realized being like osho or sadhguru or not. I personally don't but that's a personal judgement everybody makes for themselfs. That's why i recommend doing osho dynamic meditation. At least he knew 100% what he was doing. And it was designed just for that purpse to release trauma. Edit: here wim hof literally admitted that he just comes up with random techneques while shitting.
  19. What you call as yourself or your personality is just a collection of memories and impressions that you've gathered. So if you experience traumatic memories that's what you become in theory.
  20. You're responsible also for things that happened 2 thousand years ago. You're also responsible for every fortune and misfortune that ever happened I'm not just playing everything is one/ advaita tricks on you. Im talking literally being responsible for it. This is some new level insight that you could have for yourself.
  21. You're confusing comfort with happyness. Money can bring you comfort but it can't bring you happyness. If you compare this generation to any previous generation. We're are the most comfortable generation ever. No one enjoyed so many conveniences in the past as we do now, we live maybe 20times more comfortably then a man who lived 200 years ago. But are we the most joyful generation? No, we're the whiniest generation ever. More people commit suicide then ever before.
  22. Lol. you're twisting my words But now i get the joke at least It's because i made it sound ridiculously simple. But that's all there is to it. When you observe your thoughts automatically you stand in a position seperate from the thoughts. There's nothing else you need to do. The process of observing will create a distance between the things you see and the one who is seeing it. It's bound to happen. When you observe long enough you have to realize at something point that the thoughts are coming and going but I'm just here observing from a third party perspective. It's just a natural consiquence of observing your thought activity.