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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. I honestly dont see the point of forcing yourself and torturing yourself against your compulsions like this. Rather find a way to dissolve your compulsions. For this there are legit methods and techniques. If you simply manage your harmone activity you wont even have to fight it. So much so that you can spend months not even having any thougths about masturbating. That's how I did it. I went for almost a year masturbating maybe once in 2-3months. I even got pain of excess sperm in me. and i never even tried to do no fap. It's just natural if you do something like yoga (real yoga) or vippasana or something that dissolves compulsions or balances your hormonal activity. Not many techniques can do that tho. Some techniques just raise your awareness or mindfulness without doing much about your compulsions. Simply resisting something all your life maybe is safe.. But what a torturious way of living...
  2. That's normal. That's the way it should be. I tried resisting not to ejaculate in my sleep and i got balls pain. Doctor told me unless your body finds a way to release excess sperm it will cause pain.
  3. If you go no fap your body will release excess sperm in your sleep, through your urine. That's biology, body knows what to do, when to do. Fapping everyday is just a compulsion it's not biology.
  4. If you want to stay there for 2-3weeks volunteer, do your sadhana and reside, then there are no requirements for it, but if you you want to stay there for a long period and be a fulltime volunteer then usually they ask you to get initiated into at least one of their programs like inner engineering or hatha yoga or smth. Physical fitness requirement are just for those who want to do some other programs like sadhanapada (7month process for inner transformation) or smth. It's a different ball game a bit.
  5. I heard he secretly steals babies in his satsang and eats their kidneys for breakfast.
  6. Yea I did. I even wanted to go there for sadhanapada program for 7months this summer. I even got permission and everything, only thing is Im not in a good physical condition right now so i've postponed it to next year. They really allow almost anybody to stay there. Free of cost, free food and everything, for whatever duration you want. Only price you have to pay is your life :D. You have to invest your time and energy into it otherwise nobody will let you stay there My experience.. What can I say. You wake up 4:30am, you go to sleep 9.30pm. In between: sadhana, sadhana, sadhana, temples, grace, satsangs, festivals, amazing atmosphere and energy, very supportive place for spiritual growth, amazing people, amazing life event all in all.
  7. Mooji is a Japanease name for nothingness And this name was given to him by papaji (I think)
  8. Classical yoga. No equipment, can be done anywhere, takes 25min to do, has mental and energy and spiritual benefits aswell. A practice that trains every organ, every joint, every tissue, every bone in your body. I do it myself. It's a whole new level of fitness and agility.
  9. @DocHoliday word karma means both action and memory. Action is a consiquence of what kind of memomy or data you have. They go together very nicely. It's like a software. Software is both a action/function and a certain conditioning/programing. The way a software is programed that's the way the software will function. Same way the kind of memory or data you carry determines everything about you how you feel, think, experience, perceive life, what you do and not do, what you like and dislike etc.
  10. In a sense yes. Karma means memory or data. There is physical memory like your DNA, genetics, etc.. It descides how you look and everything basicly about your physicality. Or for example your muscle memory. That's also karma, that's the memory that your physical body is carring. Without this memory you couldn't even climb a stairway. It seems like a simple process but it takes enourmous memory to walk the stairs. Only because your body remembers how to climb the stairs it looks so simple. Similary, there's a mental memory that is made out of subconsious and conscious data that has been put into you. It include also all the emotions, feelings, cravings and aversions, likes and dislikes. It. Includes your personality/ego also because your personality is just data that has been put into you. It's just a bundle of likes and dislikes actually. Remove all cravings and aversions inside you and there will be zero mental acticity going on in you. No ego aswell because ego is just a movement in the mind caused by a craving or aversion. And also there's energy memory. The way energy functions within each of us is diferent also. So all this memory, physical, mental, pranic is karma that descides everything about you. It's your software. It's your tendencies, your programming.
  11. Some would find this explanation interesting. 5 types of initiations and how it works
  12. If psychedelics dosn't work, try Yoga or ayurveda from Justas. There're yogic practices that raises samat prana in the body, samat prana is responsible for the heat in your body. There's is a way to raise your samat prana or solar energy in other words that you don't feel cold anymore. Some bhuddhist monks were known to walk bare bodies in snow mountains and didn't feel cold because they knew how to raise samat prana or solar energy in them.
  13. If what you do includes everyone's wellbeing, if what you do is good for everybody not just you, then you can call it selfless activity. If what you do is only just to satisfy your needs then it's a selfish action and bad karma. If your activity is all inclusive then it's good karma. If your activity is exclusive, meaning you don't care what happens to others, you only care about yourself then it's bad karma. It's impossible to live a good life if you're constantly performing bad karma. There's actually a whole science somewhere in Bhuddhism to live a good life. What to do, what not to do. Like you shouldn't work in a meat factory, or kill mosquitoes etc.. not moral rules but guidence how to perform good karma and live a good life.
  14. That's deep. I resonate with what you sayed about wanting to quit and other things . I also dropped from uni. Don't want to go into it but it was the same like for you. I just did it bc of parents wanted me to go and then i quit because i had no motivation to push it through. I think you'll be okey. That suicidal period was probably my most progressive period of growth, i used to meditate 24/7 to come out of depression it's not That difficult, you can definitely come out of it, everyone can. It will pass... Just meditate and things will slowly fall into place by itself .
  15. That's all it takes. To make some nonsense then people think you're smart because nobody can understand what you said
  16. I was just trying to come up with the biggest nonsense ever
  17. Nothing exists but everything is nonexistence inside nothingness that doesn't exist. And it's also not real.
  18. What if your biggest potential was washing cars or scraping the floor? Or what if your highest potential was killing people?