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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Karma means action. Your mental activity. Hammond says mental activity gets triggered by outside situations, people etc. Instead of trying to force your mind to stop, hammond says just observe it. As you observe your thoughts, thoughts start to dissolve by itself naturally. Otherwise if you're unconcious, unaware of your thoughts then thoughts run in circles on and on and on forever creating more and more karma. More and more mental activity. Mental activity is always about a craving or aversion. It's a source of suffering also. More karma you have less equanimous and more restless you'll be. Mental activity is also the basis of your ego/personality/identity. Your identity is just a bunch of likes and dislikes, isn't it? So to trancsend your ego one has to trancsend all cravings and aversions, in other words all mental activity, in other words all karma.
  2. Nice i understood "arigatou gozaimasu" and "Sou desuka" but the rest of it is cosmos for me You speak Japan? Or you just a really serious otaku ?
  3. @bejapuskas haha I feel otaku because I understood the meaning of that word You mean that effortless push? I think he feels another persons center. And somehow moves his whole beingness with another person. He was explaining somewhere a little bit. I think this is the same techneque. Read the comments under that video, people who understand this are going crazy with how much greatness is displayed here Looks familiar like that video above
  4. Pretty much the same thing Ralston is teaching in his leading video. Starts at 7min 12.05 pretty much what Mantak chia is teaching in his iron shirt program.
  5. Here's something interesting I managed to find. Mantak chia shows how deep martial arts really go. Watch first few minutes and listen to the story in 32min mark. You'll probably won't understand but it's sill very mind opening. There was a video where this guy is standing relaxed not even holding his hands up and 3guys are trying to push him and he just directs all their force into the earth. Very funny video, but i can't find it now.
  6. This is so pathetic.. It's the same story all over when people think there's no difference between real Yoga and book Yoga. What you see on the surface it's just 1% of what is happening. What Ralston is teaching here is nothing new. This knowledge was there for thousands of years in martial arts and it's just child's play omg... It's mainy lost now but it's still alive in those have a little bit of brain at least. I saw one video where Mantak chia had 3 guys trying to push him full force and he was just standing totally relaxed, arms down, talking with the audience and laughing. Martial arts is so beyond your understanding... If you think you did Muiy Thai and now you think you understand all the ticks and mechanics of human system.... It takes a lifetime of enlightenment work to understand what Ralston is doing. Sadhguru sayed it took him 3lifetimes to understand Yoga completly. So don't compare your meek boxing knowledge with enlightened beings. Your arrogance and ignorance is over the roof
  7. Why do you guys find this so hard to believe. It's just a tip of the iceberg of what is possible lol
  8. @David Hammond so it's like being mindful of your feelings and thoughts and sensations all day without sitting in one place with your eyes closed?
  9. @David Hammond was vippassana your main practice? Do you still practice it? That's pretty cool
  10. Lol sadhguru's quotes always find me when I need them the most. i agree Self-abandonment means dropping attachment to your self-image, meaning you can look like a total fool and still be okey because self-image means nothing to you. That's the only way to truly accept yourself. Then you trully don't care about other people's opinions anymore. All the other methods like love yourself, believe in yourself, respect yourself, is all nonsense that reinforces your attachment to your self-image and causes more anxiety, more stress, more obssesiveness about your self-image. The simple way to put it: self-abandonment leads to freedom from other people's opinions. Could be interpreted that self-abandonment leads to self-acceptence also but it's too misleading so i avoid that word. Actually self-abandonment doesn't lead to self-acceptence, it leads to being okey always no matter how you look. It's a subtle difference. Self-acceptence is more like: "I don't like myself but I've accepted it" Self-abandonment is more like: "who the hell cares how I look" Later is true freedom.
  11. You're suffering from a poor self-image, you're afraid to look like a fool. Rather then trying to create a good self-image, focus on doing great things. Exploring the world. Being happy. Having adventures. Breaking your limitations. Blossoming into your full potential etc. This is exciting by itself. You won't have time to think about how anybody else is doing. All that matters is that you have a profound and intense experience of life. Focus on yourself, focus on growing more and more relentlessly. That's all that matters in life. P.s. if you're afraid of looking like a fool the answer is not self-acceptence but self-abandonment. Please don't fall for this self-esteem crap.
  12. 4. "All i care about is to be happy and blossom into my full potential, and I wish the same to others" If you think I can only be happy if I stand on top of everybody, then you're a sick person. It means you're enjoying other people's failure
  13. But that video is very good. It's about you
  14. Everybody who do some kind of energy transmission or reiki or Shakti pat or whatever, they will take on other people's karma. That's why sadhguru says. That's why many yogis descide not to teach anything, they just leave their knowledge on a mountain and leave. Sadhguru says there're huge consiquences if you want to go into the world enlightening people. You don't have to believe it. Even if you're just a dumb psychiatrist, if work long enough, you will gather a lot of negative emotions by being around lots of suicidal depressed people. They will slowly rub off on you. But it's much much stronger when you do this kind of work with energy and spirituality. Then karma is much much bigger. @Mikael89
  15. I heard mooji say once in his satsang that his body has many diseases including overweight and diabetes etc. He said it's because he picks up a lot of negative energy in from the people who come to his satsang. All those seekers purge a lot and his body takes a lot of it that's why he has so many health problems. Sadhguru also sayed that in his programs when he initiates people or when he does shakti pad sometimes if there's a bad situation, bad conditions and very negative mass of people then he would get some big lumps of his back for a few days or smth like that. Tho sadhguru seems perfectly fit to me. Also idk why but all the people who go into nothingness has a belly. I don't know if there's a connection there but i have a reason to think that there is a connection. When i was in Shoonya program the person who initiated everybody had a big belly. And i could see it was definitely on purpose. Not a single person in the ashram had a belly but that person who probably has like 20+ years of Yoga sadhana experience and descipline and diet and everything. It seemed she maintained her body on purpose a bit round. That's just an opinion of course but her form reminded me immediatly of mooji. Same form exacly.
  16. It all comes from self-importence basicly. Echart tolle being a mountain vs being a valley. Great video. If you want practical tips: Surrender, Devotion, Volunteering, Most types of Meditation, Yoga, etc.
  17. April 20th-21st in London Over 14000 participants
  18. Being happy is not a big deal actually. It's just a first step in life. It has little to do with enlightenment. But sadhguru says "suffering will not seek" that's why his first programs are about being joyful by your own nature.
  19. Also I think you would like this
  20. It's okey, Peter will take care of you and support you all the way. It's always much easier with a guidence then alone. Use a backrest or a cusion or smth.
  21. Good for you I have a similar mindset also. Flowing with life is a true way of living. But it takes a lot of consciousness work.