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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Resistence arise only if the recognition of no self is not complete. Depending of the degree of one's realization, that is the level of resistence and suffering one experiences. Absolute realization of no self leads to total freedom from suffering.
  2. Hmmm... but obviously I'm not refereing to disable people. I say retarded as synonymous with stupid. Is stupid a bad word also?
  3. Only if you tell me what is wrong with it. I think it's a good word so...
  4. Wrong. Experiential recognition that there is no one who makes descisions leads to total surrender and acceptance of all universe. That's if it is a genuine recognition that comes from a very high level of awareness. If it's just mental or intelectual recognition. Than it's useless.
  5. That would be my logic also. Even a retard like me would not kill a wife of my own choice. So why would a guy who's 1000...x times more concious and loving then me would do that? And anyways. There are video series on sadhguru exclusive about vijji's mahasamadhi and the whole thing with interviews of people who were there. Even sadhguru's daughter gave a talk about it. She was alive and she was there when it happened so it's an interesting watch.
  6. @VeganAwake dude. Do you even read what I write? I totally agree with you there is no owner or doer or experiencer. Everything happens just in an empty space. My point is that a genuine realization that there's no self, no doer, no owner gives a being total acceptance of the universe. Realizing that there is no me = no psycholgical self grasping anymore, no fear of dying = total acceptance of the universe Total acceptance is testable. If one is suffering than his acceptance is not total. Thus his realization of no self is not complete...
  7. Hmmm... this is starting to get messy and it's drifting from the main point that I made. Total acceptance of everything is possible. This total acceptance can be tested with pain. If one is truely all accepting and has no fear of death and has a clear experiencial recognition that he doesn't exist, a being like that can accept any pain in the universe and not suffer from it. Because suffering happens only in resistence to pain. And resistence happen only because of psychological self grasping, resistence is happening only because there's no realization that nothing ever bad can happen to you. So the point. Do you get the point here? Unless you're capable of total acceptance you're not enlightened. That's the point. And total acceptance is easy to test really ? that's how you can distinguished between those who have realized they don't exist intelectually and those for whom this is a living reality. So much so, that even if worms are infesting your leg you just sit there without any care in the world. I'm speaking about ramana maharshi. He would not even bother eating, others had to put food into his mouth because he just didn't care about anything at all. Now that you can't fake it. No fake enlightened person could do that. That can only be done if your realization is genuine not intelectual. That's why I sayed you're not enlightened unless you can burn on fire with total equanimity. And I still think it's true. Tremendous level of awareness of impermenance and awareness of noself is needed. And those levels are possible. Now was that monk at that level? Idk. Not really important here.
  8. @Fearless_Bum nirvana means the end of ego, total dissolution of person. It's very much conditional. If you have ego, it's not nirvana. If you have even a drop of selfishness, it's not nirvana. (Selfishness and ego are the same.)
  9. @Nos7algiK true, i don't know what that monk was going through inside. It's perhaps unfair to assume too many things. But my point remains the same, that realization that the self does not exists. That everything is impermenant. And that all experiences happen to nobody, just arise in empty space. This realization ends self grasping. And there can't be any suffering without self grasping. When there's no self grasping, and there's nothing to protect, nothing to defend, total surrender and total acceptance of all existence. Than burning on fire is not a problem. Forget about the monk, just the theory of it. Does it make sense or no?
  10. @VeganAwake so okey, individual is unreal. Every experience happens to nobody. Things just arise in an empty space and there's no "me" behind it. Right? Now the point I want to make is that this recognition that self doesn't exist has many implications by which you can judge whether one really realized this truth on an experiencial level or not. This realization if it's genuine, it stops all self-grasping. It stops all selfishness, it stops all self-clinging. Because you are aware that the self does not exist. This awareness causes all self grasping to stop. And self grasping is the source of all suffering. Once you are no longer concerned about your own self, because you realized you don't exist, this makes you selfless, all loving, all inclusive being. This also makes go beyond survival instict. This gives you enourmous peace and acceptance. When you realize that I don't exist and nothing bad can ever happen to me. Fear of death goes away, and total acceptance becomes possible. Total acceptance means the end of suffering. Literally you accept everything. In that state of total acceptance you can even burn on fire or have your leg be infested with worms and don't give a damn about it. That level of acceptance is possible only if you there's deep experiencial recognition that I don't exist and nothing ever happens to me. Those are the signs by which you can judge whether one has truly realized the illusion of self, or is it just mental, intelectual games. If it's just mental, than he will suffer just like the rest of the people when a challenging situation comes. If it's experiencial, than he will not suffer even if he's put on fire.
  11. @VeganAwake do you understand that Truth-realization is the end of suffering? If you do, than obviously you should understand what end of suffering looks like. It looks like that monk. That's how it looks like. Only someone who is rooted in Truth absolutely can do such a thing. Suffering is the greatest test how deeply is someone rooted in Truth. Yes, seeker is just a thought believed in. But to brake the illusion of the seeker, it's not enough to grasp this intelectually. One has to become deeply aware of impermenant nature of the seeker on experiencial level. When one sees that seeker is just a thought on a deepest level, he realizes himself as pure awareness. This knowledge and this awareness liberates one from fear of death and suffering. If one is capable of suffering than he's not aware of his true nature as pure awareness. He's disconnected from the truth. Suffering and unawareness go together. How unaware of your true nature you are, that's how much you suffer. Makes sense?
