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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Why you didn't agree with what Consilience sayed about pain and equanimity? See I think your understanding of meditation has some holes in it. First of all, it takes enourmous awareness and disidentification from the body-mind to be able to endure big pain. It's not a spiritual trick really. It's a direct consiquence of your ability to disidentify from sensations. Without very intense awareness that is not possible. So... why do you not agree with this that intense awareness makes a person capable to disidentify from everything that he is not and end all blind resistence to the pain?
  2. @Consilience wait bro ? Don't start a fight I'm trying to have a normal conversation here ?
  3. I see. And are you sure it's impossible to attain to this awareness through buddhism if it goes to its peak attainment? I'm pretty sure buddhists know this also. Experiencially I mean. That state of no distinctions. Or perfect union.
  4. @Leo Gura is awareness that I'm nothing. Beyond any quality and beyond suffering not a cool state? I think this is the aim of buddhism. How in your understanding this is different from your God-realization that you speak of? ?
  5. Genuine Inquiry means looking, observing, scanning into who am I. It's a process of paying attention. So it's kind of like mindfulness meditation or deep self observation meditation that gets deeper and deeper as you practice. Mental masturbation is just intelectual gimnastics. For example, "who am I? Im the awareness that observes all phenomena". That's just mental masturbation. Genuine insight is when you observe all phenomena and you experiencially realize that nothing in the universe can touch you and you become god.
  6. @somegirl ? Okey, okey, sorry for sarcasm. Here is my highest wisdom coming from now on. honestly it's very hard to picture the whole scenario based on your describtion of what happened. In general, expossing stupidness is always a painful and embarrassing experience for everbody. Ego is an insecure thing, it always thinks It’s right and perfect. A natural resistence and denial will happen if you challenge that. Unless it's a very concious self honest being. People are usually very defensive about themselves so you have to be sensitive enough to know how much you can push it. You can’t just call somebody stupid moron straight in their face even if it's true. Not everbody is open and concious enough to take it ? if you want to learn the art of relationships you need to become more sensitive and self-aware, qualities like compassion and care help. You're not going to logic your way into every situation and how you should act in every different situation. It's an intuitive thing. You have to feel when you're stepping on someones toes but also not to support their stupidness. There's always an appropriate action in every situation. And there's no technique to tell you what that action must be. If you’re concious enough you will know it from within, if not then there will be endless friction in relationships. That's just the price we pay for being unconscious. But honestly it just feels like a random drama that happens between women that is not of much importance really. Okey I'll leave myself out now ?
  7. @somegirl I think you just need a hug, and for someone to tell you are right and others are losers for not listening to you ??
  8. @Rilles actually "I watching" meditation is very good for what you're doing. A person or I-feeling is actually an observable phenomena not just a vague idea that doesn't exist. It's like a sensation or tension inside the psyche with your self-image on it. If you can become aware of it, the rest is easy. But it takes considerable amount of awareness to locate it.
  9. Yeah, but you see, how successful your investigation will be, is determined by how sharp your awareness is so... ? Even to locate the sense of a person in your psyche you need considerable amount of awareness. Let alone to transcend it.
  10. Spot on intuition. There are any number of ways of rising the awareness. All the spiritual practices and meditations are about that mainly. The sense of being a person will not go away by mentally phylosophizing about it. But you probably know that already, I think.
  11. Ahah, so you already know the answer then ?
  12. The story that you're a person is caused by unawareness. Just ramp up your awareness until you're no longer human ?
  13. This one good. "The power of now" is probably the most beginner friendly spiritual book. And it's very powerful at the same time. Or give him a christian book if he's a christian. After all it's Christ-mas day.
  14. I think you can infuse your spirit and energy into art. That's what makes great art great art. Like for example you can read a spiritual book written by some spiritual master and you can feel the presence and the energy behind those words. The vibration of those words are alive almost. And can even transport you to that place of consciouness where those words were coming from. A book like that have a power beyond the superficial wording only. I think a maschine will never be able to do this. Because a machanice is just data, art is energy and expression of a certain state of consciouness. You can replicate the words but you can't replicate the spirit.
