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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. These are the expressions of the Self also. The expressions can be pure or can be distorted due to false identity (ego). But those are the expressions of the Self nonetheless.
  2. What about this statement. All activity is the Self.
  3. Hehe, I wouldn't know where to start. I need opposition to make my brains work lol. I like this thread. We are basically covering some of the flaws in what they teach already.
  4. There is no such thing "without a sense of self". Sense of self never goes away. Even if the ego goes away. Sense of self remains.
  5. To relate to something implies a relationship. To respond to something implies a relationship. A relationship implies two. Without duality there is no relating. That means you need a sense of self to relate.
  6. Haha. That's good. But I would trash them so bad if I got the chance... Debunking all the bs they teach.
  7. Oh these two are 100% bonkers. Full of holes and logical flaws in what they teach.
  8. A genuine one would not claim he/she has no sense of self. A genuine one would say "I have realized my nature to be beyond the ego sense of self." which is a bit different.
  9. A big portion of them are deluded af. Some had glimpses of samadhi and absorbtion into nothingness where there is no sense of separation. But nobody can function in the world without identity because of what I just wrote above. One needs a sense of self to be able to relate to the sense of other. No relating is possible without duality.
  10. Probably not. You couldn't relate to anything. The only reason one can relate to the world is if they have a sense of I. Then they have the sense of other. Then relating becomes possible.
  11. Sense of self is the only thing in existence that is not and cannot be constructed. Under false identity the energy of self can take a distorted form and produce a contracted ego sense of self. But the sense of self itself cannot be constructed or deconstructed. It can change its expression only.
  12. No I didn't say learnt identity is what we are.
  13. In honesty there is only one thing that you can claim to know in life. That you don't know anything except that you exist. "I exist" is the only thing in the universe that you know to be true undeniably and with perfect certainty. It's knowledge of God itself. And it is forever.
  14. A baby knew he/she exists even without the sense of identity of a baby. That implies some sort of sense of self.
  15. That's the only you there is. (Apart from the imaginary one.)
  16. If seperation disappeared, who would know there is no more seperation? You would know.
  17. Bingo. You can find the footprints of the personal sense of self. Every time, fear, judgement, anxiety, insecurity, impatience, envy, low self esteem, arrogance, greed etc comes into play, it's the presence of the personal seperate sense of self.
  18. I'm just saying the self is the only thing you can possibly be. And it's not a construction. It's eternal I AM. The I AM is the self.
  19. If the seperate sense of self dissappeared, you'd still know you exist.
  20. Nobody can construct sentience. And you are a sentient being.
  21. It's like looking for your glasses and not finding them while wearing them 😄
  22. Does Santa Clous knows that he does not exist? No. Do you know that you do not exist? Yes. That means you do exist. And you have a sense of self unlike Santa Clous.
  23. If you know that you exist, you must have a sense of what that you is. Worth repeating for one more person here.