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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. I heard that some cultivators go into the dark for long periods of time to see these lights and then they use them for their spiritual growth. There's a whole science and technology behind it along with initiations. These lights can be used for many things if you know what you're doing.
  2. Haha. Well sayed actually just be careful. There's a very thin line between not caring what people think genuinely because of one's awareness and being an asshole who doesn't give a fuck about anyone which comes out of bitterness and frustration ? they look similar Being straight and no bullshit is very good. But you use that often as an excuse to lash out on people your discontent which is not intentional but still has a destructive effect which happens rather too often unfortunately.. I think it's something to be aware of ? All the best ? P.s. To be inconsiderate has nothing to do with authenticity and consciousness also ? To say that being a jerk is my authentic persona is a... bit of a delusion No offence meant ?
  3. @Leo Gura it's not about politeness Your volition in everything that you say carries a deep rooted pattern of aggressiveness and anger in it. This volition will not bear positive fruit for you or others even if you say all the right things. Unless you start functioning from higher state of consciousness of peace and harmony, everything you do will be destructive. I'm sure everybody knows and heard it 1000s times but still many fall into the same trap over and over again You still have a long way to go bro to rise your baseline consciousness and take away those deep rooted vasanas if you care about making a positive impact on the world. The language of god is vibration, not the concepts. ? Sorry if this hits the nerve ? But reflect on it ? Good luck ?
  4. It's hard to speak about this without triggering anyone It's nice that you brought it up tho. I think many people noticed it. It's something I've been dealing with aswell personally. It's like even if try to say something positive it comes out with an old pattern of violent volition, violent vibration. You just can't help it. And then this violent vibration triggers others who have that similar vasana and then it multiplies. Important thing is not what you say but your state of consciousness from which you speak. What kind of vibration do you emanate makes all the difference. Leo speaks big truths on a conceptual level but from energetic level it's a very low vibration of conflict and ego and criticism usually. And that always breeds only more conflict unfortunately. With all due respect I don't mean to offend in any way ? just a constructive observation I made. Something to reflect upon for many ? Regards ?
  5. Try massaging your testicals and pelvic area on a daily basis I heard Mantak Chia say that all toxins naturally go down to the sexual organ. If you don't massage it, problems may arise. We sit too long, blood is not circulating well and that area gathers most toxins. That's why it's important. In my own case I experienced spasm in my testicals after going for 4months on semen retention. That's when I learnt that massaging is important it worked wonders for me. You can learn more about it on youtube from Mantak Chia Good luck ?
  6. Sadhguru only made fun of some vedanta studends not the vedanta itself. And rightly so. I see many Shankara Pillais on this forum all the time. very valuable teaching in the end for advaita studends to be aware of and not to fall into that deception. ?
  7. Hi @lmfao Become aware of the one who makes effort and you will discorver your effortless nature of pure being. ?
  8. Hi Giulio, I had a similar experience. All I did was sit in silence aware of the sense of being and the stagnant prana from the stomach would get released by itself like bubbles or smth. It took about 2years of purification to make that stomach lump go away. Constant burping is the also there for me. I think it's a sign of purification because it happens a lot when I meditate or do yoga. Congratz. You've made it ??? The flower has blossomed ? Stay Blessed for always Giulio ?
  9. I think it's more like transmission of Christ consciousness. Same as what other tranditions call as shaktipat or initiation. Shaktipat, initiation and baptism are the same thing but different words. Holy spirit means guru's grace or guru's presence or guru's energy. Amen to Christ, Alhamdulillah
  10. There are men who desire to have sex with kali and she looks like a demon. It's not what you look like, it's what you feel like. ?
  11. Sadhguru sayed consciousness can not be attained through chemicals. But chemicals can be used to purge the system to assist the spiritual process. Also the use of these substances can lead to debilitation, addiction and other negative consiquences. The science of enlightenment is a complex one. If we stay genuine, we will understand that we don't understand anything at all on this subject. I know there are gaps and further questions to be asked here on this subject. But for some reason sadhguru is discouraging people from using such substances and it's not out of ignorance. Obviously it's coming out of enourmous understanding of life and machanics of enlightenment. No one here could argue with that. Let's rather stay open and try to deepen our understanding rather then making premature conclusions and stopping ourselves from further growing. Stay Blessed & take care ?
  12. Lol, I can't make sense of it either This thing is a complex subject, not for us to understand really. This video might help to make sense of it. Regards ?
