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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Lol, finnaly I can agree with you on something Now if you just realized that being angry, obnoxious and arrogant has nothing to do with authenticity, it's just a result of ego and low awareness, that would be fantastic Regards ?
  2. Haha made me think actually, idk. All I know is that if you perform action from Love, it will have good consiquences. And if you perform action from ego it will bear bad consiquences. is unfortunately an expression of ego... sorry, that's just how it is. ?
  3. It's inevitable that will cause negative influance. Because it's a manifestation of unconsciousness. It's not a manifestation of Love. You can't teach Love by taking about it, you have radiate it. Godbless everyone ? Godbless @SoonHei?
  4. +1. Can relate to this. Once you make a statement for or against something publicly, the pain of admitting you were wrong is 100x. Depends on how public your statements are. So usually unconscious mind does everything in its power to twist and turn the logic to defend its position and not to go through the pain of admitting you were wrong. Only a very very conscious person would have the power to do that. That implies lots of consciousness work which Leo still lacks. @Plabs I think the same. And I experienced myself what anger does to my health. Generating anger 10 times a day for years like Leo will have its consiquences for health. It's inevitable.
  5. Hi @RMQualtrough Thank you for your comment. I hope you're well. I can't think of anything to reply to you right now, sorry. Stay Blessed ❤️ @Leo Gura Touché...
  6. Haha, you got me But honestly, I'm not ignoring anything I just can't see much positive change in you in terms of embodiment and daily life. Maybe a video about your benefits from psychedelics would help. To be honest, what I see in you is just a normal amount of growth somebody would get after doing 6-7years of consciousness work which is what you are at. I think you're still growing at the same pace like everyone else. Your claims that psychedelics will shortcut dacades of consciousness work in a few years doesn't ring true to me. I can't see decades worth of growth in you. I think if you lost your memory of all the trips you had you'd be just an avarege angry person on a street maybe a bit better then avarage. But nothing special really. That's the difference with a real sage and someone who just had a temporary experience or an intelectual understanding. A sage woudnt lose his compassion and love and awareness even if his memory got all wiped out. The atmosphere around him would be charged and radiant with love. It shows that one man has gone somewhere existencially and another man is just jumping on a trampoline not getting anywhere really. --- About the "no technique can be fool proof" yes it is true but true spiritual teachers who engage in teaching others take lots of precaution to protect anyone from harming themselfs. If the process is dangerous they only do things with close supervision to ensure a students safety. They take their studends life very seriously as if it was there own. You on the other hand, very careless. You just inspire newbies to take psychedelics as if it's the highest, fastest way. And if somebody gets metally mad or gets his life ruined it's their own problem, lol. That's not how conscious beings would behave. There're also karmic consiquences from giving bad advice to people. Almost everything you say is just an opinion that you currently have and that is always changing as you grow. Dangerous game you're playing. Unless a person is able to take full responsibility of his advice, he should not do it. Giving advice left and right without understanding the subject fully in not what conscious beings do. Okey, Love to you and good luck ❤️
  7. Yes you're right. Psychedelics have been used for spiritual work. But I don't think they were able to shortcut the journey much. They still had to go through gradual awakening and embodiment like everyone else using meditation and whatnot. If used right psychedelics can assist the process of awakening but there's a difference between how a shaman is using the substance and a random dmt hippy. One may benefit and the other may ruin his life. Or a drunkard-sex addict and a occult tantric yogi. Both do the same things but the result is very different. I just think the way you approach spirituality won't lead to a good future and good results. At least I can't see any evidence of it yet. I'm still rooting for you to blossom someday with this method of yours. Maybe then I will change my mind about it. Regards ? @Leo Gura
  8. @The Mystical Man I think similar to you If psychedelics could cut dacades of practice short then spiritual traditions would've done that looong time ago. Why would anyone meditate for years to reach happyness when you can pop some pills and be in extasy without doing anything? It's because it reduces human life for worse in the long run and doesn't bring about the fulfilment that human life is truly longing for. Evolution of consciousness takes a certain time. A tree has it's pace of growing, body has it's pace of growing, awareness and soul has it's own pace of growing. You don't expect a tree or an infant to reach it's full growth in one day by doing some chemical engineering. All life has to move through every stage of growth organically step by step, the way nature intended. And if you're in tune with a natural way of doing things then a spiritual path becomes a joy every day. Just rising your consciousness 1mm everyday makes you so fulfilled. Everyday is better then before. Enlightenment is not a sprint, it's a marathon. End goal is not even important. Living a fulfilling life that moves you constantly in a higher and higher state is a more sensible way to live I think.
