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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Hello I will drop some info here. Maybe it be useful. David Frawley writes on the issue in his books "Ayurvedic Healing" and in "Yoga and Ayurveda". Frawley writes in Ayurvedic Healing: "Drugs damage Sattva, the basic clear nature of mind. Artificially driving the mind and nerves they create Tamas, dullness, inertia, darkness and loss of perception, even though their temporary action appears to be opposite of this." "Hallucinogenic drugs function by temporarily increasing Tejas, the mental fire. This results in the experience of color and heightened perception, which may give a sense of the deeper powes of our consciousness. But these drugs function by burning up Ojas, our subtle vital reserve, causing long term depletion of our primary vitality. Once Ojas is brought below a certain threshold, it is very difficult for it to reconstitute itself. The result is drug burnout, a vegetative state of mind. Hence, the number of times we can take hallucinogenic drugs in a positive way is very limited." "Mind altering drugs such as LSD or ecstasy aggravate Vata in potentially severe manner. Artificially induced, temporarily heightened sensitization of the nervous system leads to either long-term desensitization or hypersesitivity. Symptoms of such include insomnia, constipation, dry skin, weight loss, vertigo or light headedness, loss of memory, loss of sencory acuity or coordination, tremors, palptations and anxiety." In "Yoga and Ayurveda" by Frawley there is very interesting chapter on Prana, Tejas and Ojas, which gives much light on the issue. I must say ...
  2. I heard Mantak Chia describe qi qong as a way to create a certain energy vortex around yourself. You move in life more effortlessly, this energy carries you through life like a boat solving all the problems that you face. This energy also stays and protects you after your death when you leave your body. Plus it nurtures the soul. He says that soul needs food and that food is energy. So you learn to store and gather more energy inside you. And when the spirit grows, you are evolving and growing. Enlightenment is just a peak of human evolution actually. Plus qi qong is a way to become present and mindful, to activate the energy channels, and to become one with nature. When you do qi qong day by day, slowly it integrates into your system so much that you start to move together and in harmony with life. You can develop moment to moment awareness by practicing qiqong of how to be in harmony with existence and many forces around you. He says you need to be centered, then path to self realization becomes effortless. You find your balance but then life is pushing you around in so many ways. People can push you psychologicaly, emotionaly, physically etc. Many forces are working on you. By practicing qiqong you learn to be centered and in balance all the time. To feel and adjust to the needs of the moment. To always be in Tao like they say. Stay always in Tao until one day you become the Tao. Union with nature. Same as yoga basicly. And ye every path leads to this merging with nature at some point where you are not thinking how to live life, you are life itself. There could be more benefits. I learned this information just by reading a tiny bit on this subject from Mantak Chia. Good luck
  3. It's not so black and white to say if I'm happy or not. I sleep well, I go to sleep at 9.30pm and wake up 5.30. didn't have a problems falling asleep for like 7months. That's a good, tangible criteria to tell my state of mind. Anyways. Best way to sense how I feel is by yourself by reading my posts. You can feel by reading them and you will make a better impression of it then if I give you my own biased opinion. But I would not trust your own judgement particulary because you like reiki, nootropics, book yoga, psychedelics. You probably also think that devotion is cult like behavior and volunteering is slavery. That already shows that your judgement in life is very superficial and bad. This is "being a spiritual fool starter pack". And btw there's not a single deeply happy person here on this forum. This forum is too low for such people. This forum is toxicity. A happy wise person would stay away from this forum as far away as he could. Only low compulsive arrogant toxic people come here. Including me. I have a compulsion to talk here. I still need to work on myself a lot. Which I do. That is a good rule. You should not listen to me. But what I say is totally based and in line with what sadhguru says. He's happy. Listen to him. Don't listen to the forum memebers. You'll get wasted away in ignorance.
  4. Lol. Is this supposed to determine if what I wrote is true? What I wrote is pretty much bullet proof explanation why it is wrong. There is a more eleborte explanation why it is wrong but it would take too long to write it all down. And maybe you're not even ready to understand any of it. Btw I talked with nahm long time ago about karma, he was gaping like a fish. He's not the guy to give you advice on this topic. Here's a small video on this topic.