  13. @Waken It's a strange thing, Mooji doesn't speak of it much and the process is not official in any way. Just his presence is transmitting nondual understanding alone. I heard him say many strange things over the years like, "One day, when you're ready, I will say a word to you, it could be any word and that word will be like an energy code that enters you and deconstructs your entire personhood" stuff like that. He speaks about things like that only on his private website usually. When I say I received transmition from him all I meant was that I attended his satsang online. Where he openly sayed he's not teaching anything, rather transmitting and it's up to us to receive it or not. After that satsang my self-inquiry totally changed. Things started to open up inside in a different way then before. ? Excerpt from Papaji's book
  14. @OBEler Yes of course. No doubt about it I've experienced a few online transmitions during the pandemic with other teachers like Mooji and Mantak Chia. Was very powerful. ?
  15. @OBEler Yes ? when the programs where still happening in person not like now
  16. It is the initiation that is important not the instructions. It's more like baptism or consecration. It's a very sacred process that can change your life in ways you have not imagined. Without initiation maybe your lung capacity will increase, but transformation will not happen. This video might be worth watching to understand a few things about life. Stay Well ?
  17. I can relate to what @Vytas sayed. I had the same experience. Shambhavi is probably the most effective practice that I know that gives you so much wellbeing in so little time and effort. I remember when I used to do self-inquiry for 2+ years and I was still super miserable and depressed all the time. It gave me a lot increase of self-awareness but it couldn't solve my mood at that time. Then when I learned shambhavi what I experienced was that in a very short time depression was totally over. I totally forgot the meaning of depression. I didn't even notice when it dissapeared. I really don't know any other practice that could do this so effectively and in such a short time. Of cource I still do and like self-inquiry, it has it's own beauty. But shambhavi has that very noticable superficial happyness effect. It's a bit like getting a little intoxicated everyday in the morning so that life looks more beautiful and less heavy It's sells well. I think shambhavi is what most people want in today's world. To enjoy their life is not a small achievement. There are many meditators who are on a spiritual path for many years and still having a hard time with everyday suffering and depression. I think there're now online initiations happening into the shambhavi practice. It's quite exciting. ?
  18. Initiation into self-inquiry can open many doors for you. I don't know much but Papaji and Mooji use initiations into self-inquiry. Then it's a different world.
  19. Also in a few hours today Gangaji will be streaming online meeting. It would have great benefit for you that you wont be able to appreaciate at this point perhaps. I recommend you make use of this possibility. She's an advaita, self-inquiry teacher. Stay Well ?
  20. @meow_meow Look...there is no end to meditation practice. You think Mooji or Echkart Tolle got enlightened and stopped meditating? No, they made meditation into their permenant state. Echkart tolle is in meditation 24/7 for like 40+years. Same as Mooji. You have to reach this state where presence is no longer an effort for you but your natural state. Then you will grow without even trying at the speed of light because there will be unbroken meditation in you every breath that you take. When you reach permenant state of presence you can stop self-inquiry at that point. But you need it to leave the earth's atmosphere. Once you leave the atmosphere, You're done. Good luck and keep growing, wishing you well ?
  21. Hi If a thing makes your life better, then it is always worth having it. No matter how small that thing may be, if it makes your life better then it's worth doing it. With shambhavi you can make your life endlessly better. And every day becomes the best day Stay well ?
  22. Being present sounds basic when you compare it with other esoteric stuff out there. But all the spiritual disciplines that are there, if they are focused on self-realization, then it will lead to a state of presence. Because self-realization is not anything other than a state of presence. Just the intensity may vary. At first a state of presence seem like something you pay attention to. Then as you keep paying attention to it, it intensifies more and more. When it becomes very intense you realize that presence is not something you pay attention to it's something that exists irrespective whether you pay attention or not, that it is effortless, it's absolute, it's infinite and it alone is real and you're that. That's self-realization. All the different spiritual disciplines that are out there in the world are trying to enter this state of intense presence. It could be mantra, tantra, complex breath holding, impossible body postures, whatever it is, all that is to come to a state of intense presence where things become One. People think staying present is for beginners and standing on your head for long hours is for advanced ascetics. But it's the other way around. All the techniques are only neseccary until you a capable of simply Being. In fact, all the complex techniques are just a prepartion for those who are not able to simply Be Present. So by definition conscious non-doing is for advanced meditators and everything else is just a preparation to get you to that state. In truth, Being is not a technique even. It's so metta that it trancends all techniques. Really, being one with your own essence is higher than if you can levitate and fly around the earth or split the ocean into half or do some other miracle Yes it is so. Self-realization has a much higher value than all the miracles and meditations like conscious non-doing, being aware of awareness, being present takes you there in the fastest way. Zen and advaita are the fastest most direct paths to it. And Echkart Tolle is a teacher of them both P.S. I'm not against any path, I like them all Stay Blessed ?