  12. @NightHawkBuzz dude, your whole life is one big stupidness ? Until people get fully enlightened they are just an expression of ignorance and stupidness to different degrees. So don't sweat about it. If you want to reduce the volume of stupidness in your action, than spiritual practice is the only solution. ?
  13. There's a simple way to test if you're enlightened or not. If you can't do this, you're not enlightened. One who is fully aware of his immortal nature has no fear of death, and is beyond suffering. Because you need ignorance to suffer. You need to be unaware of truth to suffer. You need to be deluded to suffer. One who is fully dissolusioned and fully aware of truth is incapable of suffering. Every fool can understand intelectually that he's immortal, but when you put it the test, why do you react like you gonna die? Because it's only intelectual, not experiencial. That's the danger of neo advaita. Not that neo advaita is dangerous, but that people who get intelectual understanding think it's the end of the path.
  14. Haha ? okey, thank you for the offer ? But how do you know I already don't do no fap? What I wrote I wrote from experience not from the sky or smth ?
  15. You sayed it yourself that desire and wanting is the cause of suffering. It's true, that part is correct. You also say acceptence of suffering is the end of suffering, correct. But the last part is that your resistence and your desire/wanting goes way beyond your concious awareness. It's deep deep down in your psyche. So to fully accept the present moment one has to sink his awareness into the bottom of the mind, where all the unconscious wantings and cravings and resistence is. If you touch that place with your awareness, you'll find a distance between you and your mind, that's self-realization and the end of suffering to the large extent. But that is not the end of wantings and cravings yet, not full liberation. Still you have to stay in that place of high awareness for long time to allow this awareness to burn all the cravings down. More awareness you have, faster you can burn through desires. Remaining in that equanimous state of no desire, it burns old accumulated desires. In this way one reaches the final goel of liberation.
  16. Okey fair enough ? I bet you have good qualities also and you're a great guy in reality. All people have both, just don't defend the low ones ? that is the way forward. Regards ?
  17. See when you something like that, the reason it triggers people is because when someone sayes I like only teens, it a clear statement that, that person doesn't care about woman's inteligence, personality, love and care, or any other higher conciousness quality, he cares only about the body and sex. It's indirect and subtle implication here. And people find that creepy and apeish and low conciousness, which is true imo. But of course I'm not judging. We are all creepy, disgusting, arrogant people myself included. Nobody here is perfect. The main point is that you're honest about your shortcomings and aware about the lowlyness of it without trying to defend that having low conciousness qualities is a great thing. Nothing wrong with being little unevolved as we all are to different digrees. Just don't make it into something precious that needs to be protected. ?
  18. Yeah, it's the truth alright. But acceptence is not an attitude. It's a state of consciouness. Without deep spiritual work this acceptence won't happen, imo.
  19. @Gesundheit2 yeah, i guess you're right. It did have a preaching tone maybe. But there still was some value and truth to what was sayed, imo. That's why I've sayed those things. Plus I like drama so... ? deadly combination. Always gets me into trouble like now ? tho this reaction of yours is not surprizing. I probably piss off half of this forum ? things I say would trigger 80% of the world I believe... it's okey. ?
  20. @Gesundheit2 sorry bro, didn't mean to trigger anyone or preach anything, just shared how I feel and see things. Sorry if it triggered you ?
  21. If you seriously want to quit addictions, then do yourself a favor and purge your mind through a meditative practice. If you don't know any than vipassana is very good. Otherwise you'll just be fighting with your cravings all your life not getting anywhere. It's not healthy to live like that. There are ways to be free from these things. You just have to be serious about it and do the thing you need to do. ?
  22. I believe some level of that hornyness and sex drive kids inherent from their parents. If parents are in a good state within themselves, some of it transfers to their kids also and it makes it easier for them to go beyond it. I heard that when somebody in the family meditates or gets enlightened it affects 7 generations of family. I don't know the exact science of it but I think there's some truth to it. ?
  23. Lol, you really turned it around, smooth talked ? But still... those words didn't come from nowhere. Using words like submissive, loyal... that's so disgusting to me. These seem like innocent good words but there's a subtle meaning to them which shows a very poor attitude towards another human being. A partner should never be with you out of loyalty, he/she should be with you out of love for you. If you want a person to be with you out of loyalty than it's not a true relationship, it's like having a dog that you can be taught and trained to listen to you and serve your needs... loyal, submissive, not nagging are the qualities of a dog not your life partner........ man.... so disgusting ? I hope you don't take this personally, I don't have anything against you or anybody for that matter. It's just this attitude that is almost everywhere in the world. These days I meditate so much I sometimes forgot that these things still exist. Gives me chills down the spine every time ? Regards ?
  24. Wow, if I was feminist this would really trigger me. That's very disgusting attitude bro... Sorry to say this ?