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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. I second this.
  2. @winterknight You mean Ramana Maharshi? 10.40 He's Papaji's student and Papaji was Ramana Maharshi's student. Maybe that counts as a lineage
  3. That's a nice meditation. I actually tried it and it was fun
  4. Lol I don't know much about it. But in my experience it's also true. These full/new moon days amplify thought activity somehow and mind can't fall asleep when it is very active. Also if your psychological structure is not okey then in these days it will become even more imbalanced. One thing that always works for me is a practice I learned from inner engineering that creates a harmonious psychological structure. I'm emphizising this word psychological because there's physical, mental, emotional, energy alingment, every kind. I don't go to sleep without it anymore. Now I fall asleep in like 5min continiously for many months on end. Without it I would be rolling for an hour before I'd fall into sleep. So yea. I'm not an expert on this, but I think the solution is to have equanimous mind, escpesially on full/new moon days because on these days evey imbalance becomes more. At least for me that works 99.99% of the time.
  5. I do actually. Seems possible to me. Every form has a sound and every sound has a form. Based on this sanskrit language is made. This has nothing to do with belief, this is science. I think It's maybe been proven even idk
  6. Ralston: what's the point of changing name? Is this sound more spiritual then this "woooaaah" The only funny thing here is how ignorant he is of the significance of using sounds. He just assumes everyone is stupid and makes fun of them without realizing that he's the one who knows nothing about it. That's why I linked those videos to point out the irony.
  7. I'm not really into books However I do know somewhat about mantras and sounds just by watching the videos on youtube
  8. That's not the point. I mean he just displayed how he doesn't understand the significance of sanskrit language and the science of sound and started mocking it. That's low... It's explained in the videos
  9. Ralston is pretty ignorant here... Just lost a lot of respect for this man...
  10. I don't know but I don't think a guru is biased. If he's biased then he can't be a guru. But I don't know. Maybe it is possible to achieve somethings without initiation but by observing other people I get a feeling that without grace they just don't get anywhere. Like you see somebody meditating for 20-30 years and they're just standing still no improvement at all. I think grace is super important. In my experience with sadhguru, he just becomes a part of your life in a huge way. And It's not a small thing. I think it makes an ocean of difference. Second thing is and I feel It's extremely true in my experience is - where do you get your practice from? what source are you using makes absolute difference. Like to learn a simple self-inquiry question "who's watching the thoughts". If it's coming from someone who has zero experience with self-inquiry and starts teaching his friends about this. It will have zero effect. And if a sage gives you this practice it could become your way to liberation. I think It's impossible to get liberated if you learn self-inquiry from just a practitioner or someone who read one book about advaita vedanta. Tho it sounds illogical, by logic it should have no difference, It's just simple questions to look within and yet if they are not coming from the right source it will seem to have no effect at all. It will not have the same effect if it was coming from an enlightened master face to face. I think It's the same with sadhguru and his initiations. People who have zero experience with meditation just get blown away by it, full of grattitude and they become super motivated to do the practices everyday twice a day. These things do not happen just by instructions. In conclusion, sadhguru is not biased, he's one huge black hole of truth and only truth. Source is important, Tho I know how to do Shambhavi Mahamudra, If I write it down for you, it will have zero effect on you. Because It's much much more then an instruction. Instructions are just 1% of what is happening. Sadhguru's programs are always very soul touching. This video is very relevant to this topic
  11. I take it back. I don't really know about that.
  12. That's true. Everyone has their own interpretation of reality. 7billion people experience something and you would get 7billion different reports about it. What we experience is being shaped by our conditioning. But it's possible to know absolute truth. To experience absolute truth one needs to experience reality without a single distortion, without a single interpretation. That means without a single thought in your mind. Your mind has to become like a plain mirror reflexting reality just the way it is. It's possible.
  13. What's the difference between atma-vichara, self-inquiry form like Ramana Maharshi or Mooji is teaching and neti neti? I sometimes feel like there're many ways to do self-inquiry. But they all seem to produce somewhat different results. Like they have a differerent taste when you do them. Yet it also feels like the basis is the same. Sometimes I observe the effort, sometimes I observe the movement of my mind, sometimes I observe my identity or self-image, sometimes I question who sees the self-image, sometimes I do neti neti, not this, not this while also observing the identity, person. So many ways to do it. Is it all the same or It's actually different?
  14. I've recently started using only ayurvedic recepes everyday. I've changed every meal I had now into a very delicious, healthy and exiting meal It's like eating in a fancy restourant everyday and it cost just as much as ordinary food from market. I remember this feeling when you go to a store and you think "damn there's nothing to buy here, everything is unhealthy or smth" Now when I exhanched my recipies with delicious ayurvedic meals I realized how sad and boring my food used to be Here's an inspiring article and salad recipes you can try with simple easy to find ingrediants I'm sure if you experience the pleasure of one new recipe you will want to make every meal like that. Btw, i took all my recipes from isha kitchen "taste of well being" so it's also very scientific way of preparing food
  15. Why is it important to have a silent mind to do self-inquiry?
  16. Are you doing kriya?
  17. Yea, that's true. The selection of food is so poor in rich countries. What a paradox Tho I was able to make more then a half of the recipes in the book. I had no idea they were selling things like that in my store till now