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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. I mean it's a state of awareness when you realize everything that happens never touches me. It's just series of experiences coming and going and there's no owner of them. This realization gives you an insight that there is no you that can be damaged or impacted by any experience. Would that remove the fear of death? Sorry did this answer your question?
  2. So okey. Self doesn't exist right? Self is an illusion and can't cause anything, right? So how do you explain the fear of death? What is causing that fear if not a belief that you are mortal? I feel only because there is a belief that I'm mortal I feel the fear of death. Even if it's totally not real. But the fear is still there nobody can deny it. What do you think?
  3. Open question to everyone, if you realized you don't exist and nothing ever bad can happen to you, experientially, not just with your intelect. Would there be fear of death in you?
  4. Aaaaaa. Okey, okey. But I disagree. I think illusion can cause fear. Like a rope and snake example you know? The belief that the rope is a snake causes tremendous fear even if it's not real. Same way the belief that you are mortal self doer can cause you to experience fear of death. Makes sense? No I don't agree. Total acceptance is a consiquence of realizing there is no self, it doesn't imply a seperate self doing the acceptence. It is this illusion of self that is causing resistence and fear. Once realization that there is no seperate self becomes experiencial. This causes Total acceptance or in other words, Total fearlessness. Because you know you can't die, and nothing bad can ever happen to you because you don't exist in the first place. So where is the question of the fear of death? Once the fear of death is gone, total acceptance is just your way of being, not something that you do. Logical or no?
  5. @Mu_ sorry, I'm not sure what to make out of what you wrote ? It's too many things all over the place. And it doesn't adress my point really. That resistence to pain is caused by the illusion that you can die. Because there is a belief that self exists. This belief causes fear of death. If there was a clear experiencial insight that comes from a very high state of awareness that "I don't exist" everything appears just in an empty space, would that end my fear of death or no? I say it would. Because it's logical. What do you think? Isn't it logical for you too?
  6. @Nahm If the illusion of self got totally broken, than all fear of death would go away. Because you would know experiencially you can't die because you don't exist. So fear goes away. If fear goes away, resistence goes away and total acceptance of everything becomes possible. Does this make sense?
  7. See, this is what I'm saying. There is no self. But there's an illusion of self and this illusion is causing resistence and fear of death. Do we agree on this?
  8. I don't get this ? how does that have anything to do with what Ive sayed? ?
  9. @Fearless_Bum yeah, I think that's what I missed the first time I read it ?
  10. @Fearless_Bum I wonder if there's anybody at all to whom this makes sense ? idk why but it makes total sense to me...
  11. Lol I actually read it the second time and I got the joke ? sorry mb.
  12. Dude please don't do this ? Why does it have to be a battle? Can't we explore together what makes sense and what doesn't? We should be on the same team, only then will this have a happy resolve, don’t you think?
  13. @Nahm does it make sense that self grasping is caused by the illusion of self? So automatically it means that if you brake this illusion of self, self grasping will be gone. Also does it make sense that self grasping is the cause of resistence and suffering?. One who doesn't resist anything and doesn't have a Self to protect, one who experiencially knows nothing ever bad can happen to him because he doesn't exist. Wouldn't such a being be in total acceptance of everything? Because he experiencially knows not just intelectually that he can't die. So the fear of death and resistence to pain should be gone. Does that make sense? If it doesn't make sense then why not? ?
  14. Nahm what do you think? Does it make sense that a realization that there is no owner/doer/experiencer removes self-grasping and selfishness? If it doesn't make sense then why not. ?
  15. @Nahm lol guys ? please don't make it into a duel here ? lets just explore what makes sense and what doesn't, lets be on the same team. Only then I'm interested ?
  16. It doesn't look like you understood what I sayed. You're not able to pick any flaw in my previous post that I asked you to comment about. This fact remains the same no matter how many times you repeat your definition of enlightenment. You can’t find anything worng with what I sayed. You're simply putting your own definition of enlightenment on top of it and say "this is enlightenment" and everything I say is just "belief" and "preconceived notions". What I sayed makes so much sense... it really pains me to see that you can't admit something so obvious. Total pain I tell you. Pissed me off even ? sorry but it's true...