  5. @John Iverson you know what you should try? Mantak Chia. There is so much crazy stuff there it will keep you busy for a lifetime. And it is within your reach. There're proper teachers all over the world to teach you and initiate you. It is well explained. Step by step process to become immortal tao enlightened master. It is crazy and accessiable also. Kundalini you need to find a master and work for minimum 12years in a specific atmoshphere, with specific food, with specific guidence and everything. Better go for Taoism. You will learn how to make kamehame. open your 8 inner gates, create energy vortexes, and other naruto stuff like that. Not a joke, it's true. From where do you think they came up with all those things? And you can become a trained instructor for these practices and overhelm people all you want. Give it a try Good luck
  6. Because it doesn't solve the root cause of disease. It only removes the superficial manifesting simptoms and that's not good. Why. Because when you have an illness, you have it for a reason. It means you are doing something stupid with your life and now the consiquences have come in a form of a disease. If you remove that disease simply by waving hands, you will not learn your lesson. For example, you are very judgemental and angry person, after some time you develop stomach pain. Now you will go to reiki session he will remove the pain and you didn't learn anything and you think everything is great. But actually all that negative karma has to come back to you one way or the other. If you did something stupid, the consiquences are going to come and you can't escape those consiquences even if you're a sage or enlightened. If you drink poison - you will die. That's the nature of this existence. Cause and effect. Now when you have an illness it means you are doing something stupid and life is showing you by giving you a disease. If you remove it by waving hands. All the pain that you deserve, the bill that you have to pay is still waiting to be payed. So now what will happen, this pain will manifest in your life in some very accute different ways. You can get into some car accident or smth. Becouse you must pay the price if you did something wrong. And another bad thing about it is that you will continue doing the same stupid things all your life because every time a simptom manifest you'll just wave your hands and it's healed. So you will continue to do stupid things, you will continue to accumilate bad karma and one day all of it will come back in a form that you will regret a lot. If you want to heal yourself, best way is to do it naturally, slowly learing all the lessons you were ment to learn from it. Ayurveda is best for this type of thing. They understand this. They always recommend a slow and natural way versus chemical way. Btw reiki was invented by drop outs of spiritual schools. It's a terribaly distorted and contaminated practice. It's very tamasic and there's no purity or integrity in it at all. Without those things you wont get a satisfying results you are looking for. Tamasic in, tamasic out. Nothing good can come from impure practices. It's like bargining with a devil. Yes the devil will promise you all great fantastic benefits but in the end it was just a fool's gold. All the fools who dont undestand karma will say this is nonsence. All the best to them. No authentic guru would ever recommend you reiki. When they heal somebody they do it in a completely different way.. Good luck
  7. Fool's gold
  8. You can eliminate absolutely every desire or every craving or every bodily reaction if you want. You can eliminate your attraction not only to men but also to women. Being attracted to women is just as bad as being attracted to man. Only someone who's not attracted to anything is normal. If you're attracted to god that's also acceptiable. No but seriously you can dissolve absolutely everything. But are you willing to work for that, that's a big question mark because it could take some years maybe dacades to achieve it. The least you could do is meditate yourself to the point where you can accept yourself the way you are. Good luck.
  9. Chemically increased performance will have it's consiquences. Same as coffee, energy drinks, steroids etc. Nootropics belong to the same catagory. All people will pay the price who relay on chemicals to perform better.
  10. You should consider sticking to one system of practice. If you combine the practices from different teachers different books it's high risk for trouble. You can have various practices in you collection but they have to flow with eatch other. In my experience almost everything that comes from different teachers doesn't flow in harmony. I start to get headaches very fast after a few days. You need a single system/teacher that is teaching all meditation, energy practices, pranayama from a single source. Then there won't be any side effects. Really even combining something simple like vipasana with self-inquiry doesn't work. Because one is attracting one kind of energy another is attracting another kind of energy, your life energy gets very diorianted. It may not be very noticable for beginners but advanced meditators pick up on that very fast. Someone like you who has few years of meditation practice should be able to feel it easily. Plus there are karmic reasons not to mix practices from different sources but that is more dificult to understand right now. Hope something will resonate with you in this. Good luck Sadhguru on why not to mix practices
  11. @Scholar you can find out here more accuratelly what your type is. Just answer the questions in a comment section
  12. That's true, that wasnt nice thing to say.. I have no idea why I wrote that. Usually I keep such things to myself unless there is receptivity and openness to hear them
  13. That's true, that's true. Can't argue with that one I know it's not right to talk about people like this, I just sayed this with an intention that people could reflect on what I wrote a little bit and see if it's true for them or no.
