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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. I think nothing can be sayed without identity. Even if you're not using the words like "I", "my", "mine" it is still silently implied in speach somewhere. For example, if I was to say, "Wow, the Sun is beautiful" then the question would be beautiful to whom? Beautiful to "me", so "I" identity is still there just not articulated. There're are only two words in dictionary "I" and "not me". If "I" word is not defined, "not me" loses all it's meaning. Duality would collapse also and all definitions along with it. Without identity nothing can be sayed I'm saying. Or at least I would argue this to be the case. I don't know really
  2. Better take a shower and clean your room. That will be 10x times more progress on your wellbeing then lsd imo.
  3. @Raptorsin7 yeah, my understanding is limited about these things. It's a mysterious thing. That's the purpose for which that book was created for. I think you'll find some of those answers on the way. I don't know myself all of the details. Yeah same. I would describe it as daily food for the spirit. Just connecting daily for a few minutes and marinating in that vibration of Christ and then going about your buiseness, the progress is still happening on the unconscious level I think. Like watering a seed. There's no need to pour water on a seed 24h a day. Just little bit everyday until the seed sprouts into a tree and can survive without any support anymore. Most of your questions are answered inside acim itself i think. The book was written be a god after all.
  4. It's sort of like transmittion of energy. Like if there are two logs, one is burning like a forest and another is dry. If you put these two logs together, the one that is burning very intensely will infect the other log that is dry. This can happen through a guru or a transmittion like shakti pad or by reading a powerful book which was written from that place of high consciousness and carries that vibration. Personally reading a few sentences a day from acim does magic to me. Totally different world opens up even tho I do the same thing which is doing nothing and being present but the difference is unmistakeable. Same can be experienced with different temples or consecrated spaces. If somebody was to walk in and just be present and open, there would be a very different and distinct quality to it. And that subtle thing makes all the difference between success and failure in spiritual endeavours imo. If you’re little sensitive the best way is just to meet an enlightened being in person and see, the energy will hit the ocean of tears in you ? that's grace. How to receive it? Just be empty in state of presence. Having a pure heart is also good, because arrogant, lustful, full of cravings mind is not a very good recepticle. ? Maybe somewhat relative example below that can give you an idea of what grace means. (I know you don't like sadhguru, in exchange ill watch one of the Newman's video) ?
  5. This. That's why grace is so important for spiritual growth. No grace, no significant progress imo. But few are able to see it...
  6. Doesn't the same logic apply to you? God (me) is dreaming Leo to keep myself asleep?
  7. "Eat my flesh, drink my blood, and become me" Christ. The idea of this method to meditate and absorb higher energies is that if one can become one with christ he will automatically know everything that Christ knew. All his knowledge and wisdom and states of consciouness can be poured into you. That's how one can learn to do miracles and healing. It is simply being downloaded from christ. Or Christ just do the miracles through them. (It's nicely explained in acim actually) In india people do the same thing with deity worship. Some yogis would create powerful energy forms that if imbibed would give people who imbibed it siddhic powers and enchanced perception and states of consciouness and what not, everything that was put into that energy form can become yours if imbibed. It's the same science. Except a different deity. Using Jesus as a deity instead of Kali or smth. Different energy forms can give you different benefits and different states of consciouness. Fascinating topic, fascinating side of spirituality.
  8. This is very good. Grace has more significance then spiritual practice itself. People neglect the role of grace in their spiritual growth. What you did was classic example of how to meditate on Christ. Reading spiritual books is extremely good way of doing it. Even for example if one reads echkart tolle's power of now a few sentences or a page it would automatically transport him to that state of peace and presence that echkart tolle was writting from. It's very useful support for spiritual growth and it has benefits beyond normal people's comprehenshion that will elevate the seekers life in many ways. It's a real phenomena, even reading some angry person's comment on a forum can do many negative things to you. So reading stright from god has much more spiritual significance. Acim is probably the most powerful way to connect with Christ imo. Very powerful. Because it was written from pure love, the words have that same vibration and it can just suck you into that state. The prerequisite to be able to do that is receptivity. And receptivity will come naturally if you can keep the person aside and abide as pure concious presence. Handle that one thing and grace will do rest. Godspeed ?
  9. I thought of another example that may be useful. In music there's such a thing as playing in tune and out of tune. If one plays in harmony and in rythm with the band it sounds harmonious and appropriate and beautiful. If somebody plays out of tune and out of rythm it sounds like shit. Good and bad are concepts, but harmony and disharmony is existencial. Just some thoughts I thought I'd share. ?
  10. Authentic means natural. It's like when people put a camera in front of somebody and say act natural and then they put a nonchalantè posture for no reason. That's inauthentic ?
  11. Having a relationship can be a beautiful experience for sure. But so does sky diving. Nobody complains about being a virgin at sky diving. Beautiful experiences and exploration of life is good but it's secondary compared to spiritual work. Confusing the priorities can be a problem imo.
  12. @paprika perhaps there is a way to use alcohol in a positive way, but you're walking on a minefield with this logic imo. There are better ways to improve one's life imo.
  13. The tricky aspect of the mind is that it is highly prone to self deception. If there's some kind of compulsion towards something, mind can literally bend logic and invent clever phylosophies to justify seeking those compulsions. It's good to know this and be aware of it I believe.
  14. Yeah, I agree with everything @catcat69123 sayed. Instead of trying to silence worry, observe the worry and observe the difference between worry and presence. Worry doesn't have any impact on the presence. You can have presence and worry together. Being aware of the presence while worry is happening will dissolve worry after sometime. Then maybe something else will come up after that. Doesn't matter. Keep seeing that it is not intrusive to presence and you will trancend time and it's play.
  15. At least a relationship you can find. Doesn't cost anything ?
  16. Wanting to live an intense adventurous life is a good desire imo. But I doubt pandemic has something to do with preventing you from doing that, it's more about how you are inside imo. I traveled like 3countries while the lockdown was on in all europe, lol. That's much more then what I usually travel when there is no pandemic.
  17. No significant effect imo. The whole idea of doing pick up is to work out that karma (which I feel makes no sense) and end those mad lustful cravings. If you're already out of the pit, I don't see the reason to jump back into it lol. (Not that I have anything against relationships)
  18. I doubt there's any danger in neglecting relationships. I would say do whatever you're attracted to even if it's dating but keep a spiritual practice close by always. Hold onto it tighly, it will steer the life for you in the right direction. Everything else is secondary and insignificant imo.
  19. One who can do nothing for 24h peacefully without going crazy.
  20. If a person wants to be free from reacurring patterns(karma) he/she needs to dissolve those patterns by being equanimous and aware when they come. Every time a person blindly reacts to the sensation or a craving it multiplies. Everytime a person observes a craving or a sensation with equanimity it burns and dies out. That's what burning karma means. It means purification of the subconscious mind through meditation or other spiritual practice.
  21. Soil extinction, (Had to say it.) I was looking to do something similar also, just struggle to find the place where I'd fit in better. Kudos for doing what you're doing ?
  22. If you’re able to do this, you will trancend the universe. May the gods watch over you brother. Safe journey.
  23. Okey, sorry if I misunderstood something. ? I would still rather not go into a discussion about what is real because I fail to see the point in doing so. "Apple is real, it's not a concept" going beyond that simple logic deeper into the woods is a headache of mental masturbation and I'm doing nofap this year, so... ?