  17. Lol. Second place after me more likely maybe ? jk. The most awake person here is chi_ but he's no longer active. Too awake he is. Do you get this tension while meditating? Many people who start aware of awareness meditation start to feel pressure somewhere on the face or temples or forehead. It's normal.
  18. Why is it a belief and not a logical truth? Can you show me where the logical mistake is being made in what I wrote in my previous post or do you just label everything as "belief", and "preconceived notions". That's like shooting the messenger without willing to look at the sheer logic of it. You are dissmising everything I say but you don't explain where the fault in my reasoning is.
  19. I don't know but I think simply being quiet by yourself is a spiritual practice already. Simply being without any sense stimuli and no distractions you're being forced to be aware of what is happening within you. This awareness starts to burn ego and burn the mind and it can be very challenging. A monk is a very advanced meditator who had developed sufficient awareness to stay equanimous when ego starts to go crazy. A prisoner is simply incapable of facing his inner demons so direcly. We can only face the truth to the extent that we are ready for. If you experience something that you're not ready to accept it can traumatize you.
  20. The ideal I think is to reach perfect fullfilment. If longing for something more is still nagging you, than you haven't arrived yet. When there's no more longing for more, you arive at a place of perfect fullfilment within yourself. Than you can say the job is over. Aka, infinity, zero, nirvana, end of problems.
  21. Sorry, video is unavailable to me. Sorry for my previous tone also. I'm not tryint to shoot the messeger. It's the opposite. I agree with everything you sayed. But do you agree with me that the reason resistence exists is because of illusion of self that can die. This illusion that there is a self is the cause of fear and resistence. Now can you see the obvious implication here that if you truly get the insight that self doesn't exist. Do you grasp that it ends all fear of death and all resistence? Do you grasp that this insight that there is no self has to be a consiquence of intense awareness that penetrates all delusion of self/doer/owner and it cannot be an intelectual conclusion? Do you grasp that there can be degrees of how deep this insight can get? That the degree on which you know you don't exist will determine the degree of your acceptance? Do you grasp that experiencial realization that there's no me and nothing bad can ever happen to me is the end of all suffering? Do you grasp that suffering and resistence is caused because there is a belief that there's a self that can be harmed and can die. This illusion is caused by unawareness and ignorance. And it's the source of suffering. All this is to show that if there's is suffering, there is psychological resistence, and if there's resistence than it's because of self-grasping. And self grasping is there because of lack of experiencial insight that the self is an illusion. To brake this illusion you need enormous awareness. Intelectual understanding that the self doesn't exist won't do anything. Please bro.... please look at it. It's a flawless explanation. Don't turn away from it. Please consider even for 1 moment that this is could be logical and true. Allow this much possiblity and openness. I will probably leave this to rest now, I think it's a really solid, logical, step by step explanation that makes a lot of sense. I hope you at least consider this for a moment before rejecting it. We should close this now, enough was sayed. Cheers ?
  22. No bro. It's you. You are an expert at bullshiting. I got you into a corncer but you show me some irrelevent movies and changing topic to escape from being exposed. That last post was your chance to see your delusions that your realization is not complete but you choice to run away from it.
  23. So you could do a fire test then? Could you sit on fire with total equanimity and zero resistence then?
  24. You are right, but you don't deserve to say that, unless it's your true experience. Now it's only intelectual. If it was your true experience. You'd be a Buddha, incapable of suffering and total acceptance of the universe.
  25. @VeganAwake Wrong. Insight does exist and it does happen. This insight that there's no self happens out of intense awareness that penetrates all dillusion of self/owner/doer. There are degrees to it also. How intense your awareness is, that's how much delusion you can penetrate through. Depending on how much delusion you penetrate through, that big your acceptance and freedom from suffering is.