  9. I heard that some cultivators go into the dark for long periods of time to see these lights and then they use them for their spiritual growth. There's a whole science and technology behind it along with initiations. These lights can be used for many things if you know what you're doing.
  10. Haha. Well sayed actually just be careful. There's a very thin line between not caring what people think genuinely because of one's awareness and being an asshole who doesn't give a fuck about anyone which comes out of bitterness and frustration ? they look similar Being straight and no bullshit is very good. But you use that often as an excuse to lash out on people your discontent which is not intentional but still has a destructive effect which happens rather too often unfortunately.. I think it's something to be aware of ? All the best ? P.s. To be inconsiderate has nothing to do with authenticity and consciousness also ? To say that being a jerk is my authentic persona is a... bit of a delusion No offence meant ?
  11. @Leo Gura it's not about politeness Your volition in everything that you say carries a deep rooted pattern of aggressiveness and anger in it. This volition will not bear positive fruit for you or others even if you say all the right things. Unless you start functioning from higher state of consciousness of peace and harmony, everything you do will be destructive. I'm sure everybody knows and heard it 1000s times but still many fall into the same trap over and over again You still have a long way to go bro to rise your baseline consciousness and take away those deep rooted vasanas if you care about making a positive impact on the world. The language of god is vibration, not the concepts. ? Sorry if this hits the nerve ? But reflect on it ? Good luck ?
  12. It's hard to speak about this without triggering anyone It's nice that you brought it up tho. I think many people noticed it. It's something I've been dealing with aswell personally. It's like even if try to say something positive it comes out with an old pattern of violent volition, violent vibration. You just can't help it. And then this violent vibration triggers others who have that similar vasana and then it multiplies. Important thing is not what you say but your state of consciousness from which you speak. What kind of vibration do you emanate makes all the difference. Leo speaks big truths on a conceptual level but from energetic level it's a very low vibration of conflict and ego and criticism usually. And that always breeds only more conflict unfortunately. With all due respect I don't mean to offend in any way ? just a constructive observation I made. Something to reflect upon for many ? Regards ?
  13. Try massaging your testicals and pelvic area on a daily basis I heard Mantak Chia say that all toxins naturally go down to the sexual organ. If you don't massage it, problems may arise. We sit too long, blood is not circulating well and that area gathers most toxins. That's why it's important. In my own case I experienced spasm in my testicals after going for 4months on semen retention. That's when I learnt that massaging is important it worked wonders for me. You can learn more about it on youtube from Mantak Chia Good luck ?
  14. Sadhguru only made fun of some vedanta studends not the vedanta itself. And rightly so. I see many Shankara Pillais on this forum all the time. very valuable teaching in the end for advaita studends to be aware of and not to fall into that deception. ?
  15. Hi @lmfao Become aware of the one who makes effort and you will discorver your effortless nature of pure being. ?
  16. Hi Giulio, I had a similar experience. All I did was sit in silence aware of the sense of being and the stagnant prana from the stomach would get released by itself like bubbles or smth. It took about 2years of purification to make that stomach lump go away. Constant burping is the also there for me. I think it's a sign of purification because it happens a lot when I meditate or do yoga. Congratz. You've made it ??? The flower has blossomed ? Stay Blessed for always Giulio ?
  17. I think it's more like transmission of Christ consciousness. Same as what other tranditions call as shaktipat or initiation. Shaktipat, initiation and baptism are the same thing but different words. Holy spirit means guru's grace or guru's presence or guru's energy. Amen to Christ, Alhamdulillah
  18. There are men who desire to have sex with kali and she looks like a demon. It's not what you look like, it's what you feel like. ?
  19. Sadhguru sayed consciousness can not be attained through chemicals. But chemicals can be used to purge the system to assist the spiritual process. Also the use of these substances can lead to debilitation, addiction and other negative consiquences. The science of enlightenment is a complex one. If we stay genuine, we will understand that we don't understand anything at all on this subject. I know there are gaps and further questions to be asked here on this subject. But for some reason sadhguru is discouraging people from using such substances and it's not out of ignorance. Obviously it's coming out of enourmous understanding of life and machanics of enlightenment. No one here could argue with that. Let's rather stay open and try to deepen our understanding rather then making premature conclusions and stopping ourselves from further growing. Stay Blessed & take care ?
  20. Lol, I can't make sense of it either This thing is a complex subject, not for us to understand really. This video might help to make sense of it. Regards ?