  15. Life is to serve god. Life is to be of service to all life and to be a veichle for god to function and create more love in the world. That's the only real happyness. Selfish life is misery. Very poetic this one ?
  16. @Knowledge Hoarder you're making statements but no arguments to back up those statements. for example some people are really suffering that they can't afford a 10k clock on their wrist. People are capable of suffering all kinds of nonsense that are socialy promoted to be valuable. Sex feels such a exaggerated thing. There's really nothing to it. But it creates this illusion that without it you're nothing. The sex drive is there I don't deny it. But I think uou can easily just masturbate your way out of it and be okey. The rest of the pain is coming probably from social conditioning. Idk, maybe I'm wrong. Im not sex expert. I don't know how I even got here ? I'll stop replaying now. Regards ?
  17. @bloomer yeah but the topic I thought was about virginity as a social status not about sexual desires driving people mad. Btw can't you satisfy your sex drive by masturbating? Is there any difference between sex and masturbation?
  18. What?! ?? how do people even come up with such phylosophies? ? nvm... I think sex urge when it is not satisfied it can get painful, I guess? Idk. But in having no sex itself inherently there's nothing wrong or painful about it. Only if there's a great longing for it than yeah, that unsatisfied desire can burn probably (like every other desire). But if there's no desire for it. It's really nothing at all. It's probably more as a social pressure that if you never had sex people will look at you as a noob or smth. That's where the problem is. It's like sometimes when a person says, I have never smoked a cigarette, there are groups of people who will see him as utter noob and lame person. Tho there's nothing wrong in never having smoked a cigarette. It's the same thing with sex. The moment you say I'm a virgin. That label is more painful than the actually of it. And that's just stupid ?
  19. Having no intercourse is fine. Feeling bad about it is utterly stupid. That's where the real problem is.
  20. Life is to be lived, lived totally. In max intensity. So max that you go mahasamadhi ?
  21. Ram dass video on reincarnation popped on my youtube screen just now, might be a synchronisity.
  22. Yeah, I wasn't trying to prove anything. I don't know anything myself what happens after death just some theories that make sense to me.
  23. @SelfHelpGuy nice examples ? I think if some people can remeber what they did yesterday, and some people can remember what they did in the previous lifetime, there is not much difference. Well I don't have a full understanding on this but what buddha or Jesus would say is that ego doesn't die after death. It takes another form. It could take an eartly body, or some other body, or go to heavenly realm or to hell. Where you go depends on how much evolution of the soul has been made here on earth. I don't even myself understand it fully so... but ego survives bodily death according to almost all if not 100% of all religions and spiritual traditions in the world even in advaita studies nobody denies reincarnation. Only "expert nondualists" on this forum have funny ways of disproving everything that they don’t like. ? I think reincarnation is like taking all the data and all the softwares from one computer and uploading it to another computer. If you want ego death, all data has to be obliterated through spiritual practice or antivirus self deleting program killing a computer won't kill the data inside it. When a body dies, I think the personality and the karmic substance and all data of the ego can float around in the energy body in the space or take another womb. The personality and the karmic substance is recorded in the energy body. This energy that carries the information and data of the personality is called the soul. The soul's energy and universe's energy is ultimately the same but it is being seperated by the ego and karmic substance. Like a bubble in the air. Air inside the bubble and air outside the bubble is the same air but a bubble is formed becouce of the ego mass around the energy and appareat seperation of individual soul happens. Dissolving the bubble or the karmic structure makes the bubble dissapear and the soul energy reunites with the cosmos energy. Aka, mahasamadhi. If you dissolve the ego bubble fully, the energy that carries the person's data will no longer be entrapped by the personality and just unites with infinity. Like the bubble bursting and air joining the cosmos.