  14. @Rasheed Okey then maybe it's just me then. Good that there are still some people who get uplifted by his work
  15. That's what happens when you take psychedelics. You lose your light. You become dead inside. I've seem that on other people aswell including my relatives. You can be alive biologicaly but dead in the spirit. Mooji calls this he says, "your spiritual pores gets closed and you lose your light, suddenly you are not attractive anymore." I see that light in Leo only rearly now when he makes some deep psychedelic brakethroughs and there's this afterglow for 1-2days. But then he goes back into his ordinary state. I liked his glow much more when he was still doing some normal meditations. Basicly I stoped watching his videos after he started doing psychs. Not intentionly, simply his light was gone. Just dry information was left, no presence, no life inside there. When I watch some mooji or echkart tolle or sadhguru, even if I watch most basic thing that I saw 100times, just the prsence that is eminating from that video is so deeply touching for me, and Leo used to have some of it. That light is all that matters, that light is THE Teaching and the goal. Information is useless without that light. That's why it's so important to have a teacher, because teacher can give you this light. What teacher is teaching is of zero importence, his light is all that matters, a true teacher could just sit without uttering a word and you would get enlightened by him because of that transmition of light. When you go to satsang or somewhere, you absorb and soak that light into you, then it grows, and then you become devine, oozing love eveywhere you go. When I see psychedelic people, they dont ooze anything. Just empty and dead inside. Like androids, just information, no presence.
  16. This is also a good example how gods do therapy.
  17. This is how enlightened people do therapy. Every therapist must see. Pure gold. Too much amaze. The way she's interacting.. I doubt many can appreaciate what is happening here. I didn't read everything but dude, your path is enlightenment, not university. It's written on your forehead no no.. joking. Psychotherapy is the closest thing to spirituality I guess, so that would be smarter choice. But still you can't avoid many useless esseys you'll have to write etc. My mom is psychologist and is studying gestalt therapy now. Good stuff. I learnt a lot from her. There is some value in it. Is it practical? Only if you combine it with spirituality. Otherwise it is just dry theory. Better focus on spirituality. If you must become a therapist then become like her. Just too amazing. Good luck
  18. @Raptorsin7 that's my whole point. It's impossible to do nothing. If try to do nothing, that is still an instruction to be taken, that is still a doing. You just become super smart ego who says "I will not do anything now". But that is still ego who is doing nondoing. It's the same paradox like "I want to have no desire" but that itself is the desire. So you cant escape it. Your desire not to have any desire is itself a desire. It's the same thing with "doing nothing". Or when someone puts a camera in front of you and says "act natural" and then you put a nonchalant face expression as if now you're natural See, same paradox., you can't act natural, it's impossible. The momemnt you try to act natural, you are being unnatural. Lol
  19. So what's your solution? It seems it's impossible to escape this trap. Whatever effort you make, it is still ego that makes that effort. If you try to make no effort, that is still an effort. So what do you do?
  20. I doubt it's the second one. The only way to be in permemnant nonduality state is to be in permenant meditation. One has to become the meditation itself, has to merge with his system that he follows. It has permiate every second, every breath of your life. Then it becomes permenant transformation. Like mooji says, I'm not seperste from my teaching. I am the teaching, I and my teaching is the same thing. Jesus sayed something similar, He sayed "I am the way and the truth and the life.'' Same thing like mooji. Papaji was asked: "you always talk about being vigilent, but do you have to be vigilent? Papaji: To my very last breath" But there is a stage beyond effort. Where you don't have to try to be aware. You're just yourself always. But you don't reach this stage without going through the first one.
  21. There's more from alan watts
  22. Futurama Rick and morty Community (same creator as rick and morty) These are